
yùn dònɡ kù
  • sweat pants;knickers;pants for sports/exercise
  1. 张艺谋也一身黑装,下穿运动裤,脚穿一双马丁靴(DrMartens-styleboots);

    Zhang is all in black , pairing tracksuit trousers with a natty pair of Dr Martens-style boots ;

  2. 张艺谋也一身黑装,下穿运动裤,脚穿一双马丁靴(DrMartens-styleboots);他的女儿张末(Mo)坐在两人中间充当翻译,她在片场也是司职翻译。

    Zhang is all in black , pairing tracksuit trousers with a natty pair of Dr Martens-style boots ; his daughter Mo sits between the two men and will translate for us today , as she did on the set .

  3. 在延安新开的阿迪达斯(Adidas)门店中,他挑选了一件浅绿色条纹T恤、一条灰色运动裤和一双蓝色运动鞋。这套行头得花掉他1250元人民币(约合200美元),比一个月的房租还多。

    He has paired a lime green striped T-shirt with grey sweatpants and blue sneakers at the town 's newly opened Adidas store - an ensemble that would set him back Rmb1250 ( about $ 200 ) , more than a month 's rent .

  4. 由长运动裤和运动衫组成的一套衣服。

    A set of garments consisting of sweat pants and a sweatshirt .

  5. 长运动裤,发带,不化妆的放松。

    Sweat pants , hair tied , chillin with no makeup on .

  6. 我穿上那件有洞的T恤衫和一条灰色的运动裤。

    I pulled on my holey t-shirt and gray sweatpants .

  7. 噢,我们只在礼拜五穿牛仔裤或者运动裤。

    Oh , and we only wear jeans or track pants on Fridays .

  8. 你认为他们有卖衣着考究的运动裤吗?

    Do you think they sell dressy sweatpants ?

  9. 因此在你对坏先生倾心之前,看看他穿长运动裤是什么样子。

    So before you fall for Mr. Wrong , check him out in sweatpants .

  10. 不要穿得好像你还呆在白天一样,穿着小运动裤?

    Do not dress like you are staying in for the day , i.e.sweat pants ?

  11. 今年春天,买一条类似慢跑运动裤的舒适低腰休闲裤吧。

    Buy a pair of comfortable and low-slung slouchy trousers resembling jogging pants for this spring .

  12. 体育教师上班时间穿运动裤,不能穿皮鞋。

    Time for physical education teachers to wear pants to work and can not wear leather shoes .

  13. 在今年时装周T台上展演运动裤的设计师还不止一位。

    And more than one designer put sweatpants on the runway at this year 's Fashion Week .

  14. 不过,要是你笑得尿裤子的话,那就得穿着吸水性强的运动裤了。

    But if you 're gonna ROTFLPMP , well , you should wear extra absorbent workout pants .

  15. 他说,当他的运动裤穿不下时,他决定彻底改变一下自己的生活。

    When he outgrew his sweatpants , he says , he decided to turn his life around .

  16. 他们是那种你的食谱在一个舒适的运动裤和T恤作。

    They 're the kind of recipes you make in a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a T-shirt .

  17. 夹克衫、防寒服、阿拉伯袍、短裤、运动裤、帽子等。

    Jacket , winter coat , Arabian robe , pants , sports wear , caps and hats , etc.

  18. 下面在这里,有一双鞋,没有穿过,一些水,一条田径运动裤。

    And down here , a pair of shoes , unused , some water , a tracksuit bottoms .

  19. 如果你最喜欢的运动裤的带子在洗衣机里不小心被拉出来了,不要着急。

    Don 't sweat it when the drawstring in your favorite sweatpants gets yanked out in the washing machine .

  20. 要是你觉得很累,感觉自己都被榨干了,换上一套舒服的衣服,比如换上套头外衣和运动裤。

    If you 're feeling tired or drained , change into comfortable clothes , like track pants and a jumper .

  21. 一些人嘲弄说,应该把这个小册子转发给所有穿着运动裤和人字拖来北京的外国人。

    Some quipped that someone should forward the memo to all the foreigners arriving in sweat pants and flip flops .

  22. 这位24岁的流行歌手,最近剃了头。他身着蓝色夹克和灰色运动裤,穿着随意。

    The pop singer , 24 , who recently shaved his head , was dressed casually in a blue jacket and grey sweatpants .

  23. 真是讽刺:胖纸因为买不到合适的裤子只能去买运动裤。

    Definition of irony : - Fat people having to resort to jogging pants when they can 't get trousers to fit them .

  24. 我从床上爬起来,套上一条运动裤,泡茶,走到二楼办公室里。

    I get up , put on some sweatpants , make tea and proceed to my office on the second floor of the house .

  25. 红毯外,碧昂丝从不穿运动裤或运动鞋&这位明星喜欢“恨天高”的高跟鞋、无可挑剔的发型和精致的妆容。

    No sweatpants or sneakers for Beyonc é when she 's off the redcarpet – the star favors sky-high heels and impeccable hair andmakeup .

  26. 有些倒霉的面试者“穿着运动裤来面试”,有一个人“穿的鞋子不是一双”,还有一个人“不知道自己拉链开了。”

    Some hapless interviewees " showed up in sweatpants , " one " was wearing mismatched shoes , " and another " didn 't realize his zipper was down . "

  27. 如果你很娇小,可以去儿童区看看短裤、紧身裤、休闲运动裤、帆布夹克及T恤等休闲装。

    If you are a thin , petite-sized woman , don 't overlook the children 's department for casual clothing such as shorts , capris , cargo pants , denim jackets and T-shirts .

  28. 我基本上不太看花边新闻,但是有一天我看到一个网站上的文章,上面载着一张我穿着运动裤往健身房走的照片。

    Now I try not to read gossip as a rule , but the other day a website ran an article with a picture of me wearing sweatpants on the way to the gym .

  29. 小吴留着一头短发,戴着眼镜,身穿紫色T恤、深色运动裤和灰色跑鞋。她表示想要咨询自己应该选择外科整形还是非手术治疗。

    With short hair and glasses , wearing a purple T-shirt , dark sport pants and gray sneakers , she says she is after medical advice about whether she should undergo surgical or non-surgical procedures .

  30. 她说,孩子们都要自己看起来酷一点,他们都有这样的压力,这我知道,所以我让我的儿子在运动裤里面再穿一条长裤;

    There is a lot of pressure to look cool , I know . So I had my son put on a pair of pants beneath his nylon sports pants , ' she says . '