
  • 网络Olympic Sports Center Station
  1. 南京地铁奥体中心站深基坑工程采用土钉墙支护方案,对土钉墙支护施工的监测结果分析表明,这种围护形式施工环境较好,施工速度快;

    Soil-nail wall support was employed in the deep foundation works of Olympic Sports Center Station of Nanjing Metro Project . Analysis on the monitoring result of the soil-nail wall construction demonstrates that this form of support creates good construction environment and fast construction speed .

  2. 南京地铁奥体中心站软土边坡复合式土钉墙支护技术

    Soil nail wall technology for soft soil slope supporting in Nanjing Metro

  3. 南京地铁奥体中心站降水施工技术

    The Construction Technology of Precipitation at Olympic Game Center Station in Nanjing Subway

  4. 如奥体中心站和双港大道站,其影响范围远大于万寿宫站、中山路站等市区站点。

    Such as the Olympic center and shuang-gang road station , they has much biger influence radius than zhong-shan road and wan-shou-gong station .