
  • 网络Living;Pukkusa
  1. 一个人物,两种写法&阿Q与福贵比较论

    One figure , Two Mode of Writing & A Comparison between Ah Q and Fu-gui

  2. 冉阿让和福贵不同的人生轨迹与归宿显示出中西迥然不同的传统人生观。

    The different careers and destinations of Jean Valjean and Fu Gui show the different traditional outlooks on life .

  3. 此鞋外面用白色布面,上绣蓝色的水波纹和绿色的蝙蝠及牡丹花,寓意福贵花开,多用于戏曲舞台上穿用。

    This shoe uses white cloth upper with embroidered blue water wave and green bits and peony flowers , which means blessing and richness , mostly used on opera stage .

  4. 1946年赵树理创作了长篇小说《李家庄的变迁》和短篇小说《福贵》、《地板》和《催粮差》。

    They were followed in 1946 by the novel Li-chia-chuang te pien-ch'ien ( " The Changes in Li Village " ) and the stories " Fu-kuei " ( " Lucky " ) , " Ti-pan " ( " Land " ) , and " Tsui-liang-ch'ai " ( " The Tax Collector " ) .