
píng jīng
  • optical flat
平晶[píng jīng]
  1. 研究子孔径拼接在长平晶测试中的应用。

    The application of sub-aperture stitching in long optical flat was researched .

  2. 平晶表面形状加压分析判断法的原理与应用探讨

    The principle of judgement method by compression analysis of optical flat surface shape and discussion on application

  3. X射线平晶谱仪色散曲线和波长的确定

    Dispersion curve and wavelength determination in flat-crystal X-ray spectrograph

  4. 本文利用耦合方程推导了平晶衍射公式,并通过数值计算与W。

    In this paper diffraction 's formula are derived by coupling wave equation for plan crystal comparad with W.

  5. Darwin方程在平晶布拉格情况的二维解

    Solution to Darwin equation in plane-parallel crystal in Bragg case

  6. 其采用旋转平晶的方法实现激光对被测物的扫描,而采用PIN型光电二极管进行光电转换,通过测量时间间隔的方法间接测量物体的尺寸。

    The method of rotating flat crystal is used to make laser beam scanning the measured object . PIN-type photodiode is used for photoelectric conversion . By measuring the time interval , the size of the object is measured indirectly .

  7. 双平晶单色仪能量分辨率的研究

    On the Energy Resolution for a Double Crystal Monochromator

  8. 电弧等离子体的单波长激光平晶干涉诊断

    Diagnostics of the Electric Arc Plasma by Mono-wavelength Laser Interferometry with Optical Flat

  9. 对平晶衍射强度公式的讨论

    Discussion of Formula on Diffraction Density of Plan Crystal

  10. 试用等距计算法测量平晶平面度

    Measuring the plane degree of the optical flat by the same-distance calculating way

  11. 讨论了子孔径拼接的基本原理,建立了子孔径拼接模型,确定了进行长平晶拼接测试的基本算法。

    The principle was discussed . Testing the model of sub-aperture stitching were established .

  12. 无色光学玻璃折射率温度系数与平晶等厚干涉条纹

    Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients of Colorless Optical Glass and Equal Thickness Interference Fringe of Optical Flat

  13. 文章提出了一种新的检测方法即用数字波面干涉仪检测平晶的平行度。

    A new laser interferometer method is presented and used to quick measurement of parallelism of optical flat .

  14. 在光学冷加工领域,平晶是常用到的计量器具,而平面度是其参数指标中极其重要的一个环节。

    In traditional optical cold processing field . Flat is a commonly used measuring instrument . So flatness is very important of its parameters .

  15. 为了获得被测平面的绝对面形分布,提出了一种基于两平晶的平面绝对检验方法,即在菲索干涉仪上利用两块平晶的三个表面实现平面的绝对检验测量。

    In order to obtain the absolute surface distributions , a novel method is presented to achieve the absolute flatness measurement based on two flats in the Fizeau interferometer .

  16. 我国目前主要仍采用长平晶组分段互检方法作为直线度检定基准,测量精度不高(特别是在测量大尺寸零件时尤为明显)。

    At present , long optical flat is still mainly adopted as calibrating benchmark in straightness measurement , whose accuracy is not so high ( especially in measuring great-size parts ) .

  17. 分光晶体按其几何外形分为平晶和弯晶,其中弯晶又分为洛仑兹圆形和对数螺旋线型弯晶等。

    Analyzing crystal can be divided into plane analyzing crystal and bent analyzing crystal by shape , the bent analyzing crystal can be divided into Lorentz circle and log spiral crystal and etc.

  18. 分析了平晶装配误差对测量结果的影响,进行了精密轴系的动力学特性仿真,在此基础上完成了发射器的机械结构设计。

    Analyzing on the influence of flat-crystal assemble error on measurement , simulation of dynamic characteristics of precision bearing system and on these base designing the mechanical structure of the transmitter . 4 .

  19. 对系统进行了误差分析,研究光束倾斜、平晶两端面不平行以及计时单元产生的误差,并根据测量要求提出了对这几个部分的要求。

    The system error analysis is made . The effect generated by beam tilt , not paralleled flat crystal surface and time measurement on the measuring system is studied . According to the requirements of precision , demands is made on these components .

  20. 研究了DD8高温合金在平界面及胞晶区的晶粒竞争生长。

    The competitive grain growth of DD8 high temperature alloy in planar and cellular interface region has been investigated .

  21. 实验结果表明:在快速凝固条件下,随着凝固速度的提高,Cu-27.3%Mn的组织由低速平界面向胞晶、超细胞晶和不规则组织转变;

    The experimental results show that the microstructure of Cu-27.3 % Mn alloy changes from cellular to super-fine cellular , irregular microstructure and segregation-free solid with increasing growth rate with dendrite growth over the whole growth rate range , so the structure is fully cellular .