
  • 网络Regulatory activities;Monitoring activity
  1. 它将比imf更为严厉地审查各国政府的监管活动,监督数量有限的全球法规的实施情况。

    It would scrutinise the regulatory activities of national authorities with more teeth than the IMF has and oversee the implementation of a limited number of global regulations .

  2. 可用同种方式考虑监管活动和监控活动。

    Both supervising and monitoring activities can be considered in just the same way .

  3. 保险市场以及保险经营和保险监管活动是一国市场经济体系得有机组成部分。

    Insurance market and insurance management and insurance supervision are a organic ingredient part of the market economy system .

  4. 世界各国证券市场的监管者均致力于会计信息披露管制的研究,以期指导证券市场的监管活动。

    Regulaters of the world securities market commit themselves to the accounting information disclosure to guide securities market regulation activities .

  5. 同时,我国政府部门在监管活动中还存在着监管理念的不正确以及食品安全的检测标准相对落后等制约因素。

    At the same time , there are still the incorrect monitoring concept of food safety and a relatively backward testing standards in our government departments in monitoring activities .

  6. 依照法律规定,检察机关通过看守所检察部门监督看守所的监管活动,同时保障看守所内在押人员的合法权益。

    According to legal provisions , procuratorial organs supervise the regulatory activities of detention through the procuratorial department of detention , meanwhile protect the lawful rights of prisoners within .

  7. 商业银行外部审计制度是社会独立审计的一种,在各国现代金融风险监管活动中起着重要的作用,并得到广泛应用。

    S : The commercial bank exterior audit is one of the social independent audit , which plays an important role in the regulation of banks in many countries .

  8. 危机过后各国监管活动的加强,迫使银行和保险公司不得不投入更多资源和管理时间,证明自己拥有适当的控制措施。

    Heightened regulatory activity in the wake of the crisis has forced banks and insurance companies to devote more resources and management time to demonstrating that they have the right controls in place .

  9. 从两方面展开,一方面涉及看守所检察的业务范围,包括检察监督看守所相关的监管活动;办理相关案件;处理在押犯提出的申诉和控告等。

    Introduced in two ways , on the one hand about the business scope . Including the procuratorial supervision regulatory activities related to jail , handle relevant cases , deal with complaints and accuse and so on .

  10. 政府监管活动及其监管模式与政府职能和社会发展相适应,当前我国提出建设服务型政府,要求政府监管模式由管制型向服务型政府转变。

    Both government regulation activities and approaches are compatible with the government function and the social development . At present , building a service-oriented government is in great request in China , so the corresponding government regulation mode has also changed .

  11. 第四章则着重从博弈论的角度对我国金融市场监管活动进行了分析,并就如何提高我国金融监管的效率提出了一些政策建议。

    In chapter 4 , attention is paid to management and supervision of the financial market of China in light of game theory , from which some policy proposals that will improve the efficiency of financial management and supervision are put forward .

  12. 戴蒙表示,尽管摩根大通支持美国政府在危机后出台的大部分改革措施,但某些“迅速、激进的”监管活动走得“有点太远了”。

    Mr Dimon said that , while JPMorgan supported most of the reforms introduced by the US government in the wake of the crisis , some of the " fast and furious " regulatory activity had gone " a little bit too far " .

  13. 但一些分析师表示,这些基本上不受监管的活动给整个体系带来了巨大风险。

    But some analysts say the activities , which are largely unregulated , bring big risks to the system .

  14. 改革的目的是把行政决策和监管执行活动分隔开来,而目前这些职能往往由同一个机构承担。

    The changes are aimed at separating executive decision-making from regulatory and enforcement activities , functions often still handled within the same agency .

  15. 第二,在拥有完善法律制度以后,要加强住房公积金监管的执法活动。

    Second , we must enhance law enforcement activities after the legal system has been improved .

  16. 影子银行业指的是不通过银行,而是通过融资公司、信托机构、民间贷款商等机构进行非法及不受监管的放贷活动。

    Shadow banking refers to illegal and unregulated lending practices through financing companies , trusts , street-side lenders or the like instead of through banks .

  17. 然后论述了政府行为与企业营销活动的差异和联系,最后在此基础上阐述了政府监管市场营销活动的重要意义;

    Then discussed the difference and contact of the government behavior and the business enterprise marketing activity , by the foundation of these elaborated that the important meaning of government takes charge of the marketing activity ;

  18. 金融市场行为监管局的活动将比金融服务管理局更广泛、干扰性更强,同时也更没有效果因为这些活动将主要是一些对企业实际行为无甚影响的填表打勾工作。

    The activities of the financial conduct authority will be even more extensive and intrusive than those of the FSA , and yet ineffective , as they will consist mainly of form-filling and box-ticking with little impact on what businesses do .

  19. 随着我国经济和文化的繁荣发展,各领域重大政治文体活动日趋增多,重大活动食品安全问题现在已经引起各级政府领导、监管部门和活动主办单位的高度重视。

    With the rapid development of economic and cultural in China , many major political and style activities are growing in various fields , all levels of government leaders , regulators , and organizers have paid more attention to food safety problems .

  20. 有关监管跨境投资管理活动的联合声明。

    Joint Declaration on Cooperation and Supervision of Cross-Border Investment Management Activities ?

  21. 它还必须拓展至对冲基金等至今不受监管的实体的活动。

    It must also be extended to the activities of hitherto unregulated entities such as hedge funds .

  22. 法律国际化的另一个推动力量是政府在财务调查与金融监管等领域的活动,这些活动常常是以多个国家的公司与高管为目标。

    Another driver of legal internationalisation is the activities of governments in areas such as financial investigation and regulation , frequently targeting both companies and executives in multiple countries .

  23. 因此,大银行应支付一定的经济费用,为其自身考虑也不能规模过大,并缩减需要很多监管力量的经营活动。

    For these reasons , big banks should incur certain economic charges to discourage size for its own sake and activities that continue to require so many regulatory enforcers on the beat .

  24. 尽管多数人认识到,必须更好地监管对冲基金的活动,但伦敦或纽约没有多少兴趣将这些机构置于严格的监管范围之中。

    Though most recognise that the activities of hedge funds need to be better monitored , there is little appetite in London or New York for bringing these entities into a tough regulatory net .

  25. 不过根据这一提案,一般由各国分别监管的私募配售活动,在2018年前可能逐步取消,这将要求非欧盟的企业和基金接受与欧洲业者相同的约束。

    But private placements , which are generally regulated by individual countries , could be phased out under the proposal by 2018 , which would require non-EU firms and funds to submit to the same restrictions as their European counterparts .

  26. 在目前情况下,我们看到,尽管政府通过设立银监会,并对银行业实行分业监管,且监管活动越来越频繁,监管手段也越来越多,但仍然大要案频发,各种小型案件也防不胜防。

    Besides , we can see that the species of small cases is also very hard to detect even though the establishment of the CBRC . The effect is limited though they were implementing the separation of banking supervision , or creating more and more monitoring tools .

  27. 县政府是我国的基层政府组织,处于食品安全监管工作的第一线,监管活动是否有效直接影响着我国广大农村地区农民的食品安全和健康状况。

    As the primary governmental organization in China , the county government is in the front line of the food safety regulation . Whether or not effective the regulatory activities are has a direct impact on food safety and health conditions of the farmers in vast rural areas of China .

  28. 市场监管是指市场监管主体对市场活动主体及其行为进行限制、约束等直接干预活动的总和,具有独立性、综合性、多层次性的特点。

    Market supervision , which is independent , comprehensive and multi-level , refers to the activities of supervisors to directly intervene market subjects ' behaviors by restricting and controlling .

  29. 能源的特性决定了能源监管是一种社会性监管和经济性监管相结合的监管活动,具有市场有限性、政策性和公共性等特征。

    It is one of the administrative activities . The nature of the energy regulation is both social and economic . The regulation of the market of energy is limited and also has some public and political Characteristics .

  30. 目前,学术界对政府食品安全监管的理论研究已经取得一定的成就,而且正逐步地走向深入,不同层级不同地域的政府也纷纷开展食品安全监管实践活动。

    At present , the academic circles have been made certain achievements on the theoretical study of government food safety regulation , and gradually move towards deepening . The governments in different levels and different regions have also carried on lots of regulation activities on food safety .