
mǎ tou
  • wharf;dock;pier;quay;jetty;landing stage;port city;levee;hoverport
码头 [mǎ tóu]
  • (1) [wharf;dock;jetty;pier;quay]∶水边供船停靠的建筑

  • (2) [port city] 〈方〉∶指交通方便的商业城镇

  • 水陆码头

码头[mǎ tou]
  1. 金丝雀码头计划要提供1,000万平方英尺的办公面积。

    Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space

  2. 他们已经开车沿码头走了一遍,好让她指出哪艘是她父亲的船。

    They 'd already driven along the wharf so that she could point out her father 's boat .

  3. 我们站在突码头上目送他们登船。

    We stood on the pier and watched as they embarked .

  4. 很多渔船系泊在码头。

    A number of fishing boats were moored to the quay .

  5. 海员举行罢工,以表示对码头工人的支持。

    The seamen went on strike in sympathy with the dockers .

  6. 到1981年,这些码头几乎等于关闭了。

    By 1981 the docks had , to all intents and purposes , closed .

  7. 有一群人在码头上等着。

    A crowd was waiting on the quay .

  8. 码头上放着一盘盘的绳子。

    Coils of rope lay on the quayside .

  9. 这个码头是木结构建筑。

    The pier is a wooden structure .

  10. 他们放下风帆,把船缆抛给码头上的人。

    They dropped the sails and threw a line to a man on the dock .

  11. 杰克和斯蒂芬正在码头上等他们。

    Jack and Stephen were waiting for them on the quay .

  12. 9月18日,码头工人再次举行罢工。

    On September 18 the dockers again came out on strike .

  13. 遭毁坏码头区的真正重建看起来希望渺茫。

    The true regeneration of devastated Docklands seemed like pie in the sky

  14. 女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。

    Queensway Quay will incorporate shops , restaurants and other amenities

  15. 这项法案的推出是为了终止码头的限制竞争现象。

    The Act was introduced to end restrictive practices in the docks .

  16. 狭窄的码头被数百辆手推车堵得水泄不通。

    The narrow quay was encumbered by hundreds of carts .

  17. 莉莉和我父亲在码头迎接我。

    Lili and my father met me off the boat

  18. 这艘船横泊在码头旁。

    The ship was moored broadside to the pier .

  19. 一大群人聚集在码头上,为他们送别。

    A large group had gathered on the quayside to see them off .

  20. 这儿的码头还有其他什么船只?

    What other ships are in dock here ?

  21. 他在那儿有一所房子、一个泊船的码头和一艘小铝船。

    He had a house there and a dock and a little aluminum boat .

  22. 第二次世界大战结束时,他是一名码头工人。

    At the end of the second world war he was working as a docker

  23. 码头上游艇在阳光下闪闪发光。

    In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine

  24. 当大帆船驶进南安普顿码头时,几百只小船聚集在其周围。

    Hundreds of small boats clustered round the yacht as she sailed into Southampton docks .

  25. 他猝死在码头区。

    He dropped dead on the quayside .

  26. 他能轻松自如地用洋泾浜话和工厂工人及码头工人交谈。

    He 's at ease speaking pidgin with the factory workers and guys on the docks .

  27. 我和他坐在他的码头上,双腿在水中荡悠。

    He and I were sitting out on his jetty dangling our legs in the water .

  28. 我们可以在码头附近下锚停泊。

    We could anchor off the pier

  29. 她走向码头,想着里卡多可能正藏在其中一条船上。

    She headed for the docks , thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats

  30. 在这个温暖的夜晚里,空气中弥漫着汽油的味道,成群结队的年轻男女或是漫步在码头边或是泡在酒吧间。

    In the warm petrol-scented night , droves of young men and girls were strolling along the quays and packing the bars .