
  • 网络seafood dish
  1. 味浓厚、嗜葱蒜,尤以烹制海鲜,汤菜和各种动物内脏为长。

    Strong flavor , Chuangsuan , especially cooked seafood , and various animal offal Shangcai longer .

  2. 在这片宁静的海边享用新鲜的海鲜、泰国菜以及国际化的美味,绝对是一种完美的浪漫记忆。

    Feast upon fresh seafood , Thai favorites , and international cuisine amidst the soothing seaside atmosphere ; this is the perfect place for a romantic evening .

  3. 比利时圣诞夜,欢庆活动由小饮和小吃开始,然后是“开胃”菜,如海鲜。接下来的菜是填满佐料的火鸡。

    Belgium On Christmas Eve , it starts with a drink and " nibbles ", followed by a " starter " course such as seafood , and then stuffed turkey .