
xī qiān hé jīn
  • Tin lead alloy;tinsel;leypewter
  1. 结果发现,在柠檬酸-EDTA体系锡铅合金电沉积溶液中,铅的电沉积比锡更困难些。

    It is found from the experimental results that in citrate-EDTA system of tin-lead alloy electrodeposition solution lead is more difficult to deposit than tin .

  2. 平面流铸雾化制取锡铅合金粉末的研究

    Development of Planar Flow Casting Atomization Process to Produce Tin-Lead Alloy Powders

  3. 高级精密焊接纯锡铅合金材料制品。

    High precision welding materials pure tin lead alloy products .

  4. 氟硼酸盐锡铅合金镀液中锡、铅含量的测定

    Determination of tin and lead content in fluoborate tin-lead alloy plating baths

  5. 微酸性光亮锡铅合金镀液分析方法

    Analysis of Mild Acid Bright Sn-Pb Alloy Plating Solution

  6. 锡铅合金的热型连铸

    Heated mold Continuous Casting of Tin lead Alloy

  7. 锡铅合金镀液配方的演变

    Evolution of tin - lead alloy bath formulations

  8. 电沉积锡铅合金相组成的研究(阳极溶出伏安法)

    Study on the Phase Composition of Electrodeposited Tin-Lead Alloy ( An Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Study )

  9. 甲基磺酸盐电镀锡铅合金

    Tin Lead Plating with Methylsulfonate

  10. 印制板与无铅化无铅覆铜板电镀锡铅合金

    Tin Lead Alloy Plating

  11. 锡铅合金因其优良的可焊性和耐锡须性能广泛应用于电子工业中。

    The electroplated tin-lead alloy has been widely applied in electronic industry for its excellent solderability and whisker-free crystal .

  12. 介绍了利用甲磺酸锡铅合金镀液制备电镀凸点的工艺过程,讨论了影响电镀质量的工艺参数:表面光亮度、分散及覆盖能力、沉积速率等。

    The factors influencing the electroplating quality were discussed , such as surface bright , throwing ability , covering ability and deposition rate .

  13. 本文通过复合电沉积的工艺在锡铅合金镀层中加入酸处理后的碳纳米管,制备出碳纳米管锡铅复合减摩镀层。

    We use compound electro-deposition process fabricated carbon nano-tubes ( CNTs ) / Sn-Pb composite coating by adding pre-acidized CNTs in the Sn-Pb coatings .

  14. 低熔点锡铅合金电磁连铸模拟实验表明,施加高频电磁场能够消除表面振动痕等缺陷,但是凝固组织中还存在晶粒粗大的问题;

    Experiments results show that surface defects such as oscillation mark are eliminated by imposing high electromagnetic field , however , solidification structure of ingot cast is made up of coarse columnar grains .

  15. 利用液柱高度数学模型对铝、钢、锡铅合金等金属的电磁铸造可行性,以及电力参数对液柱高度的影响进行研究。

    The effects of the parameters ( magnetic intensity and frequency ) on the liquid height and on the feasibility of electromagnetic casting were studied by the application of the mathematical model in aluminum and Sn-3 % Pb alloy .

  16. 对锡-铅合金镀层的耐焊性和可焊性进行了检验以获得合格的MLCI产品。

    Therefore , solderability of Sn Pb alloy deposit was tested for qualified MLCI products .

  17. MLCI端头电极锡-铅合金电镀工艺及维护、镀后的清洗、MLCI的储存影响镀层的耐焊性和可焊性。

    Solderability of Sn Pb alloy deposit is determined by electroplating process and its maintenance , post treatment rinsing , storage of MLCI , etc.

  18. 铝及其合金电镀光亮锡-铅合金工艺研究

    Study of Bright Sn-Pb Alloy Electroplating Technology on Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy

  19. 锡对铅合金电极在硫酸溶液中的电化学行为影响的研究

    Influence of Sn on Electrochemical Behavior of Lead Alloy Electrodes in Sulfuric Acid

  20. 锡&铅合金的热力学性质研究

    Thermodynamic Properties of the Lead-Tin System

  21. 介绍了叠层片式电感三层端头电极即银基底电极、镍层、锡-铅合金镀层的性能及制备工艺。

    Properties and preparing process of tri layer films with Ag base coating , Ni electrodeposit , Sn Pb alloy for terminal electrode of multilayer chip inductor were described .

  22. 锡铅稀土钎料合金高温蠕变性能试验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Creep Properties of Sn-Pb-Re Solder Alloy

  23. 火试金测定锡铅金锑合金中金含量

    Determination of Gold Content in Tin-Lead-Gold-Antimony Alloy by Fire Assay Method

  24. 低锡高铅粗合金电解试验研究

    Test and Research on Electrolysis of Low-tin and High - lead Bullion

  25. 液态锡及锡铅合金对聚丙烯的促流作用

    Promoting flow action of low melting point metal on Polypropylene

  26. 稀土对锡铅共晶合金定向凝固组织的影响

    Influence of Rare Earths on Microstructure of Directional Solidified Tin Lead Eutectic Alloy

  27. GB/T5191-1985锡、铅及其合金箔和锌箔

    " Tin and tin alloy foil , lead and lead alloy foil Zinc foil "

  28. 用阳极溶出伏安法对电沉积锡铅二元合金的相组成进行了现场研究。

    Study of phase composition of electrodeposited tin-lead alloy was conducted in situ by using anodic stripping voltammetry .

  29. 在对腐蚀钝化阻抗层形成过程和机理进行分析的基础上,分析了锡含量对铅合金阳极氧化膜电导和厚度的影响。

    According to the analysis of mechanism and formation process of the passive layer , the analysis was made on the influence of tin content to the conductivity and thickness of the oxidation film of lead alloy .

  30. 磺酰苯胺甲酰基苯甲酸甲磺酸电镀光亮锡-铅-铋合金工艺研究

    Study on Bright Tin-Lead-Bismuth Alloy Electroplating Technology with Methylsulfonic Acid Bath