
  • 网络Code Division Multiplexing;cdm;cdma
  1. 近几年来,随着时分复用、频分复用、码分复用技术的不断发展,信道容量的增加已经非常的困难,此时智能天线凭借其特有的空间滤波的特性,引入了空分复用的概念。

    In recent years , with time division multiplexing , frequency division multiplexing , code division multiplexing continue to develop , the increase in channel capacity is already very difficult .

  2. 对实现全光码分复用通信的原理、系统构成进行了研究,并通过计算机编程模拟了光码分复用通信的相关接收过程。

    The principle and the system construction for realization of all optical code division multiplexing communication are investigated . The correlation receiving process of optical code division multiplexing communication is simulated with computer programming .

  3. 本文提出了一种基于码分复用技术的四路E1数据扩频无线传输设备的实现方案。

    This paper introduces a project based on code division multiplexed that is used to realize four El channels 's wireless transportation .

  4. 本文主要介绍结合码分复用(Code-DivisionMultiplexing)的OFDM系统,即OFDM-CDM系统在无线衰落信道中的传输。

    In this paper , combining orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing with code-division multiplexing ( i.e. OFDM-CDM ) system in wireless fading channels is presented .

  5. 由于OFDM系统中的资源是时频二维的,因此设计针对该系统的调度与资源分配方案时,与一般的基于时分或码分复用的系统相比也有所不同。

    Since resources in OFDM systems are two-dimensional time-frequency , so the design of scheduling and resource allocation scheme for this system is different from systems based on time-division or code-division multiplexing . Finally , wireless packet scheduling algorithm in the OFDM system is studied .

  6. SS/CDMA系统能为多波束对地静止卫星的固定业务提供多址和交换功能,该系统上行接入采用CDMA,下行采用码分复用,星上交换采用码分交换,整个系统采取按需分配控制。

    An SS / CDMA system can provide both multiple access and switching to a multibeam geostationary fixed satellite service . The uplink access method is based on CDMA , the downlink on code division multiplexing ( CDM ), and the onboard switching on code division switching ( CDS ) .

  7. 光码分复用(OCDM)是近年来受到极大关注的热点技术之一,它通过光编码和匹配光解码,实现光信道的复用、解复用。

    Optical code division multiplexing ( OCDM ) is receiving more and more attention recently . Optical channel multiplexing and demultiplexing can be achieved through optical encode and matched optical decode .

  8. 光码分多址技术(OCDMA)将码分复用(CDMA)概念引入光纤通信中,该技术具有全光处理,异步接入、软容量,网络协议简单、保密性强等特点。

    Optical code division multiple access ( OCDMA ), which introduces the concept of code division multiple access ( CDMA ) into optical fiber communication , provides the attractive features such as all optical process , asynchronous access , the soft capacity , the simple network protocol and high confidentiality .

  9. 光码分复用中的编/解码技术

    The Technology Of Encoded - Decoded for Optical Code Division Multiple-Access and

  10. 光码分复用关键技术及可调谐光脉冲生成技术研究

    Key Technology for Optical Code Division Multiple-Access and Tunable Optical Pulse Generation

  11. 全光码分复用通信研究

    Research on All Optical Code Division Multiplexing Communication

  12. 双极性光码分复用系统的研究

    Research on bipolar optical code-division multiple access system

  13. 码分复用数字音频水印嵌入方案

    Digital Audio Watermarking Based on Code Division Multiplexing

  14. 适用于光码分复用通信的可调光正交码编/解码器的研究

    The Research of Tunable Optical Orthogonal Encoder / Decoder for Optical Code Division Multiplexing Communication

  15. 采用码分复用与波分复用相结合的技术可以构成基于波长和码字转换的多跳光网络。

    OCDM / WDM multi-hop networks can be realized by applying OCDM into WDM multi-hop optical networks .

  16. 光码分复用/波分复用多跳网的地址码转换方案及误码率性能

    A New Scheme of Address Code Conversion and Its BER Analysis for OCDM / WDM Multi-Hop Networks

  17. 光码分复用可大大提高光纤的利用率,降低网络成本,简化网络管理,具有较高的网络安全性,但目前存在一些尚待解决的问题。

    OCDMA improves bandwidth utilization , reduces network costs , simplifies network management , and provides higher network security , but some problems have yet to be solved .

  18. 短波通信主要采用扩频系统,它有如下的优点:抗干扰、抗噪音、抗多径衰落、具有保密性和功率谱密度低,可码分复用等。

    HF employs Spread Spectrum , it has many advantages that include resistance to jamming and noise , tolerance of multipath effects , security and low spectral density , code division multiplexing , and so on .

  19. 然后分析了无线数据平台使用的技术:直接序列扩频、全双工、时分复用多址、码分复用多址、差错控制、移动性管理、数据通信协议;

    Then the key technologies of air interface are put forward , including the direct sequence spread spectrum , full-duplex , time-division multiple access , code-division multiple access , error control , mobility management and data communication protocol .

  20. 水声定位信号收发系统采用波形存储的原理,能够完成在频分复用模式下基站的自主定位;同时在理论上该系统支持基于码分复用模式的定位信号的发射,具有一定的扩展能力。

    In this system , it can complete self-positioning of base stations in frequency division multiplexing mode , by the principle of waveform memory . And the system can send the signal in code division multiplexing mode in theory , so it has a certain expansion of capacity .

  21. 数字码分多路复用遥测系统的研究

    On Digital Code Division Multiplex Telemetry System

  22. 混沌码正交频分复用SAR抗干扰能力研究

    Study of Count-countermeasures Performance of Basing Chaotic Code Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing SAR

  23. 研究了在空频块码正交频分复用(SFBCOFDM)无线通信系统中适用于多径衰落信道下的迭代接收机的设计,导出了一种迭代的联合信道估计与符号检测的算法。

    This paper considers the design of iterative receivers for space-frequency block-coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( SFBC-OFDM ) systems in unknown wireless dispersive fading channels . An iterative joint channel estimation and symbol detection algorithm is derived .

  24. 提出一种针对空时块码正交频分复用系统在信道信息不确知情况下的低复杂度半盲联合信道估计与解码算法。

    A low-complexity joint channel estimation and a decoding algorithm for the space-time block coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( STBC-OFDM ) system in unknown channels is presented .

  25. 目前,一种普遍的解决方法是将空时码与正交频分复用(OFDM)相结合,但需要假定信道变化缓慢,从而有足够的时间通过发送训练序列来进行信道估计。

    Now , a general solution is that combining STC with OFDM , but it is supposed that the channel changes slowly , so there is enough time to transmit the training sequence for channel estimation .

  26. 结论子载波上发送相位编码序列为广义类chirp序列(P4码)、广义多相巴克码的正交频分复用多载波信号具有图钉形的模糊函数,峰均比PAPR<2是多载波探测的优选波形。

    Conclusion The OFDM signals with a generalized chirp-like sequence ( P4 ), a generalized poly-phase barker sequence and a poly-phase Golomb sequence exhibit thumbtack ambiguity function , their peak-to-average power ratios can be maintained below 2 , which are the optimal signals for OFDM multi-carrier TDD .

  27. 提出了采用Turbo码的COFDM系统,它是将Turbo码与正交频分复用(OFDM)调制技术、差分编码技术相结合,称为差分Turbo-OFDM(DT-OFDM)。

    A novel COFDM scheme is proposed . It employs Turbo codes , OFDM modulation and differential coding technologies and is termed as Differential Turbo coded OFDM ( DT-OFDM ) .