
  • 网络Surface bacteria;epiphytic bacteria
  1. 血液透析水处理系统PVC管道内表面细菌生物膜研究

    Bacterial biofilms on PVC tubing 's inner surface of hemodialysis water treatment system

  2. 煤中黄铁矿表面细菌氧化的XRD及SEM/TEM研究

    Research on SEM / TEM and XRD of Germ Oxidizing Pyrite Surface in Coal

  3. 在ABS外壳材料中添加抗菌剂可有效阻止产品表面细菌的滋生。

    The anti-microbial additive in the ABS plastic housing inhibits the growth of bacteria on the unit .

  4. DBD处理的时间与处理的电压对稻谷表面细菌杀灭率影响较大。

    The DBD processing time and electric voltage has evident influence on the extermination effect .

  5. NS组钛板表面细菌由疏松逐渐密集并增厚,形成较为典型的生物膜立体结构。

    NS Group titanium surface bacteria by the loose-intensive and progressive thickening of the biofilm formation of the more typical three-dimensional structure .

  6. 结果:涂抗龋IgY牙膏后,大白鼠牙龈黏膜和牙齿表面细菌明显减少;

    RESULTS : The germs of gum and tooth surface decreased obviously after smearing IgY toothpaste .

  7. 分别于手术开始前、开始后每30min、以及手术结束时,以无菌棉拭子采集皮肤、切口边缘、心包和纵隔组织表面细菌标本,同时采用细菌培养方法和PCR方法进行检测。

    At the beginning , end and every 30 minutes during the operation , samples were collected from skin , incision edge pericardium and compartment with sterilized cotton stick .

  8. 以该臭氧溶液加压冲洗0.5min,对不锈钢片表面细菌灭除率达100%(自来水加压冲洗5min,清除率为96.72%);

    Pressurized rinse with the ozone solution for 0.5 min killed 100 % of the bacteria on surface of stainless steel coupon ( pressurised rinse with tap water for 5 min could eliminate 96.72 % of the bacteria ) .

  9. 惰性材料表面细菌生物膜构建的研究

    Study on construction of bacterial biofilm on the surface of inertia materials

  10. 常用口腔修复材料表面细菌黏附的实验研究

    Adhesion of different bacterium to the surface of restorative materials in vitro

  11. 采用不同皮肤准备方法后皮肤表面细菌含量的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on bacterial number of skin surface after different preoperative skin preparation

  12. 研究人员在毕业典礼前后采集了14位校领导手掌表面细菌样本。

    The researchers swabbed the palms of14 school officials before and after graduation .

  13. 氮离子溅射对钛合金表面细菌黏附的影响

    Influence of N + Ion Sputtering on Titanium Alloy on Adhesion of Bacteria

  14. 不同消毒剂对藻酸钾印模表面细菌消毒效果比较

    Bactericidal effects of different disinfectants on contaminated alginate impression

  15. 胞外黏质物在心血管材料表面细菌生物膜形成中的作用

    Effect of Extracellular Slime Substance on Bacterial Biofilm Formation on Surface of Biomaterials

  16. 2003年济宁市城区浴室公用物品表面细菌污染调查

    The Investigates on Germs Pollution of Public Property Surface in the Bathhouse of Jining city Field

  17. 砾间接触氧化反应器中填料表面细菌多样性及其主要功能

    Procaryotae Diversity on the Biofilm of Carrier and Their Function to Excess Sludge Demineralization in Gravel Contact Oxidation Reactor

  18. [目的]了解济宁市城区部分浴室公用物品的表面细菌污染情况。

    [ Objective ] To explor germs pollution condition of public property surface in the bathhouse of Jining city field .

  19. 超细硬质合金复合粉及块体材料的制备与表征常用口腔修复材料表面细菌黏附的实验研究

    Synthesis of WC-Co composite powder and its bulk material Adhesion of different bacterium to the surface of restorative materials in vitro

  20. 目的:观察慢性根尖周炎根尖表面细菌生物膜分布及其超微结构。

    Objective : To evaluate the distribution and morphology of bacterial biofilm on the external surface of root apex of chronic apical periodontitis .

  21. 方法:用电镜观察绿脓杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌在三种人工晶体表面细菌粘附情况并计数。

    The number of Staphylococcus aures and Pseudomonas aeruginosa attached to the three kinds of IOLs was counted by scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) .

  22. 实验组乳胶导尿管表面细菌粘附、定植、聚集、初步成膜、形成成熟细菌生物膜的时间较对照组均显著延长。

    The experimental group latex catheter surface bacterial adhesion , aggregation , initial film-forming to form mature bacterial biofilm was significantly longer than the control group .

  23. 实验组钛板表面细菌由散在分布逐渐变为密集,形成简单的团状或片状结构,但未形成典型的生物膜结构。

    Titanium surface bacteria by the experimental group scattered gradually becomes dense , forming a simple corporation or flake-like structure , but formed a typical biofilm structure .

  24. 通过用铁浸染色法对细菌群体结构定量化研究,用糖包被负染法对群体结构内部结构观察,对粘附在组织表面细菌数量的测定,反映结构与粘附力的关系。

    The colonial structure was observed by glycocalyx negative stain . The adhesive bacteria on tissues were estimated . These reflected the relation between colonial structure and adhesion .

  25. 室内空气、医护人员手、物体表面细菌总数超标率分别高达77.27%、53.33%、29.63%。

    The missed-standard rates of indoor air , hands of medical staff and surface of objects amounted up to 77.27 % , ( 53.33 % ) and 29.63 % in order .

  26. 抗菌包装薄膜是一种加入抗菌剂后具有抑制或杀灭表面细菌能力的功能性薄膜。

    Antibacterial Film for packaging is a kind of new functional material containing antimicrobial which has the ability to restrain or sterilize the bacteria that accretes on the surface of object .

  27. 结果:在减少伤口表面细菌数量方面,冲洗机与橡皮球法、倒水法有统计学意义(P<001)。

    Results : The bacteria counts at the surface of wound irrigated with computed irrigating device are much less than those with rubber ball and bottle poured ( P < 0 01 ) .

  28. 含体积分数30%以上小牛血清和甘油均可显著降低等离子体对表面细菌的杀灭效果,随着有机物含量的增加,杀菌效果降低。

    Above 30 % ( v / v ) of calf serum and glycerin content could significantly decrease the efficacy of plasma in killing bacteria on surfaces and the germicidal efficacy decreased with increasing organic substance content .

  29. 结果,病房的桌椅、门把手、呼吸机、湿化瓶等表面细菌检出率为52.4%,呼吸机表面及其接头、湿化瓶和拖把上均检出铜绿假单胞菌。

    The results showed that the bacteria positive rates of surfaces of tables , chairs , door handles , respirators and humidifying bottles were 52.4 % . Pseudomonas aeruginosa was detected on surfaces and joints of respirators , humidifying bottles and mops .

  30. 检测表明,我市一次使用性医疗用品车间空气与物体表面细菌污染严重,产品初始染菌数超标率>35%。

    It was indicated by examination that the air and surface of articles in workshops for production of disposable medical articles in this city were heavily contaminated by bacteria . The percentage of products with initial bioburden exceeding the allowable limit was > 35 % .