
  • 网络Asia Commercial Bank;ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK LTD;ACB;AsianBankoferce
  1. 亚洲零售和商业银行业务将转移到该集团新的非核心部门。

    The Asian retail and commercial unit is to be transferred to the group 's new non-core division .

  2. 将于今日发布的第二份报告估计,来自广义的亚洲商业和机构银行业(包括日本)的年收入去年攀升至1500亿美元。

    A second report , to be published today , estimates that annual revenues derived from the broader corporate and institutional banking sector in Asia , including Japan , last year climbed to $ 150bn .

  3. 一位内部高层人士表示,汇丰在某些市场(比如澳门)的业务规模很小,但利润非常可观。他补充道,汇丰很可能继续在亚洲市场经营商业银行和贸易融资业务。

    One senior insider said some markets with a small presence could be very profitable , for example Macao , adding that the bank was likely to maintain a presence for commercial banking and trade finance in Asian markets .

  4. 亚洲的零售和商业银行业务处于世界上仅有的几个经济仍在增长的市场,去年的收入增长12%,达到7.81亿英镑(合11亿美元)。

    The Asian retail and commercial operations , in some of the world 's remaining growth markets , increased income by 12 per cent to 781m ( $ 1.1bn ) last year .