
  • 网络commodity distribution
  1. 商品配送在连锁经营中值得关注的几个问题

    Some Noticeable Questions on Commodity Distribution in the Chain Operation

  2. 我国连锁零售企业商品配送问题研究

    Research on Commodity Distribution of Our Chain Retailer Enterprise

  3. B2C电子商务中多商品配送中心优化设计的模糊规划模型

    Fuzzy programming model of optimal design of multi-commodity distribution centers for B2C e-commerce

  4. 而商品配送,是TK连锁超市的整个供应链管理中最核心的一个环节。

    Logistics is a most important link in supply chain management of TK chain supermarket .

  5. 就商品配送中,带有能力约束的车辆路径问题(VRP),设计了一种新的遗传算法。

    In this paper , a new genetic algorithm is designed to solve the vehicle routing problem ( VRP ) with capacity restriction in commodity delivery .

  6. 主要研究了基于GIS的连锁商业企业的商品配送服务信息系统中的一个基本问题&如何根据居民点的服务请求确定配送商品的连锁商店。

    In this article , the authors discuss a major problem in GIS - based merchandise delivery information systems for a chain Store business company in Shanghai that is to determine the chain store to deliver the merchandise to the customer in any location of the city .

  7. 您通常使用的商品配送方式?

    Which delivery method do you normally use ?

  8. 随着电子商务的兴起,大量用于商品配送调度的信息系统被建立。

    With the emergence of E-commerce , a large number of information systems for commodity distribution have been established .

  9. 可以说它在商品配送管理中起着枢纽和基础的重要作用。

    We can say it provides and delivers the important function playing the pivot and foundation while managing in the goods .

  10. 本章主要介绍了连锁商业及其商品配送到目前为止国内外的研究成果。

    In this chapter , mainly domestic and international research results on chain business and goods delivery will be introduced briefly .

  11. 对于几乎每家想在中国销售产品的公司来说,商品配送和运输仍是一件最头痛的事情。

    Distribution and the moving of goods remains one of the biggest headaches for almost every company looking to sell products across China .

  12. 一是介绍对连锁经营及商品配送研究的目的、意义、方法等内容。

    The concrete content includes six aspects : the fist is to introduce the research aim , significance , methods on chain operation and goods delivery .

  13. 它将通过京东覆盖全国6亿用户的物流仓储体系,提供当日达/次日达商品配送服务。

    It will offer same - and next-day delivery through JD 's nationwide warehousing and delivery network , which covers a population of 600 million consumers .

  14. 在物流活动的商品配送运输中,由于受不确定因素的干扰,对配送车辆调度的适时性造成了很大影响,从而增加了配送成本和降低了配送的服务质量。

    At present , the uncertain factor has serious effect on vehicle scheduling in commodity delivery , and this effect has made the cost increased and reduced the quality of commodity delivery .

  15. 针对客户生涯价值分析这一客户关系管理系统的重要问题,在分析已有工作的基础上,经过多级数据归约,提出了多商品配送企业适合工程计算的客户生涯价值公式。

    Customer life time value is one of the most important issues in customer relationship management system . Considering existing related work , and by multi-tire data reduction , we proposed a calculating method of customer life time value for multi-commodity distribution enterprise .

  16. 挑战传统的思维方式,制定正确的企业发展战略,拓宽资金来源的渠道,在采购管理技术、商品配送技术、信息技术和整体营销技术上迅速提高营运能力,全面增强企业的核心竞争力。

    They should break away from traditional business concept ( philosophy ), develop proper strategy ( tactics ), expand capital sources and enhance operating ability in technical aspects of stocking management , commodity distribution , information technology and whole marketing to improve their core competition ability .

  17. 商务信息、资金支付和商品配送构成了一个完整的电子商务活动,其中网上支付服务是电子商务中最为关键的要素和最高层次,起着连接买卖双方桥梁的作用。

    Commercial information , payment of funds and the commodity distribution compose a complete electronic commerce activity . Internet Payment Service is the most important factor and highest level of the E-commerce , playing the vital role as a bridge to connect the buyers and the sellers .

  18. 我国商品物流配送中心发展战略的探讨

    Discussion of Developing and Building Strategy of Logistics Delivery Center

  19. 烟草商品物流配送已成为烟草实现电子商务的瓶颈。

    The tobacco goods logistics has become the bottleneck of realizing tobacco E-commerce .

  20. 提出了加快我国商品物流配送业现代化的见解。

    The paper draws some conclusive suggestions on China s modernization of commodity distribution .

  21. 借鉴国外经验加快商品物流配送现代化步伐&日本、韩国物流配送特点研究及其启示

    A Study on the Characters in Commodity Distribution in Japan and South Korea and Some Policy Implications

  22. 建立一个科学的商品混凝土配送调度模型是加快商品混凝土产业发展的一个重要步伐。

    Building a scientific scheduling model for the distribution of the Ready-Mixed concrete is one step to quicken the development industry .

  23. 目前在我国支付问题正在逐步解决,而商品的配送成为制约电子商务发展的瓶颈。

    At present , China is gradually resolve the payment issue , and the distribution of goods restricted the development of electronic commerce to become a " bottleneck " .

  24. 并且商品混凝土配送在混凝土经营销售企业中总成本占据较大的比例,也是影响客户总体满意度的关键环节。

    And commercial concrete distribution occupy a larger proportion in the total business sales enterprise cost of commercial concrete , but also is a key link affecting overall customer satisfaction .

  25. 采购部门通过合理地选择供应商,与优秀供应商建立良好的关系,或者优化采购商品的配送环节等活动,给企业带来了很大的成本节约空间。

    The procurement departments should reasonably select the suppliers , establish the good relationship with the outstanding suppliers , and optimize the procurement flow , thereby bring the great cost saving to the enterprises .

  26. 从商业角度来看,电子商务的发展需要具备两个重要的基础条件:一是货款的支付;二是商品的配送。

    From a commercial point of view , the development of electronic commerce need to have two important basic conditions : First , the payment of the purchase price ; The second is the distribution of goods .

  27. 连锁经营特点是品种多、批量小、交易频繁和需求变化大,这就要求物流系统能根据消费需求把商品及时配送到各销售点,以满足消费者的需求。

    The characters of chain operation are varieties , batch less , trade frequently and requirements diversely . It requires logistics system to distribute the products into point-of-sales in time to satisfy the demands of various consumers .

  28. 手表、珠宝、手机、烟酒、冷冻生鲜等商品恕不配送。

    No deliver for such goods as watch , jewelry , mobile telephone , tobacco wine , frozen fresh food etc.

  29. 随着市场竞争的加剧,商品混凝土的配送的效率、成本、质量不仅影响社会资源的利用率,同时也影响企业的核心竞争力。

    As market competition intensifies , commercial concrete delivery efficiency cost , quality not only affects the utilization of social resources , but also affect the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  30. 然后对该适应能力结构进行了具体介绍,包括市场需求、供应商选择、门店需求、商品特点、配送服务、供应链优化和政府政策及社会环境,对连锁超市配送适应能力进行了识别与分析。

    And then , we specifically describe this adaptation capacity structure which includes market demand , supplier selection , stores demand , commodity characteristics , distribution services , supply chain optimization and government policies and social environment .