
  1. 湖南省砂锡矿资源开发战略研究

    The strategic study of exploitation of placer tin ore resources in Hunan Province

  2. 中国的锡矿资源较为丰富。

    Tin Deposit resources in China are very abundant .

  3. 我国锡矿资源具有分布集中,共、伴生矿多的特点;

    Tin resource in China is characterized by intensive distribution and abundant associated ores ;

  4. 锡矿资源是我国具有战略意义的优势矿种之一。

    The Tin ore resource is the one of minerals of superiority and strategy in our country .

  5. 本文在分析了近十年来世界锡矿资源的储量、产量和消费量以及价格后,进一步从锡的产量、消费量和价格三个方面对其发展前景进行了预测。

    After analysing it 's reserves , production , consumption and price , this paper predict the production , consumption and price about tin in the later years .

  6. 由于锡矿资源面临枯竭,因此锡尾矿资源的综合回收利用成为云锡等锡矿山企业求生存、谋发展的重要途径。

    Because of the lack of tin resources , the comprehensive utilization of tin tailings has became the important way to develop the tin enterprise like Yunnan Tin Company .

  7. 随着锡资源多年的开发利用,锡矿资源越来越少,入选品位越来越低,有的甚至低于早期尾矿中的锡品位。

    The tin resource is less and less , the grade is getting lower and lower with yeas of the development and utilization . The grade of the crude ore is even lower than the tin tailings in some place .

  8. 介绍了云南省锡矿资源的分布、主要锡矿和开发利用现状,指出了云南锡矿开发利用存在的主要问题,并提出了实现锡资源开发可持续发展的策略。

    Tin resource distribution , the major tin deposits and utilization status of Yunnan Province are summarized in this paper . The problems in exploitation are analyzed . And the countermeasures for utilization and its sustainable developing of tin resource are set forth .

  9. 锡矿资源开发和利用过程中,经过多年的开采,国内外都不同程度的面临着锡矿石原矿品位下降、后续资源不足等问题。

    During the process of development and usage of the tinstone and with perennial extracting , there are many problems such as the decline of quality of Tinstone raw ore , and the shortage of follow-up resource at home and abroad in different degree .