
  • 网络Base Station Controller;BSc;RNC;CBSC
  1. CDMA基站控制器话音通路的测试

    Test of Voice Channel in CDMA Base Station Controller

  2. 本课题的任务是为采用CDMA技术的数字移动通信系统设计一个应用于基站控制器(BSC)内部的高速数据交换网络。

    The task of this research is to design a high speed data switch network which is used in a base station controller ( BSC ) of a digital mobile communication system based on CDMA technique .

  3. 基站控制器为每个ATM连接建立令牌模型,根据模型进行时隙分配。

    Token model of every connection is constructed in the base station for slot allocation .

  4. 具有V5.2接口的基站控制器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Kind of BSC with V5.2 Interface

  5. 第2章对本数字集群系统基站控制器要完成的MAC层协议功能加以介绍,并且对MAC层PDU具体结构和内容进行了分析描述。

    Then the MAC layer protocol function of this digital trunked system is introduced particularly , and the PDU structure and content of MAC layer is described .

  6. 详细介绍了一种通过V5.2接口与本地交换机(LE)相连的基站控制器的总体设计结构,从系统的硬件功能结构、软件功能结构和维护台软件功能结构等方面进行了详细的论述。

    The discussion includes three aspects : the BSC 's system hardware structure , system software structure and the function and structure of the operation & maintenance station software .

  7. 此外,将并行计算和MPI编程的技术应用到了基站控制器当中,实现双控制器的负载均衡,并比较了实现负载均衡的方法。

    Furthermore , the parallel computing and MPI program will be used in the Base Station Controller and load balance of two controller is realized with some methods , these methods are compared in this paper .

  8. 每个寻呼区内各自建设有一套高速寻呼系统,其核心为一套寻呼网络控制中心设备(PNCC)和多套发射单元(基站控制器和基站)。

    In each paging zone there is a high-speed paging system , which contains a PNCC ( Paging Network Control Center ) and many launch cells .

  9. 基站控制器是通信系统中的重要组成部分,能够通过空口帮助移动台建立多种语音和数据业务。

    Base Station Controller is a key part in a communication system , which helps the mobile stations to establish multi-kinds of voice and data service over the air .

  10. 这里的资源主要是指各种通信网络设备,包括小区、基站、基站控制器、交换机等等。

    The resources are mainly refers to sorts of communications devices , including CELL , Base Stations ( BTS ), Base Station Controllers ( BSC ), Mobile Switching Center ( MSC ) and so on .

  11. 该系统主要包括主控发射中心、基站、终端警报控制器及其所组成的警报专用控制网这四个部分。

    The system includes main control center , base station , terminal alarm controller and dedicated alarm control network .