
  • 网络mastergroup;master group;Main;Main Group
  1. 在该结构中,主群采用新的变异算子来保持良好的群体分布,并促使较优模式的快速增长,附属子群设计在有限区域内获取局部最优。

    In this structure , the main species use a new mutation operator to keep population diversity in entire search space and acquire the fast increasing of better models , and the additional species are designed to get local optima in the specified regions .

  2. 通过上述的定性和定量检测,结果表明在HT诱导K562细胞5小时和24小时时,凋亡细胞主群处于凋亡早期和凋亡晚期阶段。

    The results suggest us that K-562 cells treated with HT for 5 hours are in the early stage of apoptosis . In contrast , HT-induced K562 cells for 24 hours have already undergone an apoptosis death .

  3. 本文提出了一个基于复杂对象数据模型的、以权主群及权体簇作为授权单位的多级授权模型,即MAM模型,并讨论了面向文本数据库授权系统的基本功能及基本操作。

    This paper presents a multilevel authorizing model , MAM mod - el , which is based on a complex object data model and using authorizing subjects groups and object clusters as authorization units , and discusses the basic functions and operations of authorization system in a text-oriented database .

  4. 载波主群信号编码设备

    A FDM Master - Group Signal Encoding Equipment

  5. 我国伊氏锥虫同世界各地伊氏锥虫同工酶主群相似,与伊氏锥虫同工酶次群有区别。

    The T.evansi isolated from China were similar to the major isoenzyme group of T.evansi around the world , but differed from the minor isoenzyme group of T.evansi .

  6. 分析了主通道群延迟与调制频率对对消比之影响。

    Also , the effects of the interference group-delay and modulation signal frequency are discussed .

  7. 主的群羊,同来祂前,更新誓约与奉献;

    Come then , come , O flock of Jesus , Covenant with Him anew ;

  8. 给出了反主序半群的概念,并得到了反主序正则半群的一些性质。

    The concept of anti-principally ordered semigroup and some properties of anti-principally ordered regular semigroups are given .

  9. 据研究人员称,作为机主自身微生物群感应器的手机其潜能是无限的。

    In fact , the researchers say that mobile phones may hold untapped potential as personal microbiome sensors .

  10. 对唱是正与神的对唱,还是神与神的对唱,抑或是主巫与群正的对唱;

    The musical dialogue in antiphonal style was sung in duet by Wizard and immortal , or two immortals , or main wizard and group of wizards ;

  11. 本文通过苏通大桥主塔墩巨型群桩基础冲刷防护的试验研究、设计和成功的施工实践,形成了河口区建筑巨型群桩桥基冲刷防护成套技术和施工方法。

    By test , design and successful practice of main pylon huge pile foundation , Sutong Bridge forms a complete set of huge pile foundation scour protection technique & construction method estuary area .

  12. 应用量子主方程和半群逼近,研究了循环的一般性能特性,导出了制冷循环的制冷系数、制冷率和输入功三个重要参数的一般表达式。

    Based on the quantum master equation and semi-group approach , the general performance of the cycle is investigated . Expressions for some important performance parameters , such as the coefficient of performance , cooling rate , and power input , are derived .