
  • 网络Swain;Sven
  1. 最早有关斯温存在的记录是出自洛克西斯的医生手记。

    The earliest account of Swain 's existence comes from a Noxian infirmary doctor 's notes .

  2. 当德玛西亚在誓盟的影响力扩大的时候,斯温立即就被划回了现役。

    When Demacia escalated its presence in the League , Swain was immediately returned to active duty .

  3. 斯温出发去英国,马上获格雷接见。

    Swing embarked for England , where he was immediately received by Grey .

  4. 嗨我是斯温凯什这次赛事将由我来主持

    Hi , I 'm Swin Cash , and I 'll be your announcer for this event .

  5. 斯温是一名守夜骑士的私生子,出生于苍白林地,成长于影承废墟。

    Sven is the bastard son of a Vigil Knight , born of a Pallid Meranth , raised in the Shadeshore Ruins .

  6. 向西走到斯温处还任务“回覆斯温”并接后续任务“证明你的实力”。

    Head west to Sven , hand in " Return to Sven " and get the follow up " Proving Your Worth " .

  7. 进而,卡纳斯和斯温将该理论进一步扩展,并将它概括为语法能力、社会语言能力、语篇能力和策略能力。

    Then Canale and Swain developed it further and summarized it in four aspects : grammatical competence , sociolinguistic competence , discourse competence and strategic competence .

  8. 以英语交际教学法,克拉申的输入假说及斯温的输出假说为理论支撑,通过问卷调查,访谈,观察等方法,对受试群进行了数据收集及数据研究。

    Interviewing , making the questionnaire together with observing is used to collect the data based on three theories covering communicative approach , input and output hypothesis .

  9. “二氧化碳的发现之所以让人如此兴奋,是因为在这种情形下,它可能如它在地球上一样,与生物活性间存在着联系,”斯温说。

    " The carbon dioxide is the main reason for the excitement because , under the right circumstances , it could have a connection to biological activity as it does on Earth ," Swain said .

  10. 诗歌是一种全民消遣,但并不是什么特别的“专业活动”,冰岛大学冰岛文学教授斯温•伊格维•埃吉尔松(SveinnYngviEgilsson)说。

    Everything else stinks . Poetry is a national pastime , but not a particularly " specialist activity , " said Sveinn Yngvi Egilsson , a professor of Icelandic literature at the University of Iceland .

  11. 格雷一听到要赔款,就来「一顿精彩的咒骂」,精彩得令斯温忘了说,他所得的印象是赔款一事,德国未必坚持。

    Upon hearing the proposal of an indemnity Grey began " a magnificent tirade " which was so magnificent that Swing forgot to say he had the impression that the indemnity might not be insisted upon .