
  • 网络Network teaching platform;Network Education Platform;moodle
  1. Sakai平台作为一种开源的网络教学平台,在支持项目式学习方面具备一些其它的商业化网络教学平台或开源平台所不具备的优势。

    As an open source network education platform , Sakai is much better than other commercial or open source network education platforms for supporting Project-based Learning .

  2. 网络教学平台的安全策略

    A Security Policy of Network Education Platform

  3. VISUALBASIC课程的网络教学平台设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Network Teaching Platform for Visual Basic Course

  4. 利用Internet技术建立网络教学平台

    Using the Internet Technology to Set Up Network Teaching Terrace

  5. 基于Web的网络教学平台的建设与研究

    Based on Web Network Teaching Platform Construction and Research

  6. 基于Web挖掘的个性化算法及其在网络教学平台的应用

    Personal recommendation algorithm based on Web mining and its application in Web based education

  7. 基于WEB的C语言程序设计网络教学平台的实现

    On Web - Based Teaching of C Program

  8. 构架基于INTERNET技术的网络教学平台

    Establishment of Internet-based Teaching Terrace

  9. 基于J2EE的嵌入式系统课程网络教学平台的开发研究

    Research and Implement of E-Teaching Platform for Embedded System Based on J2EE

  10. 基于Blog的网络教学平台中社会交互环境的构建

    Construction of Social Interaction Environment in Network Teaching Platform Based on Blog

  11. 而在现今的几种网络教学平台中以基于web的网络教学平台(非实时网络教学平台)最为经济实用,本文正是在这个前提下研究了基于web网络教学平台的设计与开发。

    In present , the network teaching platform based on the web ( non-real time network teaching platform ) is the most economical and practical .

  12. 基于JSP和数据库技术构建网络教学平台

    Design of a net education platform based on JSP and database

  13. 基于UML/J2E协作型多学科网络教学平台的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of cooperating and multidisciplinary network instruction environment based on UML / J2EE

  14. 基于Web的网络教学平台是开展网络化学习的基础环境,它为教师、学生和教学管理人员提供一个学习和工作的网络环境。

    Internet teaching platform based on Web is a basic factor for internet-learning and can provide for teachers , students and managerial staff a study and work internet environment .

  15. BLACKBOARD网络教学平台在结构力学课程中的应用

    Application Of Blackboard Learning System In Structural Mechanics Course

  16. 基于Blackboard网络教学平台的协作学习研究

    Study of Collaborated-Learning Based on Blackboard E-Education Platform

  17. Blackboard网络教学平台形成性评价有效性研究

    An Efficacy Study of Blackboard-platform-based Formative Assessment

  18. 利用计算机多媒体技术研制了生物统计学MCAI网络教学平台。

    " Biostatistics Network teaching platform " was developed .

  19. 生物统计学MCAI网络教学平台的研制

    On Network Teaching Platform of Biostatistics MCAI

  20. 以交互性和社交性见长的SNS的兴起为网络教学平台的改进提供了契机。

    SNS characterised of interactivity and sociability , provides an opportunity for the reform of the network teaching platform .

  21. Moodle网络教学平台的二次开发与应用

    The Secondary Development and Application of Moodle

  22. 基于Moodle的结构设计原理课程开放式网络教学平台设计

    Design of Open Network Teaching Platform of Principle of Reinforced Structure Design Based on Moodle

  23. 利用asp和access2000实现了简单适用的网络教学平台,该系统可放到校园网上,辅助学科教学。

    I have realized the simple suitable network teaching platform using ASP and Access 2000 . This system may be put on the campus net , assisted subject instruction .

  24. 采用P2P技术构建的网络教学平台具有良好的健壮性、扩展性、负载均衡,闲置的资源得到使用,在网络教育的各个功能实现上优势明显。

    The e-learning pattern using P2P technology has a good robustness , scalability , load balancing . Idle resources could be used , the utilization of network had been improved significantly .

  25. 介绍了一个基于J2ME及JSP技术的“信息技术基础”网络教学平台移动版的设计与实现,并对其功能模块作了详细描述。

    It is introduced that design and implementation of teaching mobile platform of network on information technology basic , based on J2ME and JSP in this paper .

  26. 本文以天津大学自动化学院网上教学平台为例,介绍了一个基于ASP和数据库技术构建的网络教学平台。

    With the example of platform of network education designed for school of automation in Tianjin University , this paper introduces a platform of network education based on the ASP and the technology of database .

  27. 本文借助Internet技术,就如何架构多媒体网络教学平台,给出了设计方案,涉及网络服务器架设、硬软件配置、网站开发、程序设计等方面的实现过程。

    Has this article with the aid of the Internet technology , how the paradigm multimedia network teaching platform , produced the design proposal , involves the network server to erect , hard aspect the and so on software configuration , website development , programming implementation process .

  28. 文章在介绍了UML基本知识后,以建模步骤为线索,围绕网络教学平台的设计与实现,给出了系统需求模型、静态结构模型和动态行为模型的详细UML描述。

    After introducing the basic contents of UML , the paper provides the UML description of the system requirements , the static structure model and dynamic behavioral model around the design and implementation of the network teaching platform .

  29. 作为网络教学平台中的一个子系统,本文介绍的作业系统是采用ASP脚本语言编程实现,系统实现了作业布置、解答、分析批改等各环节工作。

    As a subsystem in network instruction platform , the job system introduced in this paper is programmed by ASP script language . it implements all sections for the job arrangement , answer , remark and analysis .

  30. 文章提出了一个基于J2EE多层结构网络教学平台的设计方案,以解决现行网络教学平台存在的层次结构模糊、逻辑分工不明确、系统可扩展性差等问题。

    This paper proposes the web instruction platform based on J2EE multi-tier structure , aiming to solve some problems in other present web instruction platforms , such as indefinite tier structure , obscure logic assignment , weak expandability etc.