
  1. 我国优秀女子100m跨栏跑运动节奏系统的测量及评价

    Measurement and Evaluation of the Rhythm of Chinese Elite Women 100 m Hurdlers

  2. 第7届全运会女子100m跨栏跑运动节奏的研究

    A Study on Female 100m Hurdles Running Rhythm in the 7 th National Games

  3. 本文从五方面对第7届全运会女子100m栏比赛中的运动节奏进行了以量化为主的综合研究,揭示了我国女子100m栏运动节奏的一些特点和规律,提出了有关技术参数。

    This essay studied the women 100m hurdles running rhythm in five aspects in the 7th national games , reveals some characteristics and rules of it and puts forward technique parameter concerned .

  4. 关于现代篮球运动节奏性特征的初步归因探讨

    A Probe into the Attribution of the Rhythm of Modern Basketball

  5. 对长拳套路运动节奏的一些探讨

    A probe into the sport rhythm of long punch skills

  6. 对现代篮球运动节奏特点的初步认识

    The cognition on the rhythm of modern basketball

  7. 武术套路运动节奏美刍议

    On the Beauty of Rhythm in Wushu

  8. 因此放慢运动节奏比多喝一杯水更有利于你的健康。

    Slowing down the pace will do more for you than drinking an extra glass of water .

  9. 绘画中的乐舞特征正是对宇宙运动节奏的一种抽象表达方式。

    The music and dance in painting is exactly the expression of the rhythm of the universe . Exercise .

  10. 老年人听着钢琴声进行锻炼,并且随着钢琴声节奏的改变而变化他们的运动节奏,练习难度逐步增加。

    They worked out to the piano , changing movements in response to changes in the beat . The exercises got progressively more difficult .

  11. 第三章则通过对景别、运动节奏以及角度等方面的研究,对两者的摄影风格进行展开分析。

    Through the study of sences , move rhythms and visual angle , Chapter III analyze the photography style of the two documentary in specific .

  12. 运动节奏的研究对体育教学和训练中运动技术特征的探询,技术的优化以及风格的表现都有着重要的价值。

    The study of sport rhythm will be of great value to the research of technique characters , technique optimization and technique style in sport teaching and training area .

  13. 试论篮球运动的节奏性与连贯性

    Brief Discuss on Rhythmicity and Continuity of Basketball Game

  14. 人们可能会把高尔夫的衰落跟这项运动的节奏联系起来,这很合理。

    You could reasonably trace the sport 's decline to the pace of play .

  15. 试论篮球运动的节奏

    On the Rhythm of Basketball Sports Rhythm

  16. 竞技运动的节奏性规律

    The rhythmic law of competitive sports

  17. 很显然,专家认为一个人运动的节奏越快,相应的音乐节奏也应该越快。

    Previously , experts believed that the faster a person exercises , the faster the music tempo should be .

  18. 能否正确而深刻理解篮球运动的节奏并且运用节奏变化来争取比赛的主动权,是一个球队实力的反映,也是一个球队是否成熟的标志。

    It is the real power of a basketball team to understand and apply rhythm to win the favor of basketball games .

  19. 如果需要,你可一将一只手放在你的胸廓以下感受整个呼吸运动的节奏。

    If necessary , keep one hand on your stomach just below your rib cage to feel the movement and rhythm of your breath .

  20. 这种温柔和专门形式的按摩刺激淋巴系统帮助去除毒素通过使用轻圆周运动,节奏抽水行动和触摸法。

    This gentle and specialized form of massage stimulates the lymphatic system aiding in the removal of toxins by using light circular motions , rhythmic pumping actions and effleurage .

  21. 文章通过分析武术运动中节奏的特点,论述了节奏美在武术运动表现美的过程中的作用,给人们提供了一个认识节奏的新视角。

    Analysing the characteristics of rhythm , this essay expounds the affects of the beauty of rhythm in Wushu sports , it gives people a fresh view to understand rhythm .

  22. 基于比赛节奏是技术、战术节奏在时间和空间上的综合体现,本文着重分析研究篮球运动比赛节奏的基本规律。

    As match rhythm reflects comprehensively technical and tactics rhythm in aspects of time and space , the author of this study mainly analyses the law of match rhythm for the basketball game .

  23. YO-YO测试模仿足球运动中的节奏,把体能测试与足球专项运动特点结合起来,评价足球运动员的专项耐力素质。

    It imitates the football rhythm , and combines physical ability test with the features of football , thereupon it can evaluate the specialized endurance quality of football players .

  24. 竞技运动延迟爆发性节奏特性分析

    An Analysis of the Rhythmic Features of Delayed Explosion in Athletic Sports

  25. 论排球运动中的节奏制胜

    Winning Volleyball " The Principle of Rhythm "

  26. 其中一堂课是大运动量高节奏的,当然,跟以往一样都是有球训练。

    Once again it is high-tempo work , as ever all with the ball .

  27. 运动元素包含节奏、蒙太奇。

    Motional element contains rhythm and montage .

  28. 音乐的节奏变化与武术运动中的节奏变化有着异曲同工之妙。

    The change of its rhythm is so similar with the rhythm change in Wushu exercise .

  29. 试论舞龙运动中的节奏

    Rhythms in dragon dance

  30. 试论击剑运动中的节奏

    On Rhythm of Fencing