
  • 网络Dillard University
  1. 和迪拉德大学董事会的批准

    and with the approval by the Dillard University Board of Trustees

  2. 当然我还要感谢迪拉德大学合唱团

    And of course I want to thank Dillard University choir

  3. 他将完成在迪拉德大学这年的学业

    He 's going to be finishing the year at Dillard .

  4. 我要感谢迪拉德大学董事会

    I want to thank the Dillard University Board of Trustees

  5. 这所学校迪拉德大学得以成立

    they broke ground for this school , Dillard University

  6. 迪拉德大学2014届美丽而帅气的毕业生们

    beautiful and handsome men and women of the Dillard University Class of 2014

  7. 能够建立起这样一所迪拉德大学

    the Dillard University you are now building

  8. 作为迪拉德大学毕业生

    And as graduates of Dillard University

  9. 当她获得在迪拉德大学奖学金时,她的高中老师慷慨解囊,凑钱让她买一件外套。

    When Simmons won a scholarship to Dillard University , her high school teachers took up a collection so she 'd have a coat .