
  • 网络Service Quality Management;Quality of Service management
  1. 服务质量管理理论在SG汽车公司的应用研究

    The Application Study of Service Quality Management in SG Automobile Corp

  2. 应用ISO9000标准建立护理服务质量管理体系文件

    Setup the nurse service quality management system documents according to ISO 9000 standard

  3. 关于Internet服务质量管理协议的分析

    On QoS Protocols and Architectures in the Internet

  4. 一种基于Agent的服务质量管理框架

    An Agent Based Qualify of Service Management Framework

  5. IP骨干网中的服务质量管理

    QoS Management in the IP Backbone

  6. CS战略&图书馆信息服务质量管理的核心

    CS Strategy : Core of Quality Management of Information Service in Library

  7. 移动IPv6中的服务质量管理架构

    An Optimizing Structure for QoS Management in Mobile IPv6

  8. ISO9000指导下的高校后勤服务质量管理研究

    The Study of ISO9000 's Guidance in Colleges ' Rear-Service Management

  9. ISO9000标准在护理服务质量管理中的应用

    Application of ISO 9000 standard in nursing care quality management

  10. VoIP业务的服务质量管理原型系统

    QoS Management Prototype System of VoIP Applications

  11. SG公司代理招聘服务质量管理方案设计研究

    Research on Management of Agent Recruitment Service Quality of SG Company

  12. 用ISO9000的理念加强高校图书馆服务质量管理

    Using the concept of ISO9000 Strengthens the Management of Service Quality in University Library

  13. 提供良好的服务质量管理是完善VoD业务的关键所在。

    The management of VoD quality is the key point to improve the quality of VoD service .

  14. 在对IP网络服务质量管理需求及现有监测系统进行客观分析的基础上,提出了一种多业务IP网络中的SLS监测系统。

    Based on the analysis of the requirement for IP QoS management and current monitoring systems , an SLS monitoring system in multi-service IP network is presented .

  15. 场馆服务质量管理、服务感知质量IPA实证分析。

    IPA empirical analysis of Stadiums and gymnasiums service quality management and service value perception .

  16. KANO模型在图书馆服务质量管理中的应用研究

    Study on Kano Model and Its Application in Library Quality Management

  17. 结果应用ISO9000标准,能促使护理服务质量管理更加规范化和标准化。

    Results Application of the standard of ISO 9000 promoted nursing care quality management and made the management further normalized and standardized .

  18. SERVQUAL在研究生教育服务质量管理中的应用研究

    Managing Postgraduate Education Service Quality Using SERVQUAL

  19. 并具体分析了移动通信服务质量管理的需求,深入了解了第三代移动通信系统UMTS的端到端服务框架。

    And specifically analyzes the mobile telecommunications service quality management requirements , in-depth understanding of the end-to-end service framework of 3G UMTS network .

  20. 为此,本文提出在政府公共部门导入ISO9000国际标准、开展公共服务质量管理活动、构建和实施公共服务质量管理体系来达到上述目的。

    Therefore , this article points out that our government can attain the target by means of applying ISO9000 , constructing and carrying out public service quality management system .

  21. 本文根据ACL应用环境,对ACL进行分类,详细介绍在路由器和操作系统上配置A-CL的具体步骤,达到提高网络服务质量管理的目的。

    ACL is classified by application environment and the application of ACL will be shown in routers and Operate System in details in order to improve the management of QOS .

  22. 在SLA管理的执行阶段将SLA管理的相关技术引入业务管理,实现业务服务质量管理系统的管理功能。

    Secondly , the technologies related to SLA management is introduced to business management in the implementation phase , in order to achieve the management of the quality of service of railway businesses .

  23. 本文通过对部分卫生VIII项目县现场调研材料的总结与分析,找出了贫困地区卫生服务质量管理中存在的主要问题,提出了加强质量教育,提高质量意识,转变思想观念;

    Through summarizing and analyzing the materials coming from some pilot areas where the health VIII projects were conducted , we found out main problems exiting in quality control of health service in poverty areas .

  24. 为探讨新形势下门诊服务质量管理,本文阐述了运用ISO9000族质量管理理论,对门诊服务质量进行监督和考评。

    To inquire into the quality management of the outpatient service in new situation , it is expounded in this article that the quality management theory on ISO9000 system should be managed for supervising and evaluating the outpatient service quality .

  25. 本文第一部分研究了服务质量管理的相关理论,阐述了服务质量的含义、感受服务的基本标准、服务质量的构成要素、服务产品改善性设计的概念及其四川大学2001级MBA学位论文方法。

    The first part of this thesis researches related theories on service quality management , and discusses the meaning of service quality , fundamental standards of experiencing service , factors of service quality , as well as the meaning and methods of service product improvable design .

  26. 神秘顾客方法:改善服务质量管理的新工具

    Mystery Customer : New Tool for Management of Service Quality Improvement

  27. 分布式多媒体系统服务质量管理实现支持机制

    Quality of Service Management Implementation Supporting Mechanisms in Distributed Multimedia Systems

  28. 构建奥运服务质量管理体系

    Design on the service quality management system of the Olympic Games

  29. 饭店服务质量管理重点分析

    Analysis on the Most Important Aspects of Hotel Service Quality Management

  30. 精益六西格玛方法在电信服务质量管理中的应用研究

    Research on Lean Six Sigma Applications to Telecommunication Service Quality Management