
  1. 以期权激励机制健全上市公司法人治理结构经理股票期权激励机制探析

    On Optimizing Governance of Listed Company by Executive Stock Option Plan

  2. 浅议我国引入股票期权激励机制

    On the Introduction of Share Option Competitive Mechanism into China

  3. 股票期权激励机制及在我国国有企业的应用分析

    Stock Option Incentive Mechanism and Its Application in China 's State Enterprises

  4. 股票期权激励机制就是这样一种合理的长期激励机制。

    Stock options incentive mechanism is such a reasonable long-term incentive mechanism .

  5. 经理期权激励机制的建立和创新

    Setting-up and innovation of manager 's option incentive mechanism

  6. 对执行经理层股票期权激励机制的思考

    Profiles of General Managers Speculations about the Motivating Mechanism of Executive Stock Option

  7. 考虑公平偏好的虚拟股票期权激励机制研究

    To Study on Incentive Mechanism of Phantom Stock Option with Thinking Fairness Preference

  8. 一类股票期权激励机制的扩展模型

    Extended Model of Executive Stock Options Principal-Agent Problem

  9. 核心层股票期权激励机制分析

    Analysis on Incentive Mechanism of Executive Stock Options

  10. 论股票期权激励机制异化与舞弊财务报告

    The dissimilation of incentive system of stock option and the embezzlement of financial report

  11. 股票期权激励机制的多指数化和相对化设计及应用研究

    The Research of Multiple-Index and Relative Design and Application on Stock Option Incentive Mechanism

  12. 企业经营者期权激励机制的研究与设计

    Research and Design on the Enterprise Executive Stock Option ( ESO ) Motivation Mechanism

  13. 经营者股票期权激励机制研究

    Research on the Executive Stock Option Incentive Mechanism

  14. 股票期权激励机制是适应现代公司制的一种重要的激励契约。

    The mechanism of sock option is an important stimulating system adaptable to modern corporations .

  15. 经理股票期权激励机制探析

    Analysis of Executive Stock Option Plan

  16. 从研讨期股、期权激励机制阶段,发展到现在要准备实施期股、期权激励机制阶段。

    From discussing stock options mechanism for encouraging and restraining stage to performing stage till now .

  17. 国有上市公司经理人股票期权激励机制问题研究

    A Study of the Issue about Incentive Mechanism of Stock Option for Managers of State-owned Listed Companies

  18. 股票期权激励机制授予异质型人才在未来某一特定日期以事先约定的价格购买一定数量本公司股票的选择权。

    Stock option encouragement gives talents the right to buy an amount of options at a fixed price .

  19. 我国企业先后实行了承包制、年薪制以及股票期权激励机制。

    Chinese enterprise successively has carried out contracting system , annual salary system and stock call-option incentive mechanism .

  20. 第二章主要分析了传统期权激励机制理论,并且对股票期权激励的对象和实施该激励计划的公司的利弊进行了分析以及激励机制的理论依据的分析。

    The second chapter states option stimulating rationale and analyses the effect on both the manager and the company .

  21. 股票期权激励机制的理论基础主要是人力资本产权理论和代理理论。

    The share options incentive mechanism mainly bases on the property rights theories of human capital and principal-agency theories .

  22. 股票期权激励机制的缺陷分析及对策&从美国会计丑闻谈起

    Gap Analysis and Counter-measure of Stock Option as an Incentive Mechanism & Starting from Accounting Scandal in the United States

  23. 可见,高新技术企业由于其所具有的高成长性等特点,是股票期权激励机制实施的最佳温床。

    It is obvious that stock option can be perfectly executed in the high-tech enterprises owing to its high growth and high profitability .

  24. 本文着重通过两个具体案例对其进行案例分析以总结出基于股票期权激励机制下的财务分析的特点和注意事项。

    This article summarizes the characteristics and considerations of the financial analysis based on the stock option incentive mechanism through two specific case .

  25. 本文主要分析在我国实行经理股票期权激励机制面临的主要障碍并提出一些对策。

    The article mainly analyzes the main problems in carrying out ESO activating mechanism in our country , and puts forward some countermeasures .

  26. 我国商业银行应该探索实行股票期权激励机制,以进一步促进我国银行业的改革和发展。

    So the commercial banks should try to implement the stock option incentive mechanism to stimulate reform and development of China 's banking industry .

  27. 文章论述我国引入股票期权激励机制的必要性、可行性以及组织实施的对策。

    The article discusses the necessity and possibility of introducing share option competitive mechanism into our country , and also the strategies of implementation .

  28. 股票期权激励机制已在美国得到了广泛的推行,尤其是在硅谷的高科技企业中取得了巨大的成功。

    It already has been promoted extensively in the U.S.A. Especially , it has made enormous success in the high-tech enterprises in Silicon Valley .

  29. 行权期限作为股票期权激励机制的基本要素之一,是影响股票期权激励机制发挥作用的关键。

    As one of the basic elements of stock option incentive mechanism , the vesting period is the key role affecting stock option incentive mechanism .

  30. 最后对完善股票期权激励机制分别在法律、会计制度、市场、公司内部治理结构等几个方面提出了建议。

    Finally , the perfect incentive stock options in the legal , accounting , marketing , corporate governance and so on several aspects of the proposal .