
wǎng xiàn
  • Network cable;netting twine;parvicostellae;fishnet yarn
网线[wǎng xiàn]
  1. B在你的房间里有网线。

    There 's an internet cable in your room .

  2. 如果Linkstate为down,那么就显示网线或网络交换机端口可能有问题。

    A down state would indicate a possible bad cable or network switch port .

  3. 基于GIS的农村配电网线损管理系统的研究

    Study on Line Loss Management System of Rural Distribution Grid Based on GIS

  4. 它以Internet为媒介,通过一根网线,一个笔记本就可以在网上进行学习。

    It uses Internet as a media , through a cable , a laptop that can learn on the Internet .

  5. DC为每一个网线按照设计包含的关系分成很多段,每一段网线使用线载模型。

    DC determines the wire load models of each segment of a net by the design encompassing the segment .

  6. 基于MIS的配电网线损分析是电力系统信息化发展的需求,对其进行研究具有理论和实际意义。

    Distribution loss analysis based upon MIS is the requirements of power information development .

  7. 设计了GPS时间同步系统,利用该系统分析研究了串口与网线通信的实时性与可靠性,并在某真航向测量系统中得到了应用。

    Time synchronization system is designed to make some research on real-time and reliability capability of data sampling as well .

  8. 基于MIS的配电网线损分析系统

    Distribution System Loss Analysis Based upon MIS

  9. 一种基于GPRS的配电网线损理论分析系统的研究

    Research on a theory system for analyzing distribution network line loss based on GPRS

  10. 程控主机可由网线接入Internet,操作员工可以远程通过VPN网络实现对本地程控主机的信息交换。

    Programmed by the host cable access to Internet , operations staff can remotely through a VPN networks on the local host of program-controlled exchange of information .

  11. 许多人通过某种形式的宽带连接访问Internet,这些形式可能是DSL、网线、光纤或其他方法。

    Many people access the Internet through some kind of broadband connection & be it DSL , cable , fiber-optic , or some other method .

  12. 将以太网线连接到PS3上。

    Connect the ethernet cable to the PS3 .

  13. 和HDMI连接线相比,以太网网线的价格只是一个零头。

    Ethermet cables are a fraction of the price of HDMI connectors .

  14. 该软件利用GIS的设备参数和SCADA系统的运行参数完成线损的分析和计算,分析影响线损率的因素实现配电网线损的实时监测与分析。

    The software makes use of the equipments parameter of the GIS and the movement parameter of the system of SCADA to complete the line losses analysis and calculation .

  15. 如果要访问互联网,请将网线连接到笔记本,然后设置本地连接自动获取IP地址和首选DNS服务器地址。

    If you want to access the Internet , please be sure to insert RJ45 to your laptop and configure your laptop to get IP address and DNS address automatically .

  16. 降低10kV配电网线损措施的探讨浅析励磁机故障原因与消除措施

    Discussion of measures for Reducing Line Loss of 10 kV Distribution Network

  17. 主要从印版版材、厚度、硬度,印刷压力,油墨粘度、pH值,网纹辊网线数这几方面综合分析研究。

    A comprehensive analysis of these studies has been made about the printed edition version of material , thickness , hardness , printing pressure , ink viscosity , PH value , the number of roller cable .

  18. 农村10kV配网线损分析及降损措施

    10 kV Distribution Line Loss Analysis of Rural Areas and Its Reduction Measures

  19. 本文首先确定了配电网线损计算的数学模型,并引入GPRS技术原理,制定了配电网运行监测的具体组网方案。

    This paper firstly determined the mathematical model of line loss calculation of distribution network , and then established networking scheme of distribution operation monitoring by introducing GPRS technology .

  20. 使用网线插入EVM上的以太网端口,另一端连接到您的PC网口一端连接。

    Using the Ethernet cable supplied , connect one end of the cable to the Ethernet port on the EVM and the other end to your PC.

  21. 其中,网线是非常关键的。然而,现在,人们通常使用不基于网线的应用程序,例如社交网络和iPhone等手机设备。

    The Web is a major part . However , people now often use applications that are not Web-based , like on social networks and mobile devices like the iPhone .

  22. 编织产品:PET网管、尼龙网管、扩充套管、环保网管、圆型彩管、光纤电缆编织线,铜编织网管以及专业屏蔽网线编织加工。

    Woven products : PET network , nylon network management , expansion sleeve , green network , round picture tube fiber optic cable woven wire , copper braid shielded cable , and professional Weaving process .

  23. 这些故障包括电源故障、网线损坏以及其他种类的硬件相关问题,比如磁盘损坏、CPU由于过热而被锁,以及内存损坏。

    These failures include power failures , damage to network cables , and other kinds of hardware-related problems such as hard disk damage , CPU lockup due to overheating , and bad memory .

  24. 建立了各个集中质量点的运动方程,利用六阶Runge-kutta方法来求解运动方程组得到网农上各个集中质量点的位移,网线张力。

    The sixth-order Runge-Kutta method is used to solve these simultaneous equations , and men the displacement and tension of each lumped mass are obtained .

  25. 给出了一个利用USB2.0接口,两台PC机和百兆网线组成的LVDS信号传输误码率测试系统。NET技术。

    A BER ( Bit Error Rate ) measurement system for LVDS signal transmission , which consists of USB interface and two computers and net cable , is introduced .

  26. 本文阐述了配电GIS的研究现状以及基于GIS的网络拓扑分析方法,在此基础上完成了农村配电网线损管理系统的数据库设计、功能模块设计及最终实现。

    The paper expounds the study status of the power distribution GIS and the grid topology analysis based on GIS , and completes the database design , function module design and implementation of the line loss management system of the rural distribution grid .

  27. SG公司是一家特大资源型国有企业,其分枝机构分布于整个中国大陆的省、地区,其网线覆盖祖国大陆地区几乎每家每户。

    SG is a large resource-based state-owned enterprise , its branch offices located in the Chinese mainland provinces , regions , its mainland area cable coverage almost every household .

  28. 主要论述了HFC的网线路结构、利用HFC实现高速数据通信的关键技术、CABLEModem技术及采用CABLEModem技术来实现的双向有线访问系统。

    It mainly describes the wiring structure of HFC net , the key technique of realizing high rate data communication by HFC , Cable Modem technique and using Cable Modem technique to realize two way wiring interview system .

  29. 宽带上网的优势在于局域网技术成熟,网线及中间设备的价格比较便宜,同时可以实现1M、10M、100M的平滑过渡。

    The advantages of wide-band are its complete technology process , and the cheaper price of net wire and the equipment , as while as its smooth transition from 1M to 100M .

  30. 该系统可以通过网线接入无线WIFI路由器,实现了使用手机等移动智能终端或普通PC通过浏览器在线监测和控制温室环境的功能。

    After plugs into wireless WIFI router , the system can be accessed by using mobile phone and other mobile terminal or ordinary PC browsers , which can monitor and control greenhouse environment function online . 4 .