
  • 网络Elements of color;Three color elements
  1. 分析了色彩三要素的构成,列举了基本色彩的性格特征,论述了在进行室内装饰设计时应如何运用色彩的主色调、重点色块和色光。

    It analyses the structure of three elements of color , lists the characteristics of basic color and dissertates how to apply main hue , emphasis color-block and color-light .

  2. 第二章介绍了织物染色计算机配色的色度学基本原理,从颜色的确切含义、色彩三要素、色彩混合、计算机颜色系统和色差分析等方面进行介绍。

    The second chapter introduces the basic principles of colorimetry , including the exact meaning of color , three elements of color , color blending , computer color system and color difference analysis and so on .

  3. 利用色彩三要素理论可以大大提高家蚕彩色茧丝的研究效率,减少工作量。

    The utilization of the basic principle of colour can raise the researching efficiency of colourful cocoon silk and reduce work load .

  4. 当然,这些都会运用到色彩构成的三要素既明度、纯度和色相来完成的。

    Of course , these will be finished by applying both of three elements : color composition , purity and effect of color .

  5. 设计美包括造型、色彩、肌理三要素和效用性、时尚性、市场性三特征。

    The aesthetic perception in design results from mould-making , colors and skin texture and it is useful , fashionable and easy to find a good market .

  6. 继而从美术学专业角度,分别就造型、图式构成、色彩三个基本要素论述其装饰美特征,以及灯彩与其他艺术门类相融入的表现方式。

    After that , from a professional view of Fine Arts , in respect of shape , figure composition and color which are three basic elements to discourse the characteristics of its decorative beauty .

  7. 本文发展了色彩学关于色彩三要素及其关系的基本理论,提出城市色彩的三个要素和五种关系。

    My paper developed the basic theory of the three factors of the color and its relations in chromatology , and advanced the three factors and five relations of the urban color .

  8. 色彩的调和要从人的视觉生理、审美心理、目的性、色彩三要素和面积这四方面加以研究。

    The harmony of colors can be studied in terms of visual physiology of human being , aesthetic emotions , purpose , and the three elements of colors and areas .

  9. 充分利用色彩的基本原理,把握光的本质及光与色之间的关系;色相、明度、纯度被称为色彩三要素;

    Thus , the basic principle of color and the relationship between light and color should be emphasized .