
  • 网络oral declaration
  1. 可不可以口头申报?

    Can I make an oral declaration ?

  2. 最广为使用的方法之一就是研讨会或者口头申报。

    One of the most widely used methods is seminars and oral briefings .

  3. 研讨会或者口头申报应该在对政治家和决策者很方便的地方举行。

    Seminars and oral briefings should be held in a location that is convenient for politicians and senior policymakers .

  4. 如您携带了上述物品,应主动向检疫官员口头申报,并接受检验检疫。

    In the case of you are carrying these commodities without the permit , he is required to declare to Chinese quarantine official and accept inspection and quarantine on his initiative .