
  • 网络DEERE;deer;John Deere
  1. 我曾是迪尔公司最年轻的库存经理。

    I was the youngest Inventory Manager ever at John deere .

  2. 在近10年内,中国市场中有很多租赁业务失败的例子,其中也包括了国际大企业约翰·迪尔集团(JohnDeere)。

    During the last 10 years , there were some examples of failed rental operation , including JOHN DEERE .

  3. 他说这个合同不应该模仿《迪尔协定》。

    He says this contract should not be patterned after the Deere pact .

  4. 迪尔说,“人们的视线会在他们想拍照的事物上停留得更久一点。”

    " People look longer at things they want to photograph , " Diehl says .

  5. “如果你在心里想着拍照,一样有这种效果,”迪尔说。

    " If you want to take mental photos , that works the same way , " Diehl says .

  6. 迪尔说,拍照能引导注意力,增加你从眼前的景象中获得的愉悦感。

    Snapping a photo directs attention , which heightens the pleasure you get from whatever you 're looking at , Diehl says .

  7. 迪尔解释说:“我们发现,由于拍照者一直在寻找他们想要捕捉的瞬间,他们想要记录的事情,所以他们看待这个世界的角度可能会稍有不同。”

    " What we find is you actually look at the world slightly differently , because you 're looking for things you want to capture , that you may want to hang onto , " Diehl explains .

  8. 迪尔和她的研究同事想要知道习惯拍照是不是真的这么不好,于是他们进行了9项实验室研究和现场调查,测试人们在使用相机和不使用相机时感受到的乐趣程度。

    Diehl and her fellow researchers wanted to find out if that was true , so they embarked on a series of nine experiments in the lab and in the field testing people 's enjoyment in the presence or absence of a camera .

  9. 在《杀死一只知更鸟》中,哈珀·李笔下的迪尔是以她儿时的朋友杜鲁门·卡波特为原型的。

    In To Kill a Mockingbird , Harper Lee based Dill on her childhood friend , Truman Capote .

  10. 同性恋权利游说组织“人权运动”(HumanRightsCampaign)对迪尔的决定表示欢迎,称此事是一次“胜利”。

    The Human Rights Campaign , a gay rights lobby group , welcomed Mr Deal 's veto as a " victory . "

  11. 在遭遇包括一系列好莱坞大牌公司在内的多家美国企业的压力后,美国佐治亚州州长内森•迪尔(NathanDeal)否决了一项有争议的宗教自由法案。

    Georgia 's governor has vetoed a contentious religious freedom bill viewed as anti-gay following pressure from US companies , including a host of Hollywood 's biggest names .

  12. 他认为,拥有两个品牌,将使CNH较容易向迪尔和卡特彼勒等单一品牌的领先对手发起进攻。

    He argues that the possession of two brands should make it easier to attack the single-brand leaders , Deere and Caterpillar .

  13. 所以他参加了一期迪尔•卡内基(DaleCarnegie)的公开演讲课程。他说他在那儿学到的技巧让他能够向他未来的妻子苏珊•汤普森求爱。他说自己的太太是一位“冠军辩手”。

    So he enrolled in a Dale Carnegie public speaking course and says the skills he learned there enabled him to woo his future wife , Susan Thompson , a ' champion debater , ' he says . '

  14. 在他的小说《感恩节来客》(TheThanksgivingVisitor)中,她再次以安妮·芬奇伯格(AnnFinchburg)的身份出现,昵称江波(Jumbo)。作为回报,李在《杀死一只知更鸟》中把卡波特写成很会编故事的白人小男孩迪尔(Dill)。

    She made a repeat appearance as Ann Finchburg , nicknamed Jumbo , in his story " The Thanksgiving Visitor . " Lee returned the favor , casting Capote in the role of the little blond tale-spinner Dill in " To Kill a Mockingbird . "

  15. 一份新的研究报告显示,中国建筑设备制造商正在加大与卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)、小松(Komatsu)和迪尔(Deere)等全球领军者的竞争,而且似乎打算通过低价来抢占市场份额。

    China 's construction equipment makers are ramping up the competition against global leaders such as Caterpillar , Komatsu and Deere and appear set to discount products to build market share , a new study has found .

  16. 瑞银的研究报告显示,随之而来的影响将是卡特彼勒、美卓公司(Metso)、小松、山特维克(Sandvik)、沃尔沃(Volvo)、迪尔、特雷克斯(Terex)等西方巨头的利润被分走一杯羹。

    The effect of this would be a reduction in the available profit pool for western giants such as Caterpillar , Metso , Komatsu , Sandvik , Volvo , Deere , Terex and others , the UBS research report said .

  17. 那迪尔:一个乔治·华盛顿真人大小的人物。

    Nadir : It 's a life-size figure of George Washington .

  18. 那迪尔:他把家里的樱桃树砍倒。

    Nadir : He cut down the family 's cherry tree .

  19. 迪尔在黑暗中一口气说了下去。

    Dill 's voice went on steadily in the darkness .

  20. 迪尔大中型拖拉机组合仪表和国产化仪表

    Integral Instrument for Deere Large and Medium Sized Tractor

  21. 截至去年年底,迪尔公司的股票给伯克希尔带来了薄利。

    By year-end , Berkshire had accumulated a small profit in the stock .

  22. 而她也非常恰当的给那人物取名为迪尔。

    Aptly enough , she named the child dill .

  23. 迪尔脸红了,查姆要我住嘴。

    Dill blushed and Jem told me to hush .

  24. 会面时,迪尔沃思和里卡多仍然是拐弯抹角的。

    At the meeting , both Dilworth and Riccardo were still pretty vague .

  25. 美国迪尔公司于1837年成立。

    U.S. Deere & Company was established in 1837 .

  26. 迪尔想展示各种选择和价位。

    Ms. Diehl wanted to present a range of options and price points .

  27. 迪尔望着杰姆眨了眨了眼,杰姆却看着地下。

    Dill 's eyes flickered at Jem , and Jem looked at the floor .

  28. 我要和拿迪尔布兰格学习。

    Im going to study with Nadia Boulanger .

  29. 卡特彼勒和小松的这个数字要低得多,迪尔的这个数字则为10.9倍。

    Caterpillar and Komatsu are considerably lower , while Deere has a multiple of 10.9 .

  30. 迪尔慢吞吞地吐了一口气。

    Dill breathed his patient breath .