
  • 网络stern report;The Stern Review
  1. 2006年的斯特恩报告(Sternreview)揭示,总体来说,运输部门产生了高达14%的全球温室气体排放,仅次于发电行业。

    For transport as a whole , the2006 Stern review revealed that the sector contributes up to14 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions , second only to power generation .

  2. 有观点比如最近发布的《斯特恩报告》(sternreview)称,我们必须采取行动,因为尽管气候变化的可能结果并不那么严重,但仍可能发生灾难。

    We are told , for instance by the recent stern review , that we must act because catastrophe is possible , even though the likely result of climate change is something less serious .

  3. 去年11月,在内罗毕(Nairobi)举行的联合国气候变化大会上,《斯特恩报告》成为大会讨论的话题。

    At the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Nairobi last November , the Stern report was the topic of the moment .

  4. 他的紧急呼吁反映出,自英国发布斯特恩报告,以及美国前副总统阿尔戈尔(algore)在美国发起一场辩论后,巴罗佐日益将环保问题列为工作重点。

    His distress call reflects the increasing priority Mr Barroso is putting on green issues since the publication of the stern report by the UK and the US debate sparked by Al Gore , the former vice-president .

  5. 正如劳森爵士(LordLawson)上周三撰文批评斯特恩报告时指出的那样,全球经济在本世纪内的增长,有望为未来几代人提供庞大的额外资源。

    As Lord Lawson pointed out in his critique of the Stern report on Wednesday , the growth of the world economy for the rest of this century can be expected to provide a large amount of extra resources for future generations .

  6. Toulmin说,试图复制关于气候变化经济学的斯特恩报告的成功将会很困难,因为很难定义生物多样性,而测量和估价生物多样性更难。

    Trying to mirror the success of the Stern Review on the economics of climate change will be difficult because biodiversity is harder to define , harder to measure and harder to cost , argues Toulmin .

  7. 斯特恩报告及其对后京都谈判的可能影响

    The Stern Review and Its Possible Impacts on Post-Kyoto Climate Negotiations

  8. 2006年公布的斯特恩报告估计,碳融资占稳定排放所需采取行动的比重有可能达到25%。

    The Stern Report published in2006 estimates that carbon finance has the potential to account for25 percent of the actions needed to stabilize emissions .

  9. 《斯特恩报告》估计,按0.1%的折现率计算,今天排放一吨二氧化碳所造成的经济损失是85美元。

    The Stern report estimates that the damage caused by a tonne of carbon dioxide emitted today is $ 85 , using a 0.1 per cent discount rate .

  10. 《斯特恩报告》的研究人员对霍普教授模型的灵活性尤其感兴趣。该模型允许他们输入自己的数据和假设,并运行情景分析。

    In particular , the people from Stern were interested in the flexibility of the model , which allowed them to input their own data and assumptions and run what if scenarios .

  11. 斯特恩在报告中估计今年为与气温变化做斗争而采取强有力的行动所带来的纯经济利益损失将达到2万5千亿美元。

    The report estimates the net benefits of taking strong action this year to combat climate change at $ 2.5 trillion .

  12. 尼古拉斯?斯特恩的报告清晰地指出:立即采取行动,或者因延误行动而付出更大代价。

    Nicholas stern 's landmark review of the economics of climate change is clear : act now or pay a far higher price later .

  13. 爱尔兰经济和社会研究所的高级研究员理查德。陶勒先生称斯特恩的报告是杞人忧天,说报告过高地估计了气温变化所带来的影响。

    Richard Tol , senior research officer at Ireland 's Economic and Social Research Institute , called Stern 's report alarmist , saying it overestimated the impact of climate change .

  14. 正像斯特恩的报告一样,国际能源机构的分析面临的真正考验,是能否改变能耗大国的行为,包括身为其成员国的美国,以及不属于该机构的中国和印度。

    Just as in the case of the Stern review , the real test of the IEA analysis will be whether it changes behaviour in the big energy-users : the US ( which belongs to the IEA ), but also in China and India ( which do not ) .

  15. 纽约大学斯特恩商学院的报告合著者之一亚当•奥特补充说:“人们一般不会意识到人名对他们对其他人的判断所产生的微妙影响。”

    Dr Adam Alter , a co-author from New York University 's Stern School of Business , added : " People simply aren 't aware of the subtle impact that names can have on their judgments . "