
  • 网络Hard Handoff;hard handover;HHO;MAHHO
  1. 主要探讨了在CDMA网络设计时,如何考虑空闲状态时终端的守候方式、终端业务请求时网络资源的分配方式以及跨载频硬切换的解决方案这3个方面的问题。

    To discusses how to consider terminal wait mode in idle mode , network resource allocation mode when there are terminal service request , and the solution of inter-carrier frequency hard handover in CDMA network design .

  2. 本文针对TD-SCDMA网络中异常切换问题,以TD网络内切换触发条件和切换算法研究为切入点,分别分析了接力切换、硬切换与2G-3G系统间切换移动性能指标,切换统计标准和切换的信令流程。

    Firstly , the paper focuses on trigger conditions and algorithm analysis of handover in TD-SCDMA networks , including system performance index , statistics criteria and signaling flow respectively of baton handover , hard handover , handover between 2G networks and TD-SCDMA .

  3. CDMA局间硬切换流程及现场调测方法

    Main Flow of CDMA Inter-MSC Hard Handoff and Field Test Method

  4. WCDMA的硬切换技术

    WCDMA Hard Handoff Technique

  5. WCDMA的切换可以分为软切换(包括更软切换)、硬切换、前向切换以及系统间切换。

    WCDMA handoffs include soft handoff ( softer handoff involved ), hard handoff , forward handoff and handoff between systems .

  6. 详细介绍了WCDMA的硬切换技术、信令流程,以及在现网中的实现。

    In this paper , WCDMA hard handoff technique , signaling procedure and realization in present network are introduced in details .

  7. 因此,必须对现有的LTE硬切换机制进行优化,提高其越区切换的成功率。

    Therefore , we must optimize the existing LTE hard handoff scheme to improve the success rate of the handoff .

  8. 介绍了WCDMA系统的切换控制机制,比较了硬切换和软切换的不同特点,分析了切换参数对系统性能的影响。

    The handoff control mechanism of WCDMA system is presented . The different characteristics of hard handoff and soft handoff are compared . The effect of handoff parameters on system performance is analyzed .

  9. 本文针对中国联通CDMA网络建设中多载波区域的设计及硬切换算法进行了深入的研究与阐述,旨在使多载波区域的设计更合理,切换成功率更进一步提高。

    This paper conducted further study and discussions on the design of multi-carrier area and the calculation of the hard handoff of China Unicom CDMA mobile communications construction , with a view to make the multi-carrier area design more reasonable and hard handoff more efficient .

  10. 虽然HS-DSCH的切换属于硬切换,但激活集的更新是和软切换相同。

    Though the handoff of HS-DSCH is hard handoff , the update of active set is the same as soft handoff .

  11. 介绍了UTRAN的用户移动性管理中的小区更新、软切换和硬切换、给出了流程图,并对软切换和硬切换做了比较。

    The paper presents cell update and soft / hard handover for mobility management of 3G UTRAN . The flow chart and comparison between soft handover and hard handover are also available .

  12. 目前的切换算法包括硬切换和平滑切换等,硬切换丢报率非常大。

    Recently , the handoff algorithms include hard handoff and smooth handoff .

  13. 然后,在我们的工作中,我们只关注硬切换。

    However , in our work , we only emphasized on the hard handover .

  14. 首先分析了传统硬切换策略,传统硬切换的切换时间较长以及切换过程中的数据中断是高速铁路场景下切换失败的重要原因。

    Firstly , traditional hard handover schemes are introduced . These schemes would lead long handover delay and outage , which are the main reasons of handover failure .

  15. 标准定义了三种切换:硬切换、宏分集和快速切换,其中硬件切换是标准规定必须实现的。

    There are three kinds of handover : hard handover , Macro Diversity Handover , Fast Base Station Switching and hard handover is necessarily implemented according to the standard .

  16. 推导出高动态数字直扩接收机差积鉴频二阶锁频环路无缝切换控制增益,两种切换方式的仿真结果表明无缝切换的效果优于传统的硬切换方式。

    The SS control gains for the high dynamic digital spread spectrum receiver is derived . Simulation results for the SS compared to the direct switching demonstrates the improved performance .

  17. 论文全面介绍了几种切换(软切换、空闲切换、硬切换、接入切换)的算法与原理,对各种实现方案进行对比,突出各种方案的适用范围。

    The thesis describes several handoff ( soft handoff , idle handoff , hard handoff , access handoff ) algorithms and the principle of comparison of various implementations , highlighting the scope of the program .

  18. 主要以解决京沈高速上的边界硬切换为重点,通过多次路测和调整,达到京沈高速的无缝覆盖和正常切换,从而实现优化目标,使网络达到目前规模下最优的性能和质量。

    Mainly to address the Beijing-Shenyang high-speed switching hardware focused on the border , and measured way through many adjustments to the Beijing-Shenyang high-speed switching seamless coverage and normal , so as to achieve optimum objective to reach the current size of the network under optimum performance and quality .

  19. 软切换是一种平滑、无间断的切换方式,其切换效果好但浪费网络资源;硬切换则是中断后再连接的切换方式,能充分利用无线资源,但切换效果相对较差。

    Soft handover is a smooth and continuous way of handover , and its effect is high , but waste network resources ; Hard handover is a after the break to connect handover mode , It can make full use of wireless resources , but handover effects are relatively poor .