
  • 网络basic dynamic load rating;basic rated dynamic load
  1. 换句话说,基本额定动载荷提供了一个基于丝杠类型和尺寸来计算寿命的基础。

    In other words , the Basic Dynamic Load Rating provides a basis of Life Calculations based on the size and type of ball screws .

  2. 以可靠性理论为出发点,研究了滚动轴承在不同可靠度要求时的设计计算方法,找出了轴承寿命与可靠度间的关系及基本额定动载荷与可靠度间的关系。

    Based on the reliability theory this paper studied Design-computation methods of rolling bearing in the case of different reliability . The relation between life and reliability of the rolling bearing , and basic dynamic load rating and reliability of the rolling bearing were found .

  3. 因此,文中建立了P、Q与电机额定功率以及轴承基本额定动载荷之间的约束关系。

    Therefore , we established the constraint relations between P , Q with the motor rated power and bearing basic rated dynamic load .

  4. 以基本额定动载荷Cr作为初期优化的目标函数,选取4个设计变量,分别采用复合形法、内点罚函数法和外点罚函数法对牙轮钻头圆柱滚子轴承进行了优化设计。

    By taking the maximum normal dynamic load as the objective function , the rock bit roller bearing is optimized with four variables .