
  • 网络Stanley park
  1. 斯坦利公园是另一个必看的地方。

    Stanley Park is another must-see .

  2. 利物浦将会在下周六中午进行默西塞德德比,他们将去到斯坦利公园球场挑战埃弗顿。

    Liverpool return to action next Saturday lunchtime when they make the short journey across Stanley Park to take on Everton in the Merseyside derby .

  3. 斯坦利公园还是温哥华水族馆的所在地,其特色是一条很受欢迎的白鲸表演和一家不错的咖啡馆,后者为那些走痛了脚的父母们提供上好的咖啡。

    The park is also home to the Vancouver Aquarium , which features a popular beluga whale show and a good cafeteria with coffee for footsore parents .

  4. 斯坦利公园999年的租约下个月到期,而后就要决定是否在那建新体育场。

    A999 year lease option on Stanley Park expires next month , and some sort of decision of going forward with the new stadium may need to be made by then .

  5. 在俱乐部证实他们计划利物浦丢弃安菲尔德称号以出售斯坦利公园新球场的冠名权之后,利物浦被认为这是一个‘最严重的自残’。

    Liverpool were accused of'the biggest act of self-destruction'after the club confirmed they plan to ditch Anfield 's heritage and sell the naming rights for a new stadium at Stanley Park .

  6. 在温哥华有许多跑步的好地方,今天我打算换个地方,于是我去了斯坦利公园,沿着旧海堤跑。

    There are lots of good places to run in Vancouver . Today , I decided to go somewhere different . I went to Stanley park to run along the old sea wall .