
  • purple sweet potato;Purple Potato;Solanum tuberdsm
  1. 本论文对紫薯全粉工艺进行优化,并对紫薯全粉理化性质进行了研究。

    In this thesis , purple sweet potato powder process was optimised , and purple sweet potato flour physicochemical properties were studied .

  2. 但由于紫薯水分含量高,易发生霉变,腐烂,病害损失严重,不易长期贮藏。

    However , due to the high moisture content of purple sweet potato , prone to mildew , rot , the disease has suffered serious losses and short-term storage .

  3. 祈祷他们有macapunoube口味吧,它是椰子和甜紫薯混合物,具有绣球花那种紫色,柔滑,昂贵。

    Cross your fingers that they have macapuno ube , coconut mixed with sweet purple yam , purple as hydrangea , creamy and expansive .

  4. 紫薯中花青素的超声波提取工艺

    Ultrasonic method for extracting anthocyanins from purple sweet potato

  5. 广紫薯1号特征特性与高产栽培技术

    Characteristics of purple sweet potato variety " Guangzishu No.1 " and its high-yield cultivation techniques

  6. 同时,以支链淀粉含量和紫薯淀粉颗粒膨润度为指标分析紫薯淀粉的理化性质。

    Meanwhile , amylopectin starch to amylase starch ratio and swelling ability were also analyzed .

  7. 在推出绿茶、紫薯等非传统口味的新品方面,本土企业往往比跨国企业更灵敏。

    Local companies are often nimbler than multinationals at introducing green tea or purple sweet potato alternatives to traditional flavours .

  8. 川山紫薯色素提取分离及主要组成成分分析

    WU MENG MOUNTAIN Extraction , Separation and Main Constituent Analysis of Purple-Fleshed Sweet Potato Anthocyanin from Species Originally Produced in Japan

  9. 虽然研究人员只对紫薯进行了研究,但是他们相信红色皮和白色皮的土豆会拥有相同的效果。

    While the researchers studied just purple potatoes , they believe that red and white skin potatoes would do the same .

  10. 在此条件下,得到色泽均匀、组织状态良好、口感细腻、具有保健功能的凝固型紫薯酸奶。

    In this condition , with healthy function of solidified purple potato yogurt had uniform color , good organization and delicate taste .

  11. 以感官评价为考察指标,通过正交试验研究紫薯酸奶发酵工艺条件。

    And the sensory evaluation was used as the index , studying the fermentation process of purple sweet potato yogurt by orthogonal experiment .

  12. 紫薯其化学成分的研究主要集中在花色苷类及酚类成分,已报道的酚类成分主要为咖啡酸及绿原酸异构体。

    Previous study were concentrated in anthocyanin and phenolic compounds , phenolic compounds have been reported as caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid isomers .

  13. 提取紫薯淀粉后的副产物均有明显降血压作用。

    From these results , it can be concluded that all the byproducts of purple potato starch extraction have a notable antihyperglycemic effect .

  14. 以紫薯为原料,采用微波和超声波对紫甘薯色素提取方法进行了对比研究,正交法探讨了两种方法的最佳提取条件和参数。

    The microwave and ultrasonic methods were used to extract Purple Potato Pigment respectively , and their extraction conditions were optimized by orthogonal test .

  15. 研究员让18个超重或肥胖的病人在持续一个月的时间内每天吃8个小紫薯。

    Researchers took 18 overweight and obese patients and had them eat six to eight small purple potatoes twice a day for a month .

  16. 除了经典口味(如果可以这样说的话),比如芥末味和紫薯味,每过一段时间还有很多新口味推出。

    In addition to the ( dare we call them ) classics , like wasabi and purple sweet potato , new flavors are regularly introduced .

  17. 紫薯现可以加工成紫薯片、紫薯条等食品,也有研究提取花青素等等开发。

    Purple sweet potato is processed into purple potato chips , purple fries and other foods , but also the development of extraction of anthocyanins , and so on .

  18. 紫薯营养丰富,氨基酸组成全面,所含天然色素安全性高,且具有保健功效,是极好的食品加工原料。

    Purple sweet potatoes are rich in nutrition with all-sided amino acids and natural pigments . They are the excellent raw materials for food processing because of their biological functions .

  19. 紫薯是一种高营养的蔬菜,富含多种生物活性物质,营养丰富,越来越成为国内外研究的热点之一。

    Purple sweet potato is a highly nutritious vegetable , riched in a variety of biologically active substances and nutrients . It has increasingly become one of the hotspots at home and abroad .

  20. 加工会使紫薯原料的芳香成分发生改变,紫薯经蒸制后由于加热发生一系列的化学反应,如美拉德反应等,所以扩大了其芳香成分种类范围。

    Processing made the aromatic components of the raw purple sweet potato changed , heating caused a series of chemical reactions in purple sweet potato , such as the Maillard reaction , which expanded the range of types of aromatic components .

  21. 紫肉甘薯薯块富含的花青素,具有预防肿瘤和癌症、防止心血管病等多种生理功能,在天然色素提取、鲜食保健、加工功能食品等方面应用前景广阔。

    The tuber of purple sweet potato contains a lot of anthocyanins , the anthocyanins is possessed of a variety of physiological functions , just as preventing tumors and cancer , preventing cardiovascular disease , etc. .