
yùn mù chuán
  • timber carrier
运木船[yùn mù chuán]
  1. 7000米~3运木船

    A Description of 7000M ~ 3 Timber Carrier

  2. 7000米~3运木船的尾部线型与尾部振动

    Stern Lines and Afterbody Vibrations of 7,000M Lumber Carrier

  3. 运木船破舱浮性、稳性、强度及破舱进水模拟研究

    Study on the Buoyancy 、 Stability 、 Longitudinal Strength of Lumber Carrier and Simulation of Damaged Flooding

  4. 本文概述了运木船的木材甲板货绑扎系统的定义和基本要素,并对该系统中的立柱,尤其是活动立柱的结构和布置提出了一些看法和意见。

    The article described the definition and the essential factor in the deck timber securing system , and presented the author 's viewpoints on the structure and arrangement of the protable upright in the system .