
  • 网络carbon trade;Carbon Trading;cap-and-trade;CDM;carbon exchange
  1. 略论我国碳交易的金融创新及其风险防范

    On the Present Situation of Carbon Trade in China and its Financial Innovation

  2. 自我国在哥本哈根会议上提出温室气体减排目标以来,国内对建立碳交易机制的需求十分迫切。

    Since China proposed the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in Copenhagen , domestic demand for the carbon trade mechanism urges a lot .

  3. 京都议定书(kyotoprotocol)之后,该行业一直受到冷遇,被排除在大多数补贴及碳交易计划之外。

    The industry got short shrift in the wake of the Kyoto Protocol , being excluded from most subsidy and carbon trading schemes .

  4. 一份新发布的报告显示,经济衰退及项目准备不充分,已导致联合国(UN)碳交易体系下30%的项目无法交付任何碳信用额。

    The recession and inadequate project preparation have led to almost 30 per cent of projects under the United Nations ' carbon trading system failing to deliver any credits , according to a new report .

  5. 中国是所谓清洁发展机制(CDM)遥遥领先的最大受益国。这一碳交易体系旨在把富国的资金导向发展中国家,以减少温室气体排放。

    China has been by far the biggest beneficiary of the so-called Clean Development Mechanism , a carbon trading system designed to direct funds from wealthy countries to developing nations to cut greenhouse gases .

  6. 通过对我国深沪两市上市公司中参与了国际碳交易市场(主要是CDM市场)的公司进行营收状况分析、CDM项目收益分析,介绍了我国上市公司在国际碳交易市场上的参与情况。

    Through the earning condition analysis and the CDM project income analysis of the listed companies in Shenzhen and Shanghai , it also introduces the trading situation of listed companies in the international carbon trading market .

  7. 其结果是,HFC-23项目一直是碳交易市场上最大的单一排放信用来源,但由于产生这种气体的工厂数量有限,所以今后它们在碳交易市场上所占比例将有所下降。

    As a result , HFC-23 pro-jects have been the biggest single source of credits on the carbon market although , as there are a limited number of factories producing the gas , they will make up a smaller share in future .

  8. 金融危机背景下中国碳交易市场现状和趋势

    Status and trends of China carbon trading market under financial crisis

  9. 但碳交易体系存在一些问题。

    But there have been problems with the carbon trading system .

  10. 碳交易计价结算货币:理论、现实与选择

    The Invoice Currency of Carbon Trading : Theory , Reality and Choices

  11. 美国的碳交易机制仍在协商之中。

    In the us a carbon trading scheme is still being negotiated .

  12. 我国也有计划建立自己的碳交易衍生品市场。

    China also plans to set up its own carbon derivatives market .

  13. 第三章欧盟碳交易市场的建立。

    The establishment of the EU carbon trading market is the third chapter .

  14. 这家公司的表现取决于碳交易量。

    The performance of this company depends on how much carbon is traded .

  15. 现有的七个碳交易试点项目进展参差不齐。

    Seven carbon-trading pilot programs have made patchy progress .

  16. 重视林业碳汇项目及碳交易的政策研究;

    Put emphasis on the researching the policy of carbon sequestration projects and transaction .

  17. 首先,总结梳理了国际碳交易市场建立基础和条件。

    First , it summarizes setting basis and condition on international carbon emission market .

  18. 气候变化专家表示,这将引发自愿碳交易的增长。

    That would trigger growth in voluntary carbon trading , climate change experts said .

  19. 基于不同碳交易主体,会选择不同碳交易合同模板。

    Based on the different carbon trading , will choose different carbon trading contract templates .

  20. 全国必须就开展碳交易,实行总量与控制原则达成共识。

    China must get consensus on carbon trading and a principle of cap and trade .

  21. 期权理论视角下的企业内部碳交易机制定价策略研究

    Research on Pricing Strategy of Corporate Internal Carbon Trading System in the Option Theory Perspective

  22. 从印度到澳大利亚,各种碳交易机制都在拟定或重启之中。

    From India to Australia , trading schemes of various types are being developed or revived .

  23. 碳交易市场的完善和碳金融的不断发展给商业银行带来重大机遇。

    Improving carbon trading and carbon finance market continues to develop significant opportunities to commercial banks .

  24. 第二章和第三章分析了影响碳交易价格(反映碳交易市场效率)的因素以及这些因素的作用方式。

    Chapter two and three discussed which factors affect carbon-trade price and how they make impacts .

  25. 目前国际上主要运用的减排政策工具包括碳交易与碳税两种,作为碳排放量最大的国家,我国正在这两种减排政策上积极探索与实践。

    At present the main emission reduction policy used the most are carbon tax and carbon trading .

  26. 哥本哈根没有给碳交易市场带来交易商们所希望的一个强有力协议能带来的提振作用。

    Copenhagen will not give carbon markets the boost that traders had wanted from a strong agreement .

  27. 第三、建立“沿海滩涂碳交易协会”和“生态补偿能源农场”。

    Third , establish a Coastal Shoals Carbon Trading Association and an Ecological Compensation Energy Farm Association .

  28. 7年前碳交易市场启动时,其运行是建立在一个简单的前提之上。

    Upon its launch seven years ago , the market was supposed to work on a simple premise .

  29. 而这会导致碳交易主体在权利和义务上的不公平。

    And this will lead on the subject of carbon trading in the rights and obligations of unfair .

  30. 第一部分为第1章,是关于目前国际碳交易市场的概述。

    The first part ( Chapter 1 ) is an overview about the current international carbon trading market .