
  • 网络Tungsten Rod
  1. 通过光电测试和回收样品的观察分析得到了钨杆击靶速度、入射角度对侵彻深度、坑体形状以及弹靶材料微观结构的影响。

    The influences of the impacting velocity and the incident angle of tungsten rod on the penetrating depth , the shapes of the crater and the microstructure changes of the target were obtained by electronic and optical measurment and analysis of the recovering sample .

  2. 钨杆弹高速侵彻陶瓷靶的理论分析

    Analysis of tungsten rods on penetrating ceramic targets at high velocity

  3. 钨杆旋锻加工操作机械手的研制

    The Development of Tungsten Pole Rotary Swaging and Processing Manipulator

  4. 钨杆弹斜侵彻研究

    Research of oblique penetration by rod projectile

  5. 四辊钨杆轧机

    The Four-High Rolling Mill for Tungsten Rods

  6. 世界上最大的钨丝生产企业&厦门钨业集团,决定对其钨杆旋锻加工生产线进行自动化改造。

    Group of tungsten industry of Amoy , the largest tungsten production enterprise in the world , determined to carry on an automatic transformation to its tungsten pole swaging process production line .

  7. 钨合金杆材料属性与侵彻性能的关系

    Relations between material parameters of tungsten-alloy rod and its ballistic performance

  8. 钨合金杆侵彻半无限厚铝合金靶的数值研究

    Numerical Study on Penetration of Semi-Infinite Aluminum-Alloy Targets by Tungsten-Alloy Rod

  9. 预扭转钨合金杆弹侵彻能力的细观研究

    Microscopic Investigation on the Improvement of Penetration Ability of Pre-torqued Tungsten Alloy

  10. 从大长径比钨合金杆对靶板侵彻的计算出发,找出了影响侵彻增量的主要因素。

    The major factor which influence the penetration increment are obtained , based upon the calculation of the model of long rod penetration into amour plate in this paper .

  11. 利用稳定理论对钨柱杆进行了稳定计算,利用有限元方法对固定套进行分析计算,得出了造成这种现象的原因。

    The destabilization calculation has been done to staff of the tungsten cylinders according to destabilization theory and the strength of the canister for fixation is calculated with finite element .

  12. 本文实验发现具有较大密度和较高速度的93W钨合金长杆模拟弹的穿靶深度反而比密度较小,速度较低的90W钨合金长杆弹的穿靶深度小。

    It was found in penetration experiments that the penetrating depth of 93W-alloy Long-rod penetrator with higher velocity is lower than that of the lower velocity long-rod penetrator made of 90W-alloy .

  13. 采用二维拉格朗日弹塑性流体力学计算程序LTZ-2D,分析了超高速钨合金长杆弹侵彻混凝土靶板的过程以及靶板的损伤破坏情况。

    The penetration and damage of concrete driven by long-rod tungsten alloy projectile under super-high speed was numerically studied with2D Lagrangian elasticity-plasticity hydrodynamic code LTZ-2D .

  14. 钨合金长杆弹侵彻陶瓷层合板的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation for penetration of ceramic composite plate by long-rod projectile of tungsten alloy

  15. 钨合金长杆体垂直侵彻半无限厚钢靶的非相似材料模拟

    Dissimilar material modelling of penetration of tungsten alloy rod in semi infinite steel targets

  16. 电镀钨合金抽油杆耐硫化氢腐蚀研究

    Study on H_2S corrosion resistance of tungsten alloy plated sucker rod