
  • 网络server port
  1. 在Port字段中,输入LDAP服务器端口号。

    In the Port field , enter the LDAP server port number .

  2. ICQ服务器端口域值超出范围。

    The ICQ server port field value is out of range .

  3. AdminServerPort:域管理服务器端口

    Admin Server Port : Domain administrative server port

  4. 我们是否有远程服务器端口,比如VPN。

    Do we have remote server access , like VPN ?

  5. intport:JMS服务器端口

    Int port : The JMS server 's port

  6. 保护服务器端口以及口令。

    Protect server port and password .

  7. 如果单个存储器端口或服务器端口失败,服务器还有一条路径用于数据传输。

    If a single storage port or server port fails , the server still has another path for data transfer .

  8. 服务器端口仍然可以接收来自其他应用程序的客户端连接,如图中黑色圆圈和短划线所示。

    The server port is still available to receive further client connections from other applications , as indicated by the black circle and dashed line .

  9. 默认的响应文件包含一个不冲突的端口的列表(默认的应用程序服务器端口同默认的部署管理器端口并不冲突)。

    The default response file contains a list of ports which , in the simple case , do not conflict ( the default application server ports do not conflict with the default deployment manager ports ) .

  10. RADIUS服务器的端口号

    Port number of the RADIUS server

  11. SSH客户端发起一个转发服务器端端口的请求。

    The SSH client initiates a request to forward a server-side port .

  12. 端口:Informix服务器的端口号。

    Port : The port number for your Informix server .

  13. 在ServiceURI中,您可以选择IP地址、主机名和应用服务器的端口,以及应发送消息的端口。

    In the Service URI , you can choose the IP address , hostname , and port of the application server and port that the message should be sent .

  14. 使用:99指定可访问VNC服务器的端口。

    Using : 99 specifies the port the VNC server will be accessible from .

  15. 从http://:/wps/myportal访问门户,其中是计算机的IP或名称,是配置测试服务器的端口。

    Access the portal from http : / / : / wps / myportal , where is the IP or name of the machine and the is the port at which the test server is configured .

  16. 本文分析了Mach端口的实现机制和使用方法,以及Mach3.0系统服务器对端口的支持。

    In this paper , the author analyses the implementation and use of the port , and the support of Mach 3.0 system servers .

  17. 或者未浮动的许可证指定许可证服务器(端口@license-serverhostname,例如,19393@LicenseServerhostname)。

    Or specify the license server for a floating license ( port @ license-serverhostname , for example : 19393 @ LicenseServer hostname ) .

  18. 每条路径都需要一个切换区域,以便您的服务器HBA端口能够到达DS8000IO端口。

    You need to make a switch zone for each path so your server HBA port can reach the DS8000 IO port .

  19. 服务器开放端口的详细信息如上所述。

    The ports that are opened for our server were detailed above .

  20. 这个号码就是用于安装服务器的端口号。

    This number is the port number that is used to install the server .

  21. 至少选择一个输出选项(例如服务器、端口或文件)。

    Select at least one output option ( for example , server , port , or file ) .

  22. 数据帧建好之后,跨越互连网被送达超级链接指向的服务器的端口。

    When the frame is ready , it is sent across the Internet to the appropriate port on the server .

  23. 在初始化调试会话时,应该连接Web服务器的这个端口。

    You connect to this port on the Web server to initiate debugging sessions .

  24. 使用LDAP服务器的缺省端口和IP地址调用ldapinit。

    Call ldap_init using the default port and the IP address of the LDAP server .

  25. WebSphereApplicationServer定义了许多服务器使用的端口,并且在一个运行的单独主机系统中每个端口都必须是唯一的。

    WebSphere Application Server defines a number of ports which servers use , and each must be unique across all the running servers on a single host computer system .

  26. 因此,防火墙需要开放两个端口:80和443(除非您正在使用的端口不是您的Web服务器的缺省端口)。

    As a result , the firewall will require two ports opened : 80 and443 ( unless you 're using different ports other than the defaults for your Web servers ) .

  27. 始终要求填写服务器名称、端口、用户ID、密码和数据库名称才能创建连接。

    You will always require the server name , port , user ID , password , and database name to create connections .

  28. 例如,showportasyncallchar命令返回终端服务器上每个端口的详细信息。

    For example , the command show port async all char returns detailed information about each port on the terminal server .

  29. 要找到您的服务器使用的端口号,请转到管理控制台,并单击Servers=>ApplicationServers

    To find out which port number your server uses , go to the administrative console and click on the Servers = > Application Servers

  30. 这意味着无需更改LotusFormsURL内的服务器名或端口号就可以在服务器上安装此项目。

    This equivalency means that you can install the project on the server without changing the server name or the port number on the Lotus Forms URL .