
  • 网络tig;gtaw;wig
  1. 钨极氩弧焊弧长自动调节装置的研究

    Study on the automatic regulation of TIG welding arc-length

  2. 钨极氩弧焊是现代工业制造的一种重要的焊接方法,其工艺参数的正确合理选择是充分发挥设备的效能、预防焊缝缺陷、保证焊接质量的重要因素。

    TIG welding is an important welding process in modern manufacturing industry , the selection of technique parameters is a key factor of exerting efficiency , seam prevention and quality guarantee .

  3. 手工钨极氩弧焊自熔技术与手工TIG双面焊比较,提高焊接效率2倍。

    The efficiency is twice as high as the manual TIG double side welding .

  4. 研究了珠光体钢和奥氏体不锈钢复合管钨极氩弧焊(TIG)接头的性能。

    Properties of pearlitic steel and austenitic stainless steel compound pipes TIG welded joint are studied in this paper .

  5. 为了推进镁合金的应用,本文采用固相扩散焊和钨极氩弧焊对Mg与Al异种金属进行了焊接试验研究。

    In order to improve the application of Mg alloys , the dissimilar metals of Mg and Al were welded by means of the solid-state and fusion welding in this paper .

  6. 利用ABAQUS有限元软件对铝合金平板钨极氩弧焊(TIG)焊接过程进行了数值模拟。

    The simulation of aluminum alloy plate tungsten inert gas welding ( TIG ) process using finite element software-ABAQUS was researched .

  7. Zr-4合金的脉冲钨极氩弧焊

    Pulse TIG welding of Zr-4 alloy

  8. 采用钎焊过渡层与钨极氩弧焊相结合方法研究了ZA合金与球墨铸铁焊接工艺性能。稀土镁球铁的脆性和韧性断裂

    The welding process between ZA alloy and spheroidal-graphite cast iron was studied . Brittleness and Ductile Fracture of Magnesium-Rare-Earth Spheroidal-Graphite Cast Iron

  9. Al-Si-Cu系铸造铝合金钨极氩弧焊

    Inert-gas tungsten-arc welding for Al-Si-Cu system casting aluminium alloy

  10. TIG重熔工艺是用钨极氩弧焊方法在焊接接头的过渡部位重熔一次,使焊缝与基本母材之间形成平滑过渡。

    TIG remelting procedure is using tungsten argon arc welding at the transition zone of the weld joints , which can make transition between the base metal and weld smoothly .

  11. 保护气体组成及其保护方式是决定CO2激光-钨极氩弧焊(TIG)电弧复合焊接工艺稳定性和激光、电弧两种热源能否有效耦合并取得增强的焊接熔深的关键原因。

    Shielding gas is the crucial reason for the process stability and the efficient synergetic effects between laser welding and CO_2 laser-TIG ( tungsten inert gas ) hybrid welding , resulting in bigger weld penetration depth .

  12. 热轧410S不锈钢板材钨极氩弧焊焊接接头的组织与性能

    Microstructure and Properties of TIG Welded Joint of Hot Rolled 410S Stainless Steel Plates

  13. 钨极氩弧焊(TIG)修整虽能改善焊缝形状,但弧坑处易于产生裂纹,疲劳寿命降低;利用最小二乘法给出立焊时疲劳寿命的估算式及S&N曲线。

    Where as TIG dressing can result in crater cracks and therefore shorten the fatigue lifetime . The S & N curve and life estimation equation under vertical weld after TIG dressing are presented by least square method .

  14. 以焊接电流为控制量,研制了薄板钨极氩弧焊(TIG)背面温度场等温线宽度闭环控制系统,实现了对焊缝背面熔宽和熔透的控制。

    A closed-loop control system with welding current as control parameter is founded to control the width of isothermal line of back-side welding temperature field in TIG welding of thin plate . The control of penetration and width of back side weld is achieved .

  15. 本文用钨极氩弧焊方法在18-8奥氏体不锈钢基体进行Fe3Al合金堆焊试验,并对堆焊层合金进行Na2SO4和NaCl热腐蚀行为的试验研究。

    The overlaying of Fe_3Al alloy with 18-8 stainless steel as base metal was conducted by using gas tungsten arc welding process , the NaCl-induced and Na_2SO_4-induced hot corrosion behavior of overlayers have been studied .

  16. 讲述了并接电容排除WS-200钨极氩弧焊电流衰减动作失灵的方法。

    This paper relates the method of excluding malfunction of current decline movement in WS-200 tungsten argon arc welding by parallel capacity C.

  17. Ni56Cr(22Mo13合合金作为重要的耐蚀合金材料,在工程应用时,不可避免地要遇到焊接问题,目前常用的焊接方法为钨极氩弧焊(TIG)。

    As an important material , Ni56Cr ( 22Mo13 meet a welding problem inevitably , it used to be weld by tungsten pole argon arc welding ( TIG ) .

  18. 本文介绍了新开发的微机控制热丝钨极氩弧焊(GTA)焊管系统,旨在提高焊接速度及质量以适应生产发展的需要。

    In this paper , a computer controlling hot-wire TIG ( GTA ) tube welding sys-tem is p resented to raise the welding speed and quality , which fits the needs of thedevelopment of production .

  19. 阐述了WS-200钨极氩弧焊电流衰减电路动作的故障原因、排除方法及其改进方法。

    And it elaborates the breakdown reason about decline of electric circuit movement current in tungsten argon arc welding , solutions and improvement methods .

  20. 试验采用钨极氩弧焊对接焊形式对BT20钛合金施焊;焊接接头的塑性变形试验在油压机上进行,变形过程中采用了双保温措施。

    BT20 titanium alloy is welded with butt welding on GTAW machine * Experiment of plastic deformation is done on press and double heat preservation measure is used during plastic deformation .

  21. 本文分别采用电子束焊(EBW)和钨极氩弧焊(TIG)对Fe3Al与A304异种合金薄板进行了焊接,分析了Fe3Al/A304接头区的显微组织和力学性能。

    In this paper the weldability tests have been performed on thin sheets of Fe_3Al intermetallics and 304 Stainless Steel by using EBW Welding and TIG Welding respectively . The microstructure and mechanical properties of the Fe_3Al / A304 joints were studied .

  22. 采用钨极氩弧焊方法(GTAW),在奥氏体不锈钢基体上堆焊Fe3Al合金,考察焊接电流和预热温度等工艺参数对堆焊试验结果的影响。

    The Fe__3Al alloy was overlaid on austenite stainless steel by the use of gas argon welding process , and the effect of such parameters as welding current and preheating temperature on the experiment result was also studied .

  23. 结果表明,在一定的焊接工艺条件下,使用钨极氩弧焊和与母材同质的焊丝,可以对ZA12材料进行有效的焊接。

    It is shown that under suitable welding condition , the alloy can be welded well by using TIG arc welding and the welding wire having the same composition as the alloy .

  24. 本文具体研究工作及结果如下:1.采用钨极氩弧焊(GTAW)焊接工艺对T92与奥氏体钢HR3C,Super304H分别进行焊接,获得T92/HR3C,T92/Super304H异种钢焊接接头。

    The detailed research contents and results are summarized as follows : 1 . T92 / HR3C , T92 / Super304H dissimilar materials joints are obtained by gas tungsten arc welding ( GTAW ) process .

  25. 双钨极氩弧焊(twin-electrodeTIG,T-TIG)的耦合电弧是由设置在同一个焊枪中的两个相互绝缘的钨极各自产生的电弧耦合而成的。

    The coupled arc of twin-electrode TIG ( T-TIG )( T : tungsten ; I : inert ; G : gas ) is a kind of particular arc , which is achieved through the coupling of two arcs generated from two insulated electrodes .

  26. 双钨极氩弧焊物理特性及工艺研究

    Research on Physical Characteristics and Welding Process of Twin-Electrode TIG Welding Method

  27. 电极因素对钨极氩弧焊焊接工艺性的影响

    Influence of electrode factor to welding procedure characteristic of TIG

  28. 控制棒环焊缝的脉冲钨极氩弧焊

    Girth Welding of Control Rod by Pulse Tungsten-Inert-Gas Welding Process

  29. 钨极氩弧焊工艺参数的选择和焊缝缺陷的预防

    Choice of technique parameters of TIG welding and prevention of welding defect

  30. 带有尖峰的低频脉冲钨极氩弧焊设备的研制

    A Development of Low Frequency Pulse Arc TIG Welding Machine