
  1. 随着如今复杂监视技术的出现,这些抱怨之声越来越大,也越来越频繁。

    With the advent4 of today 's sophisticated monitoring technology , these complaints have grown louder and more frequent .

  2. 目前基于Internet的单摄像机远程监视技术已经日臻成熟,而多摄像机实现多视角拍摄、协同跟踪以及定位的摄像机远程控制技术还在研究过程中。

    Nowadays the technology of remote surveillance based on internet technology using single camera has matured .

  3. 基于GIS的污水处理设备远程监视技术研究

    Remote facility surveillance for sewage dealing based on GIS

  4. IP网络管理中的网络监视技术

    Network Monitoring Technology of I - NMS NETWORK NETWORK

  5. PC和PLC控制技术及视频监视技术在液压提升系统中的运用

    Application of PC and PLC and Video Monitoring in Hydraulic Lifting System

  6. 基于GPRS的远程视频监视技术研究

    The Study of Remote Video Supervision Technology Based on GPRS

  7. 基于RTP的煤矿数字视频监视技术研究

    Research on Digital Video Monitoring Techniques for Coal Mine over RTP

  8. 基于OPC技术和WindowSDNA-M结构的制造信息监视技术研究

    Study on Manufacturing Information Monitoring Technology Based on OPC and Windows DNA-M

  9. 基于DirectShow的实时立体视频远程监视技术的研究

    Research of a DirectShow-Based Real-Time Stereo Video Remote Monitoring Technology

  10. 论文重点介绍了面向服务工作流系统监视技术的研究。面向服务工作流系统的监视不仅包括对工作流引擎中运行的流程实例及活动实例的监视,还包括对活动实例所绑定的Web服务执行时的监视。

    This paper also focuses on monitoring of Service-Oriented Workflow System , which covers monitoring of process or activity instances in the Process Engine and monitoring of Web Services that bind to activity instances in the runtime .

  11. 一名曾在伊朗被捕并遭到刑讯拷问的记者,正在一个美国法庭起诉诺基亚西门子网络(nokiasiemensnetworks),控告后者向伊朗政府提供了监视技术。

    A journalist arrested and tortured in Iran is suing Nokia Siemens Networks in a US court over alleged provision of surveillance technology to the Iranian government .

  12. 本文以DNA-M为技术基础,运用OPC、XML技术提出了一种新型的制造信息监视技术。

    Basing on DNA-M and employing OPC and XML , the paper presents a new kind of information monitoring technology for manufacturing .

  13. 阐述了一些多媒体报警系统的概念,以及利用多媒体技术与电视监视技术的防火、防盗报警及监视系统的设计,系统中主要器件可编程序控制器(PLC)的应用。

    This paper mainly describes the concept of multimedia technology . It makes a detailed discussion on design method of anti-fire and anti-burglary system by multimedia technology and TV monitoring , and how to use PLC .

  14. 1例为过长的隔引起左房流出道阻塞,另1例为房间隔小孔过小。本文表明经食管超声心动图(TEE)是小儿Fontan术中、术后的重要诊断与监视技术。

    One for obstruction to left atrial out flow caused by a redundant baffle and one for a undersed Fontan fenestration - This study demonstrates that TEE is an important diagnostic and monitoring technique during and after Fontan procedure in small children .

  15. ADS-B技术在空中交通管制工作中的广泛应用,对给航空运输的安全性、高效性、可靠性、灵活性带来巨大的改变,预示着空中交通管制监视技术将开启新的篇章。

    ADS-B technology in the air traffic control in the work of the extensive application in to the air transport security and efficient , reliable , flexibility is the change of air traffic control and monitoring technologies will be open a new chapter in our country .

  16. 容器内核材料监视技术的可行性研究

    Feasibility study of surveillant techology for nuclear material in the container

  17. 基于专网的远程信息实时监视技术研究

    Research on Remote Real-time Information Monitoring Technology Based on Private Network

  18. 智能交通视频监视技术研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Video Surveillance Technology on Intelligent Transportation Systems

  19. 热带轧机工作辊表面监视技术

    Monitoring technique of work roll surface of hot strip mill

  20. 声测被动定向是声学监视技术的重要研究内容。

    Passive acoustic bearing estimation is an important aspect in the acoustic surveillance .

  21. 场景监视技术是现代IT技术中的一类重要应用领域。

    Scene monitoring technology is one of the chief fields in IT technology .

  22. 视频监视技术在公交车自动乘客计数中的应用

    Application of Video Surveillance Technology in Bus APC

  23. 摄像监视技术在刑事摄影中的应用

    Application of Video-shooting Watch Technique in Anti-crime Photography

  24. 那是很不寻常的监视技术。

    That 's an unusual surveillance technique .

  25. 基于B/S模式的数据监视技术研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of the Data Surveillance Technology Based on the B / S Scheme

  26. 为提供机械加工自动化中切削状态监视技术急需的力传感器,研制开发了新型刀杆式切削测力仪。

    A new tool-holder-type cutting dynamometer used in a cutting state monitoring system has been developed .

  27. 主动监视技术研究

    Research on Active Video Surveillance

  28. 空域监视技术是保障飞行安全、提高运行效率的重要手段。

    Airspace surveillance technology works as an important means to guarantee flight safety and increase operation efficiency .

  29. 本文根据现有远动系统实际情况和需求,结合无线移动通信技术,对基于无线移动通信技术的远程视频监视技术进行了研究。

    Research in remote video supervision based on wireless mobile telecommunication technology has been done in this thesis .

  30. 因此,在智能交通系统中开展交通视频监视技术的研究有十分重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , research in this technology and its application in Intelligent Transportation System are of great practical significance .