
  • 网络transportation corridor;transport corridor
  1. 区域运输走廊形成机理及其界定分析

    Theory and Principle of the Formation of Regional Transportation Corridor

  2. 本文对目前国内外运输走廊研究进行了综述。

    The paper is a summary for Transportation Corridor ( TC ) study at home and abroad .

  3. 建设东北亚跨国运输走廊的设想及意义

    The Assumption of Building the Transnational Transportation Channel and Its Significance

  4. 这一瓶颈阻碍了建设大容量运输走廊的想法。

    The bottleneck undermined the idea of a large-capacity corridor .

  5. 20世纪走廊及交通运输走廊研究进展

    A review of corridor and transport corridor

  6. 机场核心计划运输走廊

    Airport Core Programme transport corridor

  7. 走廊与交通运输走廊的研究目前集中在三个层面:城市尺度、区域尺度、国家或国际尺度。

    There are three scales of transport corridor : urban scale , regional scale , and national or international scale .

  8. 这条隧道是机场核心计划运输走廊的主要部分,有助纾缓目前两条海底隧道的挤塞情况。

    It is a key part of the ACP transport corridor and helps relieve congestion at the two existing cross-harbour tunnels .

  9. 西南·云南:借道邻国构建中欧运输走廊

    Northwest · Yunnan Province : Borrow the Road from the Neighbouring Countries to Construct the Transport Corridor Between China and Europe

  10. 兴建机场核心计划运输走廊,是为了应付来往新机场的交通并纾缓现有道路的挤塞情况。

    The ACP transport corridor is designed to cater for traffic to the new airport and to relieve congestion on existing roads .

  11. 本论文从交通运输走廊内旅客出行的角度出发,研究出行规律。

    In this thesis , starting from the point of view of passenger travel in the transportation corridor , researching the travel rules .

  12. 在10个工程项目中,由政府负责的有7个,包括两项填海计划、运输走廊及东涌新市镇。

    The government is responsible for seven of the 10 projects , covering the two land reclamations , the transport corridor and Tung Chung new town .

  13. 论文首先立足于多学科的交叉层面,对交通运输走廊的概念进行了界定,分析了运输走廊的内涵和技术经济特征。

    Firstly based on the methods and ideas of different subjects and fields , the concept of TC is defined and the significance and technical characteristics are analyzed .

  14. 加强现有的规划指引,进一步探讨主要运输走廊沿线的发展机会,并扩大铁路车站及公共交通交汇处附近的发展,例如提高地积比率。

    Strengthen existing planning guidelines to further explore development opportunities along major transport corridors and to intensify developments e.g.by increasing plot ratio around rail stations and public transport interchanges .

  15. 西北客运廊扩展部分〔香港国际机场〕西南·云南:借道邻国构建中欧运输走廊

    North-west concourse extension [ Hong Kong International Airport ] Northwest · Yunnan Province : Borrow the Road from the Neighbouring Countries to Construct the Transport Corridor Between China and Europe

  16. 中国已发出信号,暗示其有兴趣为肯尼亚一个规模数十亿美元的大型项目提供部分建设资金,该项目将开发一个港口和运输走廊,可能为苏丹向中国输出石油提供一条新的出口路线。

    China has signalled its interest in funding part of a multi-billion-dollar Kenyan project to develop a port and transport corridor that could provide a new export route for Chinese oil from Sudan .

  17. 同时也有利于加强交通运输走廊的理论研究,具有理论研究意义。

    On the other hand , it will be of benefit to enhancing of theory study of TC . So it is of theoretical and practical significance to study on RPTC in the thesis .

  18. 主要阐述了国内外运输走廊规划建设、理论和系统研究、与区域经济和空间结构相互关系等方面的研究进展及动态。

    The review of TC development and trend is focus on some aspects , such as TC planning construction , TC theory system study , the relationship between TC and regional economic regional spatial structure etc.

  19. 交通运输走廊的研究长期以来一直是国内外交通运输规划、交通运输经济、经济地理和区域经济等多个领域研究的热点问题。

    The study of Transportation Corridor ( TC ) has widely gained people 's attentions all over the world in many fields , such as Traffic & Transportation Planning , Transportation Economy , Transport Geography and Regional Economy .

  20. 基于郑汴洛走廊发展的实态,提出了依托综合运输走廊,实现产业分工和城市功能互补的构想,探讨了综合交通走廊与产业结构和城市发展形态的关系。

    Based on the analysis of corridor development status , a strategy is put forward , that is orientated to proper industrial division and integration of city function in the corridor . The interrelationship between transportation corridor and industry structure , urban spatial pattern is discussed .

  21. 佛罗里达高速铁路项目控股公司的意图是,协调高速陆地运输系统走廊内所属于fdot的系统的替换或迁移。

    It is the intent of fhsph to coordinate the replacement or relocation of the fdot-owned systems that lie inside of the hsgts corridor .

  22. 运输通道,又称为运输走廊、交通走廊,是交通运输产业发展到综合运输阶段的必然产物。

    Transportation corridor , also named transportation thoroughfare or traffic passageway , is the inevitable result produced when the traffic and transportation industry comes into the age of integrated transportation .

  23. 本文对两国贸易物流运输方式的研究,主要是基于两国便利开展的国际运输走廊,针对中俄两国境内沟通双边贸易的陆路干线运输、铁路运输和港口运输展开阐述。

    The paper studies bilateral trade logistics and transport , mainly based on the international transport corridors , to communicate bilateral trade trunk transport , rail transport and port transportation and so on .

  24. 东北亚区域经济合作的主要瓶颈之一是跨国运输和国际物流服务,考虑到可操作性,因而建设跨国运输走廊和地区国际物流中心就有希望成为启动东北亚区域全面合作的切入点。

    To build the transnational transportation channel and the regional center to promote the international flow of commodities will be the key points to start the cooperation within Northeast Asia .

  25. 指出区域综合运输通道客运系统是服务城市群和都市圈范围内,在某一狭长地带行成的具有多用交通方式共同协作,为区域提供旅客运输服务的交通运输走廊。

    This paper points out that the passenger system of regional comprehensive transportation corridor is corridor that serves within the scopes of urban agglomeration and metropolitan region , which is composed by different kinds of transportation modes within a narrow area . 2 .