
  • 网络Olympic Mountains;Olympus;Mount Olympus
  1. 古希腊神话中,总神宙斯在奥林匹克山上有一座规模宏大的神庙。

    According to Hellenic myth , general deity ? Zeus has a grandiose temple on Olympus .

  2. 现在大家来了解一下这两类动物:东部的和奥林匹克山的土拔鼠。

    Now you had to read about two animal species , the Eastern marmot and the Olympic marmot .

  3. 他领着我在高大潮湿的蕨类植物和垂挂着的苔藓之间走了几英尺,绕过一棵宏伟的铁杉。然后,我们到了。我们正站在奥林匹克山山腰上一片巨大的开阔地的边缘。

    He led me a few feet through the tall , wet ferns and draping moss , around a massive hemlock tree , and we were there , on the edge of an enormous open field in the lap of the Olympic peaks .

  4. 中国园林叠山的传承与发展&北京奥林匹克森林公园叠山之探讨

    Inheritance and development of the Chinese rockery & discussion of the rockery in Beijing Olympic Forest Park

  5. 对奥林匹克森林公园主山进行了地震响应的三维动力反应分析,结果表明:加速度随着高程增加而增大,并随着含水量的增加有降低趋势。

    3-Dimensional dynamic response of the main hill in the Olympic Forest Park was conducted . The results show that the acceleration increases with the altitude and decreases when water content gets higher . Seismic intensity has a small effect on the magnification factors .