
  1. 而这两人也可以进入后方的运兵舱。

    These two crew members can access the troop compartment at the rear .

  2. 运兵船队的三艘船被击中。

    Three ships of the troop convoy were hit .

  3. 他们需要更为有效的运兵布阵方式。

    They needed a more effective way of using military forces in the field .

  4. “防御者”可执行如训练、指挥和控制、侦察、轻型攻击、反潜、运兵和后勤支援等人物。

    MD500MD fits for the missions like training , control command , light arming attack , anti-submarine , transportation airborne supply .

  5. 未来我们面临着高技术局部战争条件,战斗的快速机动使用装甲车和直升机运兵成为常规,使参战人员更多地暴露在振动、噪声环境下。

    In the future local war with high tech we will face with , the celerity of the war make it routine to carry the soldiers with armored vehicles and helicopters . Thus the staff entering a war are often exposed to noise and vibration environment .

  6. 美国的空军除替蒋介石运兵外,又炸沉了起义的重庆号巡洋舰⑷。无畏级重型巡洋舰有着一系列的设计缺陷,使它无法成为一种卓越的舰种。

    Besides transporting troops for Chiang Kai-shek , the U.S. air force bombed and sank the cruiser Chungking , which had mutinied against the Kuomintang . [ 4 ] The Dreadnaught is plagued by a number of design flaws that prevented it from becoming a preeminent ship of the line .