
yùn yíng shāng
  • Operator;carrier;service provider;ISP
  1. 克利夫兰诊所,一家医院运营商,已将其医务人员重组为不同的治疗团队,专门负责特定的治疗领域。

    The Cleveland Clinic , a hospital operator , has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas .

  2. 基于3G运营商的移动办公系统应用和分析

    Research and Application of Mobile Office Automation based on 3G Operator

  3. 大批新的运营商将获准进入该市场。

    A plethora of new operators will be allowed to enter the market .

  4. 这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。

    The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators .

  5. 首先是设计师抑或监管者,其次是建筑商和运营商,每一组接受培训的工人都必须知道在培训结束后还有工作要做。

    One needs the designers , and perhaps the regulators , before the builders and operators , and each group of workers in training has to know there is work waiting beyond graduation .

  6. 手机运营商和消费者需要共同努力,找到确定和沟通真实问题的方法。

    Phone carriers and consumers need to work together to find ways of determining and communicating what is real .

  7. 截至2020年9月,已有107家运营商在47个国家和地区商用5G网络。

    As of September , 107 carriers have commercialized 5G networks in 47 countries and regions .

  8. 预计2025年底,将有410家运营商在123个国家和地区商用5G网络。

    By the end of 2025 , 410 carriers are expected to commercialize 5G networks in 123 countries and regions .

  9. 预计2020年底,将有149家运营商在57个国家和地区商用5G网络。

    It is expected that 149 carriers will commercialize 5G networks in 57 countries and regions by the end of 2020 .

  10. 截至9月底,三大运营商已推出5000余个创新工程,签署了约1000个5G商业合约。

    By the end of September , China 's three major telecom operators had launched more than 5000 innovation projects and signed around 1000 5G business contracts .

  11. 曾经对信用卡嗤之以鼻的商户们现在纷纷开始使用读卡器。这些数据来自自动取款机运营商LINK,他们补充道,对2000名购物者的一项调查中,超过四分之三的购物者表示新冠病毒会影响他们未来对现金的使用。

    Traders who used to turn up their noses at plastic are bringing out their card readers . The figures come from the cash machine network LINK , which adds that in a survey of 2000 shoppers , more than three quarters said the virus would affect their future use of cash .

  12. 更换供应商意味着运营商要更换已经安装的设备,而不仅是升级现有设备那么简单。

    Changing the supplier would require carriers to replace equipment already installed instead of simply upgrading the existing ones .

  13. 顾客们听说两家移动运营商就减少漫游费的问题达成了新的协定后,终于松了一口气。

    The customers were relieved when the two mobile operators hammered out a new agreement to cut roaming charges .

  14. 三大电信运营商将自10月1日起推出“当月流量不清零服务”,即月底未用的套餐内剩余流量不会清零。

    China 's top three major telecom operators will launch rollover data services on Thursday , meaning unused data at the end of the month will no longer just disappear .

  15. 作为回应,政府表示,为弱势儿童和年轻人购买的100万台笔记本电脑中,有一半以上已经交付。同时,政府正与移动网络运营商合作,为在家学习的儿童提供免费数据流量。

    In response , the government says more than half of the one million laptops bought for disadvantaged children and young people have already been delivered and it 's working with the mobile network operators to provide free data at home .

  16. “政府认为,电动滑板车可以鼓励大家把汽车留在家里。目的是通过提供另一种出行方式来扩展交通网络。负责伦敦计划的运营商表示,人们使用电动滑板车时的许多问题都是可以解决的。”

    So the government believes these things can encourage us all to leave our cars at home . The idea is they kind of extend the transport network , by giving us another way to get around . And the operators of the London scheme say many of the issues people have with e-scooters can be addressed .

  17. 3G运营商网络核心竞争力模型的研究

    Research on 3G Operation Business Network Core Competitive Ability Model

  18. 3G移动运营商终端定制模式研究

    Research on 3G Operators ' Customization Mode of Mobile Devices

  19. 移动运营商在3G价值链上的战略定位

    Strategic Positioning of Mobile Operators in 3G Value Chain

  20. 3G移动运营商进行终端定制将成为趋势。

    It will become a trend for 3G operators to customize mobile devices .

  21. 3G产业链对我国运营商竞争关系的影响

    The Impact on Competition in 3G Industry Value Chain among China 's Telecommunication Carriers

  22. 英国电信产业的放松管制和对主导运营商BT的再管制

    Liberalization & deregulation on UK telecommunications and regulation on dominant firm BT

  23. 论文的最后对移动运营商进行了SWOT分析;

    In the last chapter , the paper analyzed the OP by SWOT ;

  24. 新进入运营商3G准备策略研究

    3G Preparative Strategy for New Mobile Operator

  25. 宽带IP城域网作为各运营商在城市信息化的主推网络,成为竞争的一个主要战场。

    Broadband IP MAN as the operator of the city main push of information networks , has become a major battlefield of competition .

  26. 构建了一种基于电信运营商的ASP平台构架,提出了ASP基础服务平台的概念和促进ASP产业发展的运作模式。

    A framework of the ASP based on that value chain and its operation mode are put forward .

  27. NEC网络规划方案助力运营商打造3G精品网

    NEC 's Network Planning Solution Help Operator to Build Outstanding 3G Network

  28. 作为3G应用的杀手级产品,手机电视日益受到各家运营商的重视。

    Mobile TV is being taken more seriously by Telecommunication Operators as a Killer Application of 3G network .

  29. 通过实践应用,IP语音接入网技术基本适合新的运营商在本地语音业务发展的需求。

    Through practising application , IP pronunciation access network technology is suitable for the new operator in the demand for speech business development here basically .

  30. 但是,正是P2P应用开放式的特点,给用户网络带来带宽、安全等方面的问题,对运营商的收入冲击也很大。

    However , as a result of open characteristic of P2P network , it also brings some width and security problems .