
  • 网络Hospital;plastic surgery hospital
  1. 一位丈夫送给他50岁的太太的生日礼物,是陪她到一家著名整形医院去做隆胸手术。

    A husband gives his wife the50th birthday gift of accompanying her to a famous plastic surgery hospital to have a breast augmentation surgery .

  2. 中墺整形医院目前已暂停接待新顾客。

    The hospital has temporarily stopped receiving new patients .

  3. 布劳恩整形医院(BraunPlasticSurgery)的金泰奎医生(KimTae-gyu,音)建议她做一些不那么巨大的改动。

    Dr. Kim Tae-gyu at Braun Plastic Surgery suggested something less drastic .

  4. 韩国最大的整形医院之一,由权株创立的JK整形手术中心,近期开了一家旅馆来更好地服务顾客。这些顾客每次看病人均花费17675美元。

    One of the country 's largest clinics , JK Plastic Surgery Center founded by Joo Kwon , recently opened a hotel to better serve customers , who spend an average of $ 17675 during a single visit .

  5. 幸好韩国整形医院找到了解决办法。

    Thankfully , Korean hospitals have found a way to work around the issue .

  6. 现在整形医院遍布城市每个角落。

    Plastic surgery clinics on every corner .

  7. 你这样会使整形医院倒闭的。

    You 'll bring the clinic down .

  8. 做激光洗纹身就选择最好的整形医院。

    Makes the laser to wash the model community to choose the best Orthopaedic hospital .

  9. 只要到正规的整形医院洗纹身是安全可靠的。

    So long as washes the model community to the regular Orthopaedic hospital is safe reliable .

  10. 在全国各地合作投资多家美容整形医院,与上千家美容院签订了合作协议。

    We Investment cooperation with many cosmetic surgery hospitals , signed the cooperation agreement with more than Thousands of beauty salons .

  11. 不就她的脸开始红肿,变得十分可怕。最后,她不得不去整形医院做矫正手术来恢复自己的面容。

    Afterthat her face became so terrible and red that she had to go to the corrective surgery to recover her figure .

  12. 本文的研究不仅为杭州S整形医院今后开展积极有效的市场拓展活动提供了实践的指南,同时也对营销战略思想在整个医疗整形美容行业的普及运用具有一定的参考价值。

    The study provides not only a practical guideline for the effective marketing activities of S Hospital , but also a valuable reference for the application of marketing philosophy in plastic surgery industry .

  13. 凤姐的故事仍在继续,记者们依旧等待着她的雷人语录,许多整形医院也邀请她进行免费的专家会诊。

    As the Feng Jie story rolls on , Luo continues to be surrounded by reporters waiting for the next outlandish quote , and has offers from plastic surgery clinics for free consultations .

  14. 许多人认为韩国流行音乐产业的崛起是这个整容热潮背后的原因,许多人带着明星的照片来到整形医院,要求仿照明星的鼻型或眼睛来整容。

    It is believed that the rise of South Korea 's pop music industry is behind the boom , and many patients visit clinics with photos of celebrities , asking surgeons to emulate nose angle or eyes .

  15. 总部设在华南城市广州的恒大地产集团负债严重,它近期开拓了不少新的业务领域,其中包括瓶装矿泉水、谷物、食用油和美容整形医院。

    Evergrande Real Estate Group , a heavily indebted developer based in the southern city of Guangzhou , has recently branched into new businesses , including bottled mineral water , grain and edible oils and a cosmetic surgery clinic .

  16. 布劳恩整形医院的金泰奎医生表示,最近的一名病患预定了一系列手术&上下颌、面部重塑、鼻部整形、双眼皮、抽脂和脂肪移植。

    Some undergo several procedures at once . Dr. Kim at Braun described how one recent patient booked a series of surgeries & double jaw , facial contour , nose job , double eyelid , liposuction and a fat graft .

  17. 布劳恩整形医院的金泰奎医生表示,最近的一名病患预定了一系列手术——上下颌、面部重塑、鼻部整形、双眼皮、抽脂和脂肪移植。

    Some undergo several procedures at once . Dr. Kim at Braun described how one recent patient booked a series of surgeries - double jaw , facial contour , nose job , double eyelid , liposuction and a fat graft .

  18. 方法:对102例在中国医学科学院整形外科医院颅颌面中心行下颌角截骨整形的患者做三维CT检查,并对其颅面结构进行三维立体测量。

    Methods 102 cases of prominent mandibular angle patients who had mandibular angle osteotomy in Plastic Surgery Hospital were examined by three-dimension CT and three-dimension cephalometry were carried out .

  19. 吴博士是位于SantaMonica加州大学洛杉矶分校和整形外科医院的小儿科主任。

    Dennis Woo , chair of pediatrics at Santa Monica-UCLA and Orthopaedic Hospital in Santa Monica , Calif.

  20. 上海时光整形外科医院(shanghaitimeplasticsurgeryhospital)的廖玉华医生表示,业务量自去年年底以来增加了40%,全球经济危机并未阻碍这一趋势,反而起到了推波助澜的作用。

    At the Shanghai time plastic surgery hospital , Dr Liao Yuhua says business is up 40 per cent since the end of last year not despite the global economic crisis , but because of it .

  21. 论整形外科医院药剂师向临床药师的转型

    On the plastic surgery hospital pharmacists to clinical pharmacist to the transition

  22. 这是上海时光整形外科医院的网站。

    This is the website for Shanghai Shiguang Orthopaedics Hospital .

  23. 您好,感谢您对北京华韩整形美容医院的关注。

    Thank you for your friendship and plastic surgery hospital in Beijing concern .

  24. 单位:中国协和医科大学整形外科医院。

    SETTING : Hospital of Plastic Surgery of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences .

  25. 考虑到其家庭贫困,武汉伊美尚整形美容医院为石琪祥免费实施了一期手术。

    Considering the poverty of his family , She Beauty Cosmetic Hospital conducted a complimentary operation for him .

  26. 单位:中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学整形外科医院创伤修复美容中心。

    SETTING : Beauty Center for Trauma Repair , Plastic Surgery Hospital , Peking Union Medical College , Chinese Academy of Medical Science .

  27. 上海时光整形外科医院的医生徐黎平称,吸烟的女性门诊患者超过80%抱怨皮肤问题。

    Xu Liping , a doctor at the Shanghai Time Plastic Surgery Hospital , said more than 80 percent of female out-patients who smoke complained of skin problems .

  28. 方法随机抽取整形外科医院1997~1998年840例1014人次手术病案,统计分析应用抗生素的状况。

    Methods With a random-sampling method , the patterns of use of antibiotic drugs were reviewed in 840 cases ( 1014 surgical operations ) from the Plastic Surgery Hospital , the Chinese Academy of Medical Sci - ences .

  29. 本整形镊子主要用于医院的耳鼻喉等科室。

    The plastic forceps are mainly used for the otolaryngology section office of the hospital , etc.

  30. 据美国科学院外科整形和再造外科学会发表的报道:接受采访的整形外科医院中,有三分之一的整形医师认为,越来越多的人想要进行整形手术,因为这些人都想在网络上看起来更美丽更英俊。

    In response to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery , one in three plastic surgeons reported seeing an increase in requests for facial procedures by patients who wanted to look better online .