
  • 网络chip rate;MCPS;LCR
  1. 水声信道的时变特性要求自适应均衡器系数以码片速率更新,而不是以码元速率更新。

    Time variability of the underwater channel requires that receiver adaptation be performed at the chip rate , rather than the symbol rate .

  2. 扩频信号是一个伪随机代码序列,此码片速率比消息数据速率高若干数量级。

    The spreading signal is a pseudo-noise code sequence that has a chip rate which is orders of magnitudes grater than the data rate of the message .

  3. WCDMA技术已经成为被广泛采用的重要的3G空中接口标准之一,较之于CDMA技术,WCDMA支持更高的码片速率,更宽的载波带宽。

    WCDMA technology has been broadly adopted as one of the important air interface standard in 3G systems . Comparing with CDMA technology , WCDMA supports higher code rate , wider carrier bandwidth .

  4. 本文研究了一种码片速率的RAKE接收机,这种接收机在不估计多径时延的条件下可以使期望用户的多径信号有效组合。

    This paper studies a new type of RAKE receiver called chip-rate RAKE receiver . It can optimally combine the multipath of the desired user without evaluating the time delay of each multipath .

  5. 本文提出了一种将自适应天线阵列与横向均衡器相结合、采用局部基于码片速率的信道估计和可变步长自适应算法的宽带CDMA上行链路空-时接收机结构。

    A novel spatial-temporal receiver structure for wide-band CDMA reverse link is proposed . This structure is based on the technical combination of adaptive antenna array and transversal filter , together with the chip-rate channel estimation and variable step-size adaptive algorithm .

  6. 对码片速率为9600chip/s的基带扩频信号解扩的仿真结果表明,该方案正确可行,并最终实现了用于基带解扩的数字匹配滤波器ASIC。

    The simulation results of de-spreading base band DS signal at the rate of 9 600 chip / s show that the scheme is executable and workable . Eventually , the DMF ASIC used to de-spread base band DS signal is realized .

  7. 利用降低码片速率有效降低每路信号占有的带宽,将每路信息的比特分配在不同的调制载波上,减少了各路信号间的多址干扰。

    Frequency width is compressed by decreasing signature-code speed and using bit-signal modulates by different carrier so as to decrease multi-user interference .

  8. 确定序列后,从信噪比的角度,理论分析了序列的长度和码片速率等因素对信噪比的影响。

    After sequence selection , from the point of view of SNR , the paper will theoretically analyse the sequence length and chip rate and so on factors for the influence on the SNR .

  9. 在频谱监测、电子侦听等非协作通信中,接收机要对直接扩频序列信号进行侦收,必须要首先估计信号的参数,包括波特率、码片速率和载波频率等。

    In non-cooperative communication systems such as spectrum surveillance and electronic interception , the receiver must estimate the parameters of direct spread spectrum sequence ( DSSS ) signal , including baud rate , chip rate and carrier frequency for demodulation .

  10. 该系统采用了低码片速率、时分双工、智能天线、联合检测等关键技术,具有频谱利用率高、频谱使用灵活、适合开展数据业务、系统成本低等特点。

    This system uses some key technology such as Low Chip Rate , Time Division Duplex , Smart Antennas and Joint Detection . The advantage of TD-SCDMA system includes : high frequency spectrum efficiency , flexible frequency using , applying to data service , low cost and so on .