
  • 网络crane;Clan;Kline;Stephen Crane;Clancy
  1. 现在,华纳兄弟公司已征召Friends的编剧大卫克兰和玛尔塔考夫曼来编写和制作《老友记》电影版,并准备在2011年夏天上映。

    But now Warner Brothers have drafted in Friends creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman to write and produce the film , due in cinemas in the summer of 2011 .

  2. 他运气不错,他的基地就是克兰营。

    Luckily for him , he was stationed at camp crane .

  3. 数年前,她开始对绘制鸡蛋感兴趣,并且学会了用传统的鸟克兰技法来画现代人物形象。

    Several years ago , she became interested in eggs and learned the traditional Ukrainian technique to draw her very modern characters.

  4. 我想,"克兰达不必开这么难看的卡车。"

    I   thought ,   " Crandpa   doesn 't   have   to   drive   such   an   ugly   truck . "

  5. 妇女在克兰〈氏族〉里,乃至一般在任何地方,都有很大的势力

    The women were the great power among the clans [ gentes ] , as everywhere else .

  6. 把数学应用到金融学的兴趣引导他去克兰菲尔德大学(cranfielduniversity)修了一个博士学位。

    An interest in applying mathematics to finance led him to do a PhD at Cranfield University .

  7. 阿尔泰克兰盆地VMS矿床的变形变质与碳质流体特征

    Deformation , metamorphism and carbonic fluids in VMS deposits of Kelan Basin , Altay

  8. NPR新闻,奎因·克兰费尔特底特律报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Quinn Klinefelter in Detroit .

  9. 在英特尔(Intel)新任CEO布莱恩•克兰尼克(BrianKrzanich)上任之初,一些投资者担心工程学专业出身的他是否具备必不可少的领袖魅力。

    New Intel CEO Brian Krzanich 's roots in engineering initially worried some investors who wondered whether he had the necessary oomph .

  10. 17岁少年扎克·索比希来自明尼苏达州雷克兰市,他写下了这首名为“白云”的歌曲,并把视频录像上传到了YouTube网站。

    Seventeen-year-old Zach Sobiech of Lakeland , Minnesota wrote the song , titled ' Clouds , ' and posted a video of his studio recording on YouTube .

  11. 这绝对是克兰萧需要的最好宣传。

    This is exactly the kind of good publicity Crenshaw needs .

  12. 写满银色雪般句子的卷轴上(哈特克兰)

    On scrolls of silver snowy sentences ( Hart Crane )

  13. 克兰烈塞克学的是建筑和设计专业,早先从事广告设计工作。

    Mr Klanjsek studied architecture and design and previously worked in advertising .

  14. 在克兰萧,别人认为我是怪胎。

    At Crenshaw they think I 'm a freak .

  15. 这些尿样将在亚特兰大的史密斯克兰比彻姆实验室进行检测。

    Samples will be tested at the Smith Kline Beecham laboratory in atlanta .

  16. 克兰的大草原上种植着小麦。

    Wheat is grown on the steppes in ukraine .

  17. (第一大城)克兰计画将污物填到境内许多死火山的其中一座。

    Auckland plans on filling one of its many extinct volcanoes with sewage .

  18. 它的地址是新泽西州克兰福德的一个办公室。

    Its address was listed at an office in Cranford , New Jersey .

  19. 克兰美国军方宣布了一项重大的技术进步。

    The U.S. Army has announced a big advance .

  20. 在瓦尔特-司各脱的小说中,我们可以看到关于苏格兰高地的这种克兰的生动描写。

    In Walter Scott 's novels the Highland clan lives before our eyes .

  21. 据WDET电台的奎因·克兰费尔特报道,陪审团做出裁定之前,案件经过了近6个月的审讯。

    As WDET 's Quinn Klinefelter reports the verdict comes after a nearly six-month trial .

  22. 查尔斯和克兰希望了解当地种族混居对社会资本有何影响。

    Charles and Kline want to understand how the local racial mix affects social capital .

  23. 第二章探讨《克兰福德》中的女性主义叙事声音、女性主义叙事话语。

    Chapter Two elaborates on the feminist narrative voice and feminist narrative discourse in Cranford .

  24. 就像在巴黎巴塔克兰音乐厅的乐迷,在看演出时被枪杀;

    Like the fans at the Bataclan , gunned down in Paris during a concert ;

  25. 或者去找克兰赛拳馆里那个波多黎各左撇子瑞奇跟他打上几个回合

    or I box some rounds with Richie the Puerto Rican southpaw at Clanceys gym .

  26. 《克兰福德镇》的女性视点

    The Feminine Perspective in Town Cranford

  27. 克兰公寓本身并没有什么怪异的历史,如果有,大家也不会关注的。

    Crane Hall itself has no bizarre history and if it does nobody bothered to keep tabs .

  28. 但是,据WDET广播电台的奎因·克兰费尔特报道,密歇根的一家公司现在还有时间提出上诉。

    But as WDET 's Quinn Klinefelter reports a company in Michigan now has time to appeal .

  29. 那时我住在克兰公寓二层的217房间。

    At the time I was living in crane hall , second floor , room # 217 .

  30. 克兰博士目前正着手分析这项数据,从中找出控制网络信息传播的规则。

    Crane 's now analyzing this data to discover what rules might govern the spread of information online .