- Primary partition;main partition

Now , type " p " to create a primary partition .
Some operating systems , such as Windows , must boot from a primary partition .
The disk used in the earlier examples has three primary partitions , all formatted for Linux use .
One of these partitions may be an extended partition , which can hold any number of logical partitions .
Either loader is installed at the MBR or at the first sector of the active primary partition .
As configured , each message is replicated once in another grid JVM and will be processed there if a primary partition goes down .
Unfortunately , many of the operating systems that require primary partitions are unable to boot from GPT disks .
When the operation is done , your microSD card contains two primary partitions
A PReP partition should be the first primary partition on one of the SCSI drives & preferably the first ( naming the partition sda1 ) .
For example , if a container JVM fails while processing a message , the onMessage method will be executed again on the new primary partition once it is promoted .
This procedure will create on the target SD card a primary partition for a FAT16 filesystem on the first partition , and a primary partition for a ext2 / ext3 filesystem on the second partition .
However , no matter how much we are divided into districts , either using a SCSI or IDE hard disk drives , hard drives must be the primary partition to set active partition , this is the only way through your system hard disk .
So , on this system ,( hd0,0 ) represents the Windows primary partition / dev / sda1 , while ( hd0,9 ) represents the Slackware logical partition / dev / sda10 .
Chief among these is the limitation of four primary partitions .
This limits the number of primary partitions on a disk to four .
Losing the primary-logical distinction may be important for some users , as well .
You are allowed four primary partitions , any of which can be extended partitions .
Warning ! This will delete all of data only 1 partition in your 1st HD !
If you need more than four partitions , give away one primary partition to create an extended partition .
What you need at the least is one primary partition which contains the root and one for swap .
And take advantage of these rules , the main achievement of the restoration of the partition table is lost .
If the database designer has created a Primary Partition Index on a table , queries should incorporate the partitioning column .
Or it may have a single primary partition / dev / sda1 and an extended partition / dev / sda2 .
To use encryption , you have to create a new partition by selecting some free space in the main partitioning menu .
When more than four partitions are required , as is often the case , one of the primary partitions must instead become an extended partition .
After returning to the main partitioning menu , you will see all encrypted volumes as additional partitions which can be configured in the same way as ordinary partitions .
For instance , you can 't shrink certain file systems , and you may need to carefully plan the positioning of primary versus logical partitions in your new layout .
This is , however , an ugly workaround that creates its own problems , such as difficulties installing multiple operating systems when too many of them want too many primary partitions to themselves .
If you want to take space from a logical partition to give it to a primary partition or vice versa , you must explicitly resize the extended partition that surrounds the logical partitions .
Thus , if you add a primary partition , it 's possible that no partition numbers will change ; but if you add a logical partition , all your other logical partitions'numbers may change .