
mǎ chǐ
  • yardstick;yard measure
码尺 [mǎ chǐ]
  • [yardstick] 3英尺长的直尺,常刻有英尺、英寸和英寸的分度

  1. 在日常实用中,标准物也许是码尺或米尺。

    For everyday purpose , that standard object could be a yardstick or meter stick .

  2. 在所取得的裂纹图像的基础上,利用码尺法、盒计数法、小岛法和Sandbox法对其分维数进行了计算。

    Based on the these binary images of cracks , the fractional dimensions of cracks in the concrete are computed by the methods of Yardstick , Box-counting , Island and Sandbox .

  3. 测量断口分维的一种变分辨率码尺方法

    A new yard-stick method for fractal dimension determination by varying instrumental resolution

  4. 分形层次及码尺与分辨率的关系

    Relationship between fractal existing levels yardstick and resolution

  5. (诗)长短格的或由长短格组成的。码尺是量长短的,英尺也是量长短的。

    ( prosody ) of or consisting of dactyls . A yardstick is measure , so is a foot rule .

  6. 提出了在分形研究中,用计算机进行图像分析时,分形层次和码尺与图像采样分辨率之间的关系。

    The relationship between fractal existing levels , yardstick and image input resolution has been put forward and proved by experiments .

  7. 有些测量是直接的,例如当我们求一张桌子的长度时是通过把码尺或米尺放到桌边量出来的。

    Some measurements are direct , as when we find the length of a table by placing a yard or meter scale beside it .

  8. 研究表明:放大倍数和测量码尺的选择因材料结构而异,对测量结果影响很大。

    It demonstrates : the selection of magnifying multiple and measuring size are different to material structure , and the measured result is greatly influenced .

  9. 线上测量服务将扔弃追踪访客在现场花费多久的以页检视的长时间工业码尺为基础,而且开始的排名。

    The online measurement service will scrap rankings based on the longtime industry yardstick of page views and begin tracking how long visitors spend at the sites .

  10. 码尺的改变只能通过改变输入的分辨率,同时输入分辨率的选择要综合考虑分形自身的层次要求、输入方法以及测量的要求。给出了实验验证

    Change of the yardstick in computer depends on image input resolution which is also decided by the factors including fractal existing levels , input means and requirements of measuring

  11. 所以我会选些东西,你将不会用一个码尺去量,人的头发有多大,所以我需要一些这个级数上的东西。

    So I would choose something that have a wave lines off You wouldn 't measure the dimension of a human hair with a yardstick , so I need something on this order .