
  • Oral feeding;meal
口食 [kǒu shí]
  • (1) [things to eat]∶食物

  • (2) [meal]∶膳食;饭食

  • 船上供给口食

  • (3) [grain ration] 〈方〉∶口粮

  • 这是全营战士五天的口食

  1. 口食组焦虑、恐惧比鼻饲组轻(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    Anxiety and horror of oral-feeding group were less than that of naso-feeding group ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.01 ) .

  2. 口食组咽喉及口腔舒适感较鼻饲组好,伤口分泌物较鼻饲组少,差异均有显著意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    Ease of pharynx , throat and oral cavity of oral-feeding group were better than that of naso-feeding group . Wound excretion of oral-feeding group was less than that of naso-feeding group . The differences were significant ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.01 ) .

  3. 方法同期口腔癌带蒂皮瓣修复术后病人21例,分为口食组(11例),鼻饲组(10例)观测病人体重、心理反应、咽喉舒适感、口腔伤口分泌物。

    Methods 21 postoperative oral cancer patients reconstructed by immediate pedicle flap were devided into oral-feeding group ( 11 cases ) and naso-feeding group ( 10 cases ) . Body weight , psychological reaction , ease of pharynx and throat and wound excretion were measured .

  4. 全部患者愈合后经口进普食,吞咽功能恢复好,无咽及食管良性狭窄。

    All patients could swallow ordinary food and had no benign esophagostenosis and pharyngostenosis after operation .

  5. 全天采食总口数在12400口左右,采食草群一口的平均重量夏季为0.199克,秋季为0.23克;

    Sheep grazed about 12,400 mouthes per day and the weight of every mouth was 0.199 and 0.230 gram in Summer and Autumn season respectively ;