
yà yùn cūn
  • Asian Games Village;Asian Sports Village
亚运村[yà yùn cūn]
  1. 功能与文化的融合&广州亚运村后勤服务区方案设计

    Fusion between Function and Culture : Design of the Logistic Zone in the Guangzhou Asian Sports Village

  2. 我们是去亚运村看看。

    We 'd like to go and visit the Asian Games village .

  3. 亚运村工程地下防水施工主要技术措施

    Major technological measures for the waterproofing construction of basement

  4. 最后没办法,只好又到亚运村买了容积率很高的住宅。

    Finally no alternative but to choose and buy a high volume of residential .

  5. 那拔地而起、各具特色的建筑,就是我们美轮美奂的亚运村。

    In our Asia Games village , Splendid and characteristic buildings are rising up .

  6. 广州亚运村建设用地地质灾害危险性评估研究

    Research on Evaluation of Geologic Hazard Danger of Construction Land in the Guangzhou Asian Games Village

  7. 亚运村嬉水乐园穹顶胶合木结构屋盖工程

    A Glued Laminated Wood Dome for the Roof of Water Park in ⅺ Asian Game 's Village

  8. 我们正在找路回亚运村呢,你可以帮我们吗?

    We are finding the way to Guangzhou Asian Games Village , Can 't you tell me ?

  9. 重大体育赛事与新城建设发展&广州亚运村建设研究

    Big Sports Events and Development of New Town Construction : Study on Guangzhou Asian Games Village Construction

  10. 2010年亚运会亚运村分质供水系统构建

    Construction of the water supply system with different water quality for 2010 ( Guangzhou ) Asian Games Village

  11. 基于交通可达性的城市土地利用布局探讨&以《广州亚运村规划设计》为例

    Land Use Plan and Layout Based on Transportation Accessibility : A Case Study of Guangzhou Asian Olympics Village Plan

  12. 目的了解北京市亚运村社区居民环境与生活满意度的变化趋势。

    Objective To know the status of environmental and life satisfaction among residents living in Yayuncun community in Beijing .

  13. 我们的亚运场馆、亚运村不仅美得让人惊叹;我们务实的工作更会让所有来宾踏实、放心。

    Not just the beauty of Asia Stadiums and Village amaze every people but our painstaking job reassures every guest .

  14. 的概念亚运村房地产市场在东部地区现有的概念,支持巨大的。

    The concept of Asian Games Village real estate market in the eastern region of the existing concept of support enormous .

  15. 亚运村媒体村前展示着一个亚运会的吉祥物装饰。

    An Asian Games decoration with its mascot is displayed in front of the media village in the Asian Games Town .

  16. 广州新城规划发展的再思考&亚运村规划建设与新城开发

    An Analysis on Catalysis of the Asian Games Village to the New Town 's Planning and Construction : A Review on the Development of Guangzhou New Town

  17. 此外,为方便交通,亚运村内的各个分区都配有独立的交通系统和停车施舍,确保行车顺畅。

    Besides , to smooth the transportation , independent traffic systems and parking equipments have been set up in each part of the Asian Games Town Gymnasium .

  18. 无保留审计意见书也称洁净意见书。北京亚运村图书大厦选址合理性研究

    An unqualified audit report is also known as a " clean " report . Studies on the Reasonableness of the Location Selection for the Bookstore Building of Beijing Asian Games Village

  19. 在北京最大的汽车市场&北京亚运村汽车交易市场上,一位政府官员齐小刚说交通阻塞目前还动摇不了购车者的决心。

    Qie Xiaogang , an official at the Beijing Asian Games Village Automobile Exchange , the city 's biggest car market , says that traffic jams are not yet deterring buyers .

  20. 以北京市亚运村地区的交通流量分析为目标,对该地区路网节点交通流量进行了大量实验调查。

    Regarding traffic flow analysis of Yanyuncun district in Beijing as the main object , great deal of experiments and survey have been made on the road net node in the district .

  21. 随着第十六届亚洲运动会将于2010年在广州举行,亚运村及市属场馆改造建设的重担也就落在了广州大学城建设指挥部的肩上。

    With the 16th Asian Games to be held in Guangzhou in 2010 , Asian Games Village and the burden of the reconstruction of city-owned venues also falls on the shoulder of the Guangzhou University City Construction Headquarter .

  22. 学校占地面积64.4公顷,由3个校区组成,主校区位于北京北三环东路,亚运村东南,交通便利环境幽静,景色迷人;西校区占有地理位置优势,坐落丁几西三环中部,香格里拉饭店附近;

    The university , covering an area of 64.4 hectares , is composed of three campuses . The main campus is conveniently located on the eastern section of the North Third Ring Road , southeast of the Asian Games Village , with a quiet and attractive environment The west campus near the Shangri-La Hotel enjoys an advantageous location on the central