
  • 网络Collimator Lens;collimator;FAC
  1. 采用一个由快轴准直透镜和一个高反射率平面镜组成的简单外腔,在腔长为几个cm时实现了半导体激光器列阵中部分单元的锁相运行;

    Phase-locking of a diode laser array was achieved in a simple external cavity consisting of a fast axis collimating lens and a high-reflection coated external mirror .

  2. 我们用一个普通的商用LDA、一个快轴准直透镜和一个外腔镜构成的简单外腔实现了LDA的外腔锁相运行。

    The coherent output of a LDA has been achieved by a simple EC consisted of a commercial LDA , a fast axis collimation lens and an external mirror .

  3. 自成像共振腔由两个焦距为8mm的准直透镜、一个焦距为500mm的傅里叶透镜和一个耦合输出镜组成。

    The resonator consists of two collimators with 8 mm focal length , a Fourier lens with 500 mm focal length , and a coupled output mirror .

  4. 利用傅立叶分解,平面波传播的角谱理论和光线追迹的方法讨论了在DLA外腔锁相中准直透镜的位置对系统的影响。

    The influence of the position of the collimating lens on the DLA system phase-locked in an external cavity has been investigated by using Fourier analysis , the angular spectrum theory of the plane wave and the light ray tracing method .

  5. 该系统采用双波长差分吸收测量法,将低损耗的光纤作为传光回路,用1/4周期的自聚焦棒作为准直透镜,能实现3km的远距离遥测。

    In the sensing system , low-loss optic fiber is applied as transmit loop , and 1 / 4 period gradient index rods are used as collimating lens . The sensing length of the system is 3 km .

  6. 空心高斯光束的非准直透镜系统衍射研究

    Study of Hollow Gaussian Beams Diffracted by a Misaligned Optical System

  7. 激光测头用二元准直透镜的研究

    Study on the binary optical lens used in the laser measurement sensor

  8. 光路中使用准直透镜时应注意的一个问题

    A should the notice question of using collimated lens in light path

  9. 微型准直透镜的研究与设计

    Strategic relations . The research and design of micro - align - lens

  10. 在外腔锁相实验中,准直透镜的调节是整个锁相系统调节的第一步,也是最为敏感和关键的一步。

    The accommodation of fast-axis collimating lens is the first step of the whole experimental system 's accommodation .

  11. 该成像系统由彩色摄像机、观察窗和转向镜、广角收集和准直透镜组、采集卡和计算机组成。

    The imaging system consists of a color video camera , an observation window and a turning mirror , a wide-angle collector and collimating lens , a video capture card as well as a portable computer .

  12. 实验装置主要分为锁相系统和测量系统两部分,作为主体部分的外腔是由一个快轴准直透镜和一面高反射率平面镜组成。

    The experimental apparatus system is made up of phase locking system and measuring system . A fast-axis collimating lens and a high reflectivity plane mirror compose the external cavity which is the main part in experiment .

  13. 通过分析输出腔镜、快轴准直透镜、芯片焊接、冷却器设计等关键的环节,对外腔锁相需要考虑的问题进行了深入的探讨。

    Through considering the output cavity mirror , fast axis collimation lens , chips welding , cooler designing and so on , we have widely understood the necessary consideration for the phase locking DLA in an EC .

  14. 该法用等效磁场的概念来近似处理网前径向电场,本文指出这一概念不适用于具有强准直透镜的现代摄象管,提出用Runge&Kutta法解复合场中电子轨迹的方法来代替。

    However , the concept of equivalent magnetic field as introduced in that method is not applicable to the modern camera tube which contains strong collimating lens . It is suggested to use Runge-Kutta methods for electron-ray tracing in the combined fields .

  15. 由于低温下单模半导体量子阱激光器与准直透镜出现双折射效应,导致输出光场偏振状态发生变化,使单个线偏模的光子数噪声增加。

    Due to the birefringence effect of the quantum well laser and the collimating lens in a low temperature cryostat , the polarization of the output light was changed , therefore the photon number fluctuation of the output individual linearly polarized mode was increased .

  16. 由于采用多根光纤回路及准直透镜,本系统不仅可以获得良好的出射光束,还可以将漫反射信号通过透镜会聚到后焦面的多根接收光纤中,从而扩大了接收口径,增强了接收光强。

    With multiple fibers receiving and collimating lens , the fine collimating beam is not only obtained , but can be converge to the receiving multiple fibers , as a result , the receiving caliber of the system is increased and signal power is enhanced .

  17. 自聚焦透镜与多模光纤的折射率分布都遵从平方律分布,基于这个事实,进行了以多模光纤生产工艺制造微型准直透镜的研究和设计。

    The refractive index profile of gradient index ( GRIN ) lens obeys square rule , as same as multimode fiber . Based on this fact , the research and design of micro align lens which is fabricated by means of multimode fiber fabrication techniques is carried out .

  18. 分析了半导体激光器光波经准直透镜的传输特性,对影响准直光束质量的主要因素作了深入讨论,并在实验上利用小口径大数值孔径透镜获得了高准直度的光束。

    The transmission properties of collimating lenses for semiconductor laser beams are analysed and the main factors to influence the beam quality of the collimated semiconductor laser beam are discussed . The highly collimated semiconductor laser beams are obtained by using the small aperture lenses with large numerical aperture .

  19. 本文从半导体激光器应用的角度出发,设计微准直菲涅耳透镜,获得了束腰直径为0.5mm、波前差的理论均方根值W(RMS)<0.002λ的准直光束。

    A micro-collimating Fresnel lens is designed for the application of semiconductor laser . Collimating beam with 0.5m and theoretical RMS W_ ( RMS ) < 0.002 λ of wavefront aberration is obtained .

  20. 半导体激光器光束准直微透镜的研究

    Study on Microlens Applied in Semiconductor Laser Beam Collimation

  21. 推导出了正交的两组准直微透镜阵列的面形公式;计算了准直光束的准直精度和聚焦光学系统参数。

    The orthogonal surface equation of the collimating micro-lenses array is derived , the divergence angles after collimating and the parameters of the focused lens are calculated .

  22. 用于半导体激光器阵列准直的微透镜设计与工艺研究

    Design and Process Research of the Microlens for Semiconductor Laser Diode Array Collimating

  23. 本文在分析单透镜对高斯光束的变换后束腰半径变化规律的基础上,得出了确定准直&聚集透镜组成的耦合系统参数的一般方法,并给出实例进行了验证。

    Based on studying the Gaussian beam 's change law through a single lens , the general principles to select the parameters is found .

  24. 自准直法测量薄透镜焦距时关于干扰像问题的分析

    An Analysis of the Causes of Interferential Images Caused by Autocollimation 's Gauging the Foci of Thin Lens

  25. 用莫尔技术准直光束和测量透镜焦距的一种新方法

    A New Method Using the Moire Technique for Collimating Light Beam and Measuring the Focal Length of a Lers

  26. 根据具体的探测环境和探测精度,通过理论分析,提出了脉冲式半导体激光器准直光束的单透镜设计方法和柱面透镜的设计方法,并且给出了具体的设计参数。

    Based on the required precision and actual detection background , single-lens and cylinder lens design methods are proposed to collimate the beam of pulse semiconductor lasers and their design parameters are presented .

  27. 介绍一种根据光栅自成象效应产生的莫尔条纹来准直光束和测量透镜焦距的新方法,该方法具有设备简单、调整方便、精度较高等优点。

    The paper presents a new method using the self-imaging effect of a grating for collimating light beam and measuring the focal length of lens . The advantages of the method are simple scheme and easy of adjustment and higher accuracy .

  28. 对高斯光束的准直进行了理论分析,用干涉法检测所制作的准直透镜的波像差,达到了精密光学系统像质的要求。

    Theory analysis of the collimation about Gaussian light beam is described and the designed collimating lens have achieved the technique target in wavefront aberration by intervention measurement .