
yùn mǎ chuán
  • collier;coal carrier;coaler
运煤船[yùn mǎ chuán]
  1. 澳大利亚船员将这个月早些时候在大堡礁触礁的中国大型运煤船重新浮起;这艘煤船已泄漏了两吨多燃油。

    Australian crews have refloated a huge Chinese coal carrier that ran around on the Great Barrier Reef earlier this month and leaked more than two tons of oil .

  2. 超浅吃水万吨级运煤船船型研究

    A Study of a 10000-ton Coal Carrier with Ultra-shallow Draft

  3. 18岁那年,他在一艘航行于英格兰东海岸的运煤船上做工。

    At the age of18 he joined a ship which was used to carry coal down the east coast of England .

  4. 该案件涉及一艘法国蒸汽船与一艘土耳其运煤船在公海上的碰撞导致部分土耳其船员和乘客遇难。

    The case involved a collision on the high seas between a French steamer and a Turkish collier in which some Turkish crew members and passengers lost their lives .

  5. 2003年12月的一天,三万吨级的运煤船新华江轮由于舵叶丢失而失控,北海救108轮对其进行了成功救助,并顺利将其拖至大连港交船。

    In one day of Dec. , 2003 , 30000 tonnage coal ship " Xinhuajiang " was out of control due to missing rudder blade , and " North China Sea Salvage 108 " tug salvaged the wreck ship successfully and towed it to Dalian harbor smoothly .

  6. 运煤平底船一种运货船,尤指英格兰泰因河上运煤的船

    And coal boats went past . A freight barge , especially one for carrying coal on the Tyne River in England

  7. 海船的,航运的海船或航运的,与海船或航运有关的运煤平底船一种运货船,尤指英格兰泰因河上运煤的船

    Of or relating to marine shipping or navigation . A freight barge , especially one for carrying coal on the Tyne River in England