
  • 网络superposition;additive;duplicate effect;binocular summation
  1. 合用ACEI与ARB具有良好的叠加作用。

    Combination of ACEI and ARB has a preferably additive effect .

  2. 结论Phy可增强缺血预处理诱导的脑缺血耐受作用,下调脑组织再灌注损伤时IL-1β和TNF-α的表达,二者具有叠加作用。

    Conclusion Physcion can strengthen the effect of ischemic tolerance induced by brain ischemic preconditioning and decrease the expression of IL-1 β and TNF - α, they both have additive effect .

  3. 元素垂向分带上,Pb位于中下部,Zn靠前,指示存在流体的叠加作用。

    Elements bring vertical points , pb in the lower part , zn front , indicates the presence of fluid superimposed .

  4. 局部破碎变质带内花岗岩类中Cu、Pb、Zn成矿元素含量的相关性说明多金属成矿元素来自同一围岩,总体显示成矿不但严格受构造控制,而且成矿后期改造对它的叠加作用也十分显著。

    The relevance among Cu , Pb and Zn in the granites in local fractured metamorphic belts shows that polymetallic ore-forming elements come from the same wall rock . Mineralization is not only severely controlled by structures but also obviously affected by later superimposition and reformation .

  5. 结论BAI联合PAI这一双介入疗法既能治疗原发灶,又可控制转移灶,且对较大肺癌也取得了较好的疗效叠加作用,是一种较好的综合性治疗方案。

    Conclusion The combined interventional therapy of BAI and PAI is a more effective synthetical method for treatment only for primary tumor , but also metastasis lesions . It have better cooperative effect on the bigger lesions of lung carcinoma .

  6. 微差爆破的波形叠加作用分析

    Analysis of Waveform Superimposed Action of Millisecond Blasting

  7. 在实验的基础上,首次提出了双波长激光叠加作用的叠加效应的观点。

    Based on the experiments , the viewpoint of the double wavelength effect has been brought forward firstly .

  8. 因此,发动机压气盘在飞机服役过程中将承受更大的机械应力和热应力的叠加作用。

    Therefore , the compressor disk should undergo much stronger stresses both in mechanical condition and thermal condition during working .

  9. 事实上,在多种因素的叠加作用下,投资中国地产开发商发行的债券成为了一个愈发可疑的选择。

    In fact , the combination of several factors makes investing in the bonds of Chinese property developers an increasingly iffy proposition .

  10. 结论提前视觉刺激和高氧均可诱导小鼠形成可逆性相对近视,且两种因素可产生叠加作用。

    Conclusion Both premature visual exposure and hyperoxia can induce relative myopia , and relative myopia increased when these two factors existed together .

  11. 9.4号矿体微量元素垂直分带特征表明,4号矿体一至三中段发生了矿化的叠加作用。

    The trace element vertical zoning characteristics of 4 orebody show that , orebody happened mineralization superposition in one to three middle section .

  12. 由于受此三期构造应力的叠加作用,矿体在区内发生了错断、褶皱等复杂的变形变质作用。

    Because of this three stage tectonic stress superposition effect , ore bodies in the area occurs fault , fold and other complex deformation metamorphism .

  13. 狼山北西侧,则由于强烈的褶皱叠加作用,促使矿层在褶皱转折端等有利部位加厚,形成厚大工业矿体。

    In the northwest side of Langshan , superposed folding makes ore beds thickened at hinge zone of folds in which large industrial ore bodys are formed .

  14. 影响松材线虫病发生、发展、蔓延与流行的因子很多,它们具有极其复杂的空间分布结构,这些因子借助空间媒介交叉作用、叠加作用,构成了极其复杂的空间格局和模式。

    These factors have very complex space distribution structure . They interact and overlap each other in the space and form a very complex space pattern and model .

  15. 若形成暴雨与地震的叠加作用,滑坡体稳定系数变为1.02,滑坡体处于不稳定状态。

    If under the condition of rain storms with earthquake , the landslide body stability coefficient changes into 1.02 , the landslide body is in the unsteady state .

  16. 结果(1)椎管内退变结构在颈椎伸屈活动时常形成较自然位更加严重的脊髓压迫征象,而且它们间还有动态叠加作用。

    Results ( 1 ) The spinal cord compression due to degeneration structure in flexion-extension was more significant than that in static position , it even had pile up effect .

  17. 通过对矿床的地质、地球化学特征研究,初步认为该矿床受后期变质热液的强烈叠加作用,形成沉积变质热液叠加改造型矿床。

    Through the study for geologic , geochemical characteristics of deposit , it is preliminarily considered that strong superimposed metamorphism by the late hydrothermal metamorphism form a remarking sedimentary metamorphic hydrothermal superimposed deposit .

  18. 受到经济增长和多种鼓励消费政策的叠加作用,近年来我国乘用车市场生产和销售保持连续高增长的态势,产销量屡创新高。

    With the superposition of economic growth and various encouraging policy , the production and sales in the passenger car market in China maintain sustained high growth resent years , and the quantity keeps hitting the record level .

  19. 分析油浆换热器管板受力和腐蚀环境:管板在焊接残余应力、温差应力、气-液两相流的诱导振动及装配应力的相互叠加作用下,受拉应力;

    By the stress and corrosion condition analysis of tube-plate , the tube-plate is borne tension stress under superimposition of the welding residual stress , thermal stress , vibration induced by gas-liquid phase flow and the assembly stress .

  20. 滑体低能效应、滑体低推力效应、滑带(面)强度自行恢复效应和滑体自行消能效应的叠加作用,导致滑坡以低速运移。

    The comprehensive action of these effects , such as low-energy , low-thrust and self-recovering of strength of the slide face , self-dissipating energy of the slide mass , results in low-speed in the sliding of the landslide .

  21. 在全球化、信息化、区域经济一体化的等多重环境叠加作用下,原本禁锢于行政区划内的公共问题挣脱行政界限的束缚,衍变成区域公共问题。

    Under the action of multiple environment superpose by globalization , information , regional economic integration , the public problems which have detained in the administration divisions breaking from the shackles of boundaries , evolved into regional public problems .

  22. 缺氧和收缩双重刺激导致比目鱼肌葡萄糖转运速率出现部分叠加作用,提示收缩和缺氧调节葡萄糖转运的机制可能因肌纤维不同而有所不同。

    The finding that the combined stimulation of contraction and hypoxia caused a partially additive effect on glucose transport rate in soleus muscle implied that the mechanisms associated with contraction - and hypoxia-mediated glucose transport might be muscle fiber specific .

  23. 短时微差起爆的爆破作用机理类同于排间段别微差爆破,但爆破应力波的叠加作用及爆炸气体作用更加充分,爆破裂纹的形成、交叉分枝现象更为普遍。

    The blast mechanism of short millisecond is similar to that of the segment millisecond blast , but its interaction of stress wave and explosion gases is more complete , the crack formation and its interface branching is more obvious .

  24. 温室效应造成的全球变暖已成为本世纪最大的全球性环境问题,在自然与人为因素的叠加作用下,全球土地沙漠化问题正变得越来越严重。

    Global warming resulted from greenhouse effect has already become the most serious global environmental problem in the present century , owing to the natural factor and human disturbance , land desertification around the desert is becoming more and more serious .

  25. 元素地球化学研究表明:广西龙胜地区上元古界浅变质含砾砂岩、细砂岩、粉砂岩及大理岩的成矿元素丰度普遍较高,具有显著浓集和后期叠加作用;

    Study of element geochemistry shows that the Late proterozoic light metamorphic gravel bearing sandston , fine sandstone , siltstone and marble in Longsheng area , Guangxi , are commonly higher in element abundance , indicating obvious concentration and later superposition ;

  26. 通过地面沉降对相对海平面上升的叠加作用、地面沉降对城市防汛安全的影响、地面沉降在城市灾害系统中的作用与影响,分析了地面沉降的生态环境效应。

    According to the superposition of land subsidence relative to sea level rise , the effect of land subsidence on urban flood prevention security , the function and influence of land subsidence in urban disaster system , ecological effect of land subsidence was explored .

  27. 通过正交试验和平行组对比试验,探究了添加硅灰、聚丙烯纤维对其强度、抗氯离子渗透和干燥收缩性能的作用,分析了复合的叠加作用和优化机理,为工程实际应用提供参考。

    Through the orthogonal experiment and parallel group comparison test . Silica fume and polypropylene fiber has influence on concrete strength , chloride-permeation behavior and drying shrinkage behavior , then analysising the superposition effect and optimization mechanism to provide reference for practical engineering application .

  28. 伸展盆地复杂断块区往往发育多个方向的断层,这种复杂的正断层组合过去有人认为是多期构造叠加作用的结果。

    There are many faults with different trends in complicated fault blocks in an extensional basin , and the fault assemblages are very complex . Such complicated fault assemblages are usually thought to be the result of superposition tectonic events of multiple stages in the past .

  29. 多次叠加作用形成了准噶尔盆地西北缘、南缘与东北缘3个前陆冲断带。西北缘逆掩断裂带早已被证明为大型油气聚集带;

    It was the multi-superimposition that formed such three foreland thrust belts as the northwestern margin , the southern margin and the northeastern margin of Junggar basin , of which the overthrust fault belt in the northwestern margin was already by the proof a large-scale oil-gas accumulation belt ;

  30. 对于N次编码来说,其解码记录要比原单次记录增强N倍,这相当于起了垂直叠加的作用。

    As for the encoded record of N order , the decoded signal is N times larger than primary one-fold signal , which means a vertical stacking .